Europe: Job retention schemes between the Great Recession and the COVID-19 crises

Submitted by pmassetti on (10.01.2023) Should we make SURE a permanent instrument? To answer this, one might look at whether SURE – as a loans-based financial instrument – has been effectively taken up by Member States and used to support Job Retention (JR) schemes and other similar measures.

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Migration and climate change – The role of social protection

Submitted by pmassetti on

ScienceDirect (2023) Social protection, as a vulnerability response tool, is well-placed to equip climate-vulnerable populations with resources that de-risk livelihoods and smooth consumption. This systematic literature review of 28 studies identifies evidence for how social protection has influenced beneficiaries’ migration decisions, experiences, and outcomes in the context of a changing climate, through cash transfers, public work programs, insurance, and health care.

Global challenges
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Korea to take drastic measures to tackle population decline

Submitted by pmassetti on (08.01.2023) The government will take drastic measures to tackle Korea's demographic crisis of its falling birthrate and rapidly aging society, said Na Kyung-won, head of the presidential committee on Aging Society and Population Policy, who floated the idea of writing off loans for married couples who give birth to children.

Regions / Country
korea, Republic of
Global challenges
Family benefits
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Social protection for people with disabilities in Europe: An analysis of policies in 35 countries - Employment, Social Affairs & Inclusion - European Commission

Submitted by pmassetti on

European Commission (03.01.2023) Principle 17 of the European Pillar of Social Rights (EPSR) emphasises the right of people with disabilities to “income support that ensures living in dignity” as well as “services that enable them to participate in the labour market and in society”. This Synthesis Report prepared by the European Social Policy Network (ESPN) describes and analyses the conditions under which persons with disabilities aged 18 years and above have effective access to social protection.

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The impact of using an income supplement to meet child poverty targets : evidence from Scotland

Submitted by pmassetti on (2022) In 2017 the Scottish Government passed the Child Poverty (Scotland) Act with the commitment to significantly reduce the relative child poverty rate from the current prevailing level of around 25% to 10% by 2030/31. In response, the government introduced the Scottish Child Payment (SCP) that provides a direct transfer to households at a fixed rate per eligible child – currently £25 per week. In this paper we explore, using a micro to macro modelling approach, the effectiveness of using the SCP to achieve the Scottish child poverty targets.

Regions / Country
united kingdom
Global challenges
Family benefits
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Accord entre la Tunisie et le Québec dans le domaine de la sécurité sociale | La Presse de Tunisie

Submitted by pmassetti on

La Tunisie est parvenue à un accord avec le Québec dans le domaine de la sécurité sociale, garantissant la couverture médicale et les pensions de vieillesse et d’invalidité au profit de la communauté tunisienne établie dans cette vile canadienne, a annoncé le ministère des Affaires sociales.

Study on Bilateral Labour and Social Security Agreements In North Africa

Submitted by pmassetti on

2018  - The purpose of this study is to undertake in-depth research on the different bilateral labour agreements and social security agreements in the North Africa sub-region, with particular emphasis on Egypt, Tunisia, and Morocco.

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The Evolution of Maternity and Paternity Leave Policies over Five Decades — a Global Analysis

Submitted by pmassetti on (2022) This research analyzes the evolution of maternity and paternity leave across the world, covering 190 countries over 52 years. The data show striking differences both within and between countries in how leave distribution for parents upon the birth of a child has evolved. The study finds that, across all regions, there have been notable increases in the number of leave days a mother can take.

Family benefits
Document Type

Next Generation government-to-person (G2P) Payments : Building Blocks of a Modern G2P Architecture

Submitted by pmassetti on (2022) As we move into an increasingly digital world, governments across the globe are leveraging new technologies to deliver services better, faster, and more transparently. Globally, over a quarter of adults are receiving payments from the government whether through public sector wages, pensions, sectoral subsidies, or social protection programs, an increase of 400 million from just four years earlier.

Global challenges


Digital Economy Topical Cluster
Service delivery
Document Type