Digitizing cash transfers to remote rural populations: challenges and solutions from the experience of Zambia

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.worldbank.org (30.09.2022) There is currently a major focus on digitization within African countries, with the interest of, on the one hand, increasing efficiency and lowering the cost-of-service delivery, and on the other hand, increasing financial inclusion for excluded parts of the population. Zambia provides an important case study of digitization of social protection transfers.

Regions / Country
Global challenges
Information and communication technology
Cash transfers
Digital Economy Topical Cluster
Service delivery
Document Type

Chile's Boric announces plan to end private pension system

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Windsor Star (02.11.2022) Chile’s President Gabriel Boric on Wednesday announced his long-awaited plan to reform the country’s controversial private pension system.  In a televised address, Boric said he was planning to end Chile’s Pension Fund Administrators (AFP) system in lieu of a new private-public social security system that would see new contributions from employers and the state. “The AFPs, in this reform, are finished,” Boric said, adding that new private entities would still be allowed to invest pension funds, but there will also be a public alternative.

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Document Type

Long-term care in the context of population ageing: a rights-based approach to universal coverage

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ILO Working paper 82. (Nov 2022)   With the acceleration of population ageing, the achieving of healthy ageing is becoming a global imperative and social protection policies and social security systems have an important role to play in this endeavour.

Global challenges

US: Using artificial intelligence to identify administrative errors in unemployment insurance

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Government Information Quarterly  (October 2022) Administrative errors in unemployment insurance (UI) decisions give rise to a public values conflict between efficiency and efficacy. We analyze whether artificial intelligence (AI) – in particular, methods in machine learning (ML) – can be used to detect administrative errors in UI claims decisions, both in terms of accuracy and normative tradeoffs. We use 16 years of US Department of Labor audit and policy data on UI claims to analyze the accuracy of 7 different random forest and deep learning models.

Regions / Country
United States
Global challenges
Digital Economy Topical Cluster
Big Data

Singapore Introduces New Healthcare Reform Plan

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aseanbriefing.com (21.10.2022) Singapore has recently announced a new healthcare reform plan that will shift the country’s healthcare strategy towards preventive care. The program is called Healthier SG and aims to provide a family physician and one health plan for every resident. The hope is that family doctors will develop strong relationships with their patients and play a more prominent role in preventive healthcare. The change in strategy comes because Singapore is fast becoming an aging society, with one in four residents aged 65 and above by 2030.

Regions / Country
Global challenges
Document Type

The Role of Digital in the COVID-19 Social Assistance Response

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worldbank.org (2022) The COVID-19 pandemic resulted in vast numbers of people in need of social assistance, many of whom were not previously covered by social safety nets. To meet this unprecedented level of need, governments quickly scaled social assistance reaching over 1.7 billion people in low- and middle income countries.

Global challenges
Information and communication technology


Digital Economy Topical Cluster
Service delivery
Document Type

The COVID-19 crisis showed the future of G2P payments should be digital. Here's why

Submitted by pmassetti on

worldbank.org (03.10.2022) The COVID-19 crisis highlighted how digital public infrastructure (DPI) can play a critical role for governments to deliver social assistance quickly and safely.  DPI not only allowed governments to reach an unprecedented number of new beneficiaries, it also allowed them to make payments to them remotely. This brought millions of people into the social protection and financial system for the first time.

Global challenges
Digital Economy Topical Cluster
Societal Impact
Document Type

Ireland. Government Pushes Ahead With Pension Auto Enrolment

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The government has approved the details of its new pension auto-enrolment scheme in what Minister for Social Protection Heather Humphreys described as a “generational reform” of the Irish pensions system. The General Scheme of the Automatic Enrolment Retirement Savings System has now been referred to the Joint Oireachtas Committee on Social Protection for pre-legislative scrutiny. If passed into law, the scheme will require workers to pay into a voluntary workplace pension scheme, co-funded by their employer and the state on an opt-out rather than an opt-in basis.

Access to Welfare in the Digital Economy in BRICS Countries

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vidhilegalpolicy.in (22.09.2022) Many governments now use digital technology for means testing. For instance, the US uses an Income Eligibility Verification System that links several databases to verify beneficiary income. It also uses a Prisoner Verification System linked to prisoners’ databases to exclude prisoners from benefits.

Regions / Country
Russian Federation
Digital Economy Topical Cluster
Societal Impact
Document Type