Occupational pensions, a hidden Swiss treasure

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swissinfo.ch (15.09.2017) Occupational pension plans, obligatory since 1985, have considerable economic and social significance in Switzerland. The savings, which are now managed by pension funds and insurance companies, far exceed gross domestic product (GDP) and the reserves of the Swiss National Bank (SNB). 

Regions / Country

Impact of the digital healthcare revolution on health insurance

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European Economic and Social Committee (20.09.2017) The EESC believes that equal access to healthcare, one of the main objectives of health policies, can benefit from digital support provided certain conditions are met: equal geographical coverage; bridging the digital divide; interoperability among the various components of the digital architecture (databases, medical devices); and protection of health data which must under no circumstances be used to the detriment of patients.

Service quality
Digital Economy Topical Cluster
Big Data
Business processes
Service delivery
Document Type

Macronisme, l’ubérisation de la protection sociale et l’Etat plateforme | Le Club de Mediapart

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Mediapart (01.10.2017) Macronisme, l’ubérisation de la protection sociale et l’Etat plateforme : Les dessous d’une disruption à la française. Analyse proposée par Matthieu Montalban, membre du comité d'animation des Économistes atterrés.

Regions / Country
Employment policies
Human resource management
Social policies & programmes
Digital Economy Topical Cluster
Economic impact
Labour market
Document Type

Frontier issues: Artificial intelligence and development - YouTube

Submitted by -filhon on
Technological transition
Digital Economy Topical Cluster
Digital Platforms
Economic impact
Labour market
Large-scale automation
Societal Impact

Elefante en la cristalería: ¿Cómo abordar la irrupción de las plataformas colaborativas?

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(BID/IADB, September 2017) Luego de generar una conmoción parecida a la de un elefante entrando en una cristalería, las plataformas colaborativas como Uber o Airbnb han pasado a ser parte de nuestra vida cotidiana. Millones han utilizado ya este tipo de estructuras digitales para facilitar su vida cotidiana: trasladarse, comprar comida o libros, procurar una pareja y hasta tener a alguien para acompañarle a hacer las compras. Sin embargo, en América Latina y el Caribe (ALC) el impacto aun es desigual, lo que genera dudas sobre su progreso y regulación apropiadas.


Regions / Country
latin america
Information and communication technology
Digital Economy Topical Cluster
Digital Platforms
Labour market
Digital Economy Observatory : Only Tags
Document Type

El papel de las plataformas en la revolución del mercado laboral

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(GOVUP, July 2017) La plataformización del trabajo es un concepto que, si bien es relativamente reciente, ha irrumpido con fuerza en el mercado laboral a nivel global. Si bien es cierto que nuestro marco normativo dista mucho de otras regulaciones, como la estadounidense, con distintos parámetros de contratación y, en definitiva, de relación laboral.

Regions / Country
Information and communication technology
Digital Economy Topical Cluster
Digital Platforms
Document Type

After Falcon Funds - Big PPM changes expected by June - Investment Europe

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Pension funds fraud in Swedish Premium pension framework

Regions / Country
Population ageing
Error, evasion and fraud
Document Type

India: Savings via DBT cross Rs 58k cr mark: Ravi Shankar Prasad

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 The Economic Times (28.09.2017)  Government has saved Rs 58,000 crore through the Direct Benefit Transfer (DBT) scheme used in various subsidy programmes, Union Minister Ravi Shankar Prasad said today. The electronics and IT minister said the government is utilising digital technology to bring about changes that benefit poor and underprivileged.

Regions / Country
Technological transition
Service delivery
Old_Global Challenges
Digital Economy Topical Cluster
Service delivery
Document Type

France: Présentation du PLFSS - Ce qui va changer dans les prestations familiales à la garde d'enfants

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20minutes (02.10.2017) Que l’on ait recours à une assistante maternelle ou que l’on place ses enfants en crèche : les modes de gardes des tout-petits ont un coût qui pèse sérieusement sur le budget des parents, un coût que nombre d’entre eux financent grâce aux prestations familiales. Mais le calcul de ces aides va être modifié. Le gouvernement, qui entend « faire du soutien aux familles les plus fragiles l’une de ses grandes priorités » a présenté ce jeudi son projet de loi de finances de la Sécurité sociale (PLFSS) 2018.

Regions / Country
Family benefits