
Title Authored on Regions / Country Abstract measures summary Description/integral text (Internal-not for publishing) Topics Tags Status URL
US: Trump administration sent $1.4bn in stimulus checks to dead people United States

The Guardian (25.06.2020) US Government Accountability Office said almost 1.1 million dead people received payments of about $1,200 each

Error, evasion and fraud covid19 Published_SS_Monitor_covid19, Proposition_SS_Monitor… pmassetti
Iceland: Notification to Employers of Changes in Partial Benefit / Decreased Percentage iceland

Labor (28.04.2020) The option for full time workers to move to part-time with government support will be extended to 31 August, from its original finish date on 1 June. The livelihoods of tens of thousands of employees have been protected since this support measure took effect, but the…

The government extends through June its program of covering up to 75 percent of the pay of employees whose job ratio has been reduced. After the end of June, the government will cover up to 50 percent of their salary through August.

(Google translate) As of July 1 to August 31 will be s 

Unemployment, Cash transfers covid19, Emergency grants, youth employment Proposition_SS_Monitor_covid19, Published Measures summary… siha
Taiwan: Deferred payment of labor, insurance premiums and labor pension Taiwan, China

Labor Insurance Bureau of the Ministry of Labor (11.03.2020) From April 1, 2020 to September 30, 2020, the insured (withdrawn) unit and professional workers meet one of the conditions may apply to the Bureau for deferred payment of labor, insurance premiums and labor pension. The…

The insurance premium and labor retirement pension of 6 months of labor from February 2020 to July 2020 from the expiration date of the grace (limitation) period may be postponed for half a year. No late fees will be levied during this period.

1. The insured (withdrawn) unit and professional workers meet one of the following conditions. From April 1, 109 to September 30, 109, you may apply to the Bureau for deferred payment of labor, insurance premiums and labor pension. :
(1) Those who have been notified of the reduction of work b

Contribution collection and compliance, Shocks & extreme events contribution collection, covid19, economic crisis Proposition_SS_Monitor_covid19, Published Measures summary siha
Iceland: Payments in Quarantine iceland

The Directorate of Labor (27.04.2020) The Directorate of Labor handles the implementation of the Act on Temporary Payments for Persons Affected with Quarantine. The Act applies to payments to employers who have paid employees who are quarantined salaries during the period from February…

The Act on Temporary Payments for Persons Affected with Quarantine applies to payments to employers who have paid employees who are quarantined salaries during the period from February 1, 2020 to September 30, 2020. Employees who have quarantined but have not been paid by their employer can also…

(Google translate)

Employment, Cash transfers covid19, Emergency grants, self-employed, youth employment Proposition_SS_Monitor_covid19, Published Measures summary siha
Taiwan: Labor subsidy for self-employed workers or workers without a certain employer Taiwan, China

Labor Insurance Bureau of the Ministry of Labor (20.04.2020) The subsidy is paid to self-employed workers with nationality of the Republic of China or workers without a certain employer whose income is affected due to the impact of the epidemic in order to maintain their living needs. Each…

The subsidy is paid to self-employed workers with nationality of the Republic of China or workers without a certain employer whose income is affected due to the impact of the epidemic in order to maintain their living needs. Each person will receive a subsidy of 10,000 yuan per month, which…

Labor subsidy for self-employed workers or without certain employer

Cash transfers, Shocks & extreme events covid19, Emergency grants, self-employed Proposition_SS_Monitor_covid19, Published Measures summary siha
Kuwait: Amendments to the Insurance Law are in the interest of the citizen kuwait

Social Insurance Institution (21.06.2020) In context of the improvement in life rates in Kuwait and the decrease in death rates due to the development of health care, the Kuwaiti National Assembly approved a draft law amending some provisions of the…

the Kuwaiti National Assembly approved a draft law amending some provisions of the Social Insurance Law related to the replacement system, whereby the tables of the replacement value were modified so that the insured and the pensioners could obtain higher…

(Google translation) 

Amendments to the insurance law are in the interest of the citizen

The General Organization for Social Insurance a

Old-age pensions, Actuarial, Service quality adequacy, sustainability Published Measures summary… siha
Kuwait: Implementing the decision to postpone the payment of contribution kuwait

Social Insurance Institution (19.04.2020) The General Organization for Social Insurance announced that it has implemented the decision to postpone some of the amounts due according to the Social Insurance Law for a period of six months from 1 April 2020. The amounts of the deferred…

Social Insurance Institution (19.04.2020) The General Organization for Social Insurance announced that it has implemented the decision to postpone some of the amounts due according to the Social Insurance Law for a period of six months from 1 April 2020. The amounts of the deferred…

Implement the decision to postpone some of the amounts due according to the Social Security Law, and deposit the deducted amounts in the accounts of the beneficiaries today

Old-age pensions, Contribution collection and compliance, Shocks & extreme events contribution collection, covid19 Proposition_SS_Monitor_covid19, Published Measures summary… siha
Cuba: Protección para los autónomos y asistencia social cuba (03.06.2020) La Ministra de Trabajo y Seguridad Social puntualizó que, como ha informado el Ministerio de Finanzas y Precios (MFP), los trabajadores autónomos se acogen a varios beneficios entre los que sobresalen la prórroga del registro de contribuyentes, el aplazamiento del…

The Covid-19 related measures most used by self-employed workers include the extension of taxpayer registration, deferral of taxes and social security contributions and the suspension of social security payments for hired workers. They are also eligible for social…

Contribution collection and compliance, Social assistance contribution collection, covid19, self-employed Proposition_SS_Monitor_covid19, Published Measures summary… mmarquez
Cuba: Se mantienen las medidas de protección laboral y salarial frente al Covid-19 cuba (03.06.2020) Las medidas de protección laboral y salarial implementadas ante la situación epidemiológica provocada por la COVID-19 en el país se mantendrán, informó Marta Elena Feitó Cabrera, ministra de Trabajo y Seguridad Social, al intervenir este martes en el espacio televisivo…

All 36 measures related to job and salary protection are still in place. The salary replacement rate remains at 60% as of the second month, and teleworking practices are encouraged to stay, with currently 627,855 workers (22%) under this modality. Additionally, 40 thousand out of 142, 510 laid-…

Las medidas de protección laboral y salarial implementadas ante la situación epidemiológica provocada por la COVID-19 en el país se mantendrán, informó Marta Elena Feitó Cabrera, ministra de Trabajo y Seguridad Social, al intervenir este martes en el espacio televisivo de la Mesa Redonda.

Unemployment, Human resource management covid19, human resources Proposition_SS_Monitor_covid19, Published Measures summary… mmarquez
Cuba: Teams of doctors and nurses are sent to the hardest hit regions in Europe Europe (06.05.2020) Now, as the world grapples with another era-shaping catastrophe, Cuban doctors and nurses are on the ground once again, only this time in a less common location: Europe.

Today, an estimated 28,000 Cuban medical professionals ply their trade overseas,…

Health, Human resource management covid19, human resources Proposition_SS_Monitor_covid19… mmarquez
Antigua and Barbuda: Reopening of physical offices to the public antigua (19.05.2020) The Antigua & Barbuda Social Security Board wishes to advise the general public that its Registration Unit is opened. Registration is by appointment only. Our registration forms for employees, employers and self-employed persons can be accessed via our…

Re-opening of offices to the public by appointment only.

The Antigua & Barbuda Social Security Board wishes to advise the general public that its Registration Unit is opened. Registration is by appointment only. Our registration forms for employees, employers and self-employed persons can be accessed via our website. Persons are reminded to pay kee

Service delivery covid19, customer_services Proposition_SS_Monitor_covid19, Published Measures summary mmarquez
Israel: Temporary extension of period of eligibility for benefits recipients israel

National Insurance Institute of Israel (23.06.2020) National Insurance Institute have automatically extended the eligibility period of benefits recipients temporarily: The eligible recipients includes recipients of long-term care benefits, recipients of disability pension, disabled…

The eligibility period of benefits recipients has automatically extended temporarily: The eligible recipients includes recipients of long-term care benefits, recipients of disability pension, disabled child benefit and attendance benefits, recipients of a work disability pension, and recipients…

Temporary extension of period of eligibility for benefits recipients

Disability, Service delivery, Long-term care, Shocks & extreme events covid19, Emergency grants, service delivery Proposition_SS_Monitor_covid19, Published Measures summary… siha
Colombia: Desempleados continúan con acceso a salud colombia (05.06.2020) La expedición del Decreto 800 de 2020 tiene por objetivo garantizar el flujo de recursos a las EPS y otros aseguradores, así como a hospitales e IPS privadas pero, también garantiza el aseguramiento para aquellas personas que en el marco de la Emergencia…

With Decree 800 of 2020 guarantess health insurance coverage to persons who lost their jobs due to Covid-19 crisis and, consequently, the capacity to continue with their social security contributions to the health system. Certain qualifying conditions apply, such as having contributed with a…

Health, Cash sickness benefits, Unemployment coverage, covid19, self-employed Proposition_SS_Monitor_covid19, Published Measures summary mmarquez
Social Protection Response to the COVID-19 Crisis: Options for Developing Countries

Economics for Inclusive Prosperity (April 2020) We provide an overview of the policies that could form a comprehensive social protection strategy in developing countries, with examples of specific policies adopted around the developing world in recent days. Our core argument is that middle-…

Social assistance covid19 Published_SS_Monitor_covid19… pmassetti
Chile: Nuevos montos y cobertura del beneficio Ingreso Familiar de Emergencia 2.0 chile (15.06.2020) Nuevo Plan de Emergencia es anunciado por el gobierno en donde aumentaría a 100.000 pesos el Bono Familiar de Emergencia por integrante, alcanzando un universo de 2.1 Millones de hogares beneficiarios. ¿En que consiste las mejoras del nuevo Bono…

New Emergency Plan is announced by the government which would increase to 100,000 pesos the Family Emergency Bonus per member, reaching a universe of 2.1 million beneficiary households. The socio-economic focus section has been expanded: from 60% to 80% of greater vulnerability in the short…

Nuevo Plan de Emergencia es anunciado por el gobierno en donde aumentaría a 100.000 pesos el Bono Familiar de Emergencia por integrante, alcanzando un universo de 2.1 Millones de hoga

Family benefits, Social assistance, Cash transfers covid19, family Published_SS_Monitor_covid19, Published Measures summary… cambrosio
S. Korea: NPS operated community treatment centers and temporary housing korea, Republic of (12.03.2020)

At the outset of the virus infection, Daegu saw the largest increase in the number of confirmed cases of COVID-19. Therefore, NPS offered its facilities to be used as community treatment centers and was entrusted by Central Disaster…

NPS offered its facilities to be used as community treatment centers and was entrusted by Central Disaster Management Headquarters with the management of Gyeonggi International 2 Community Treatment Center that hosted patients from abroad that have relatively mild…

Health, Housing covid19 Published Measures summary… cambrosio
S. Korea: Use of cutting-edge ICT capabilities to support controlling the spread of the virus korea, Republic of

NPS maintained coordination with the government to overcome the pandemic that has escalated to a national disaster, while leading the effort to put an end to the outbreak as a social security institution by utilizing its ICT capabilities to…

NPS is utilizing its ICT capabilities to conduct self-monitoring of people from abroad. Additionally, it implemented the use of cutting-edge ICT…

Information and communication technology covid19 Published Measures summary cambrosio
S. Korea: relief of contribution burden for insured korea, Republic of

National Pension Service of Korea introduced the relief of contribution burden for insured:
Expansion of contribution exemption for the insured: 

National Pension Service of Korea introduced the relief of contribution burden for insured:
Expansion of contribution exemption for the insured: 

Contribution collection and compliance covid19 Published Measures summary cambrosio
Denmark: One-time grant of DKK 1,000 denmark

Ministry of employment (16.06.2020) A tax-free one-time grant of DKK 1,000 is paid to beneficiaries who were fully or partially publicly supported by a public income transfer in the month of April. The grant is not offset by the citizen's public benefits.

A tax-free one-time grant of DKK 1,000 is paid to beneficiaries who were fully or partially publicly supported by a public income transfer in the month of April. The grant is not offset by the citizen's public benefits.

Overview: These individuals are eligible for a one-time grant of DKK 1,000.

Cash transfers covid19, economic crisis Proposition_SS_Monitor_covid19, Published Measures summary… siha
Sweden: New measures to strengthen care of the elderly and health care during the COVID-19 crisis sweden (12.05.2020)  The COVID-19 pandemic has affected an already strained staffing situation for health and social care, not least in care of the elderly. To improve the supply of staff and make it more attractive to seek jobs in care of the elderly, a boost for care of…

Employees in care of the elderly will be offered paid education and training during working hours. Central government will finance the costs for the time the employee is absent due to studies. The initiative comprises SEK 2.2 billion in 2020 and 2021.

As a consequence of the COVID-19 pandemic, the Government, the Centre Party and the Liberal Party are today presenting new measures. A boost for care of the elderly is being implemented that means that employees in care of the elderly will be offered paid education and training during working hou

Employment, Employment of young workers, Long-term care covid19, human resources, youth employment Proposition_SS_Monitor_covid19, Published Measures summary… siha
Sweden: Unemployed people matched to green industries sweden (27.05.2020) The Government is investing to assist the green industries in the absence of foreign seasonal workers. SEK 11 million is being invested to facilitate the matching of unemployed people to the green industries.

The horticulture and forestry industries are…

The Government is investing to assist the green industries in the absence of foreign seasonal workers. SEK 11 million is being invested to facilitate the matching of unemployed people to the green industries. An existing Swedish Agency for Economic and Regional Growth mandate, in which the…

Unemployed people matched to green industries

Published 27 May 2020

The Government is investing to assist the green industries in the absence of foreign seasonal workers. SEK 11 million is being invested to facilitate the matching of unemployed people to the green industries.

Employment, Employment of young workers covid19, youth employment Proposition_SS_Monitor_covid19, Published Measures summary… siha
Moldova: amendment to the Law on the State Social Insurance Budget for 2020 and increase of expenses moldova, Republic of (21.04.2020)

Under these circumstances, the Government's priority was and remains the full payment of the established pensions and social benefits. In the context of the establishment of the state of emergency on the territory of the Republic of Moldova, the…

The Law on the State Social Insurance Budget for 2020 was amended by specifying the incomes and expenditures, in order to carry out the measures laid down and to ensure the non-disturbance of the insurance process with social payments for the beneficiaries.

Pensions, Financing covid19 Proposition_SS_Monitor_covid19, Published Measures summary cambrosio
Moldova: increase in the unemployment benefit and extension of coverage moldova, Republic of (21.04.2020)

There has been an increase in the amount of unemployment benefit by almost 55% and the extension of eligibility criteria for unemployment benefits. The large number of labour migrants returned to the country after losing their jobs abroad will be automatically…

There has been an increase in the amount of unemployment benefit by almost 55% and the extension of eligibility criteria for unemployment benefits. The large number of labour migrants returned to the country after losing their jobs abroad will be automatically entitled to this social allowance.…

Unemployment coverage, covid19, extending coverage, self-employed Published Measures summary cambrosio
Finland: Shorter daily commuting distance for commuting and relocation allowance finland

Ministry of Social Affairs and Health (11.06.2020) The commuting and relocation allowance will be temporarily available to persons who work full-time and whose daily commute at the start of employment takes at least two hours instead of the three hours currently required. The allowance can…

The commuting and relocation allowance will be temporarily available to persons who work full-time and whose daily commute at the start of employment takes at least two hours instead of the three hours currently required. The allowance can also be paid to persons who move because of a job a…

The commuting and relocation allowance will be temporarily available to persons who work full-time and whose daily commute at the start of employment takes at least two hours instead of the three hours currently required. The allowance can also be paid to persons who move because of a job a dista

Employment, Shocks & extreme events covid19, labour markets Proposition_SS_Monitor_covid19, Published Measures summary… siha
Finland: Increase in the exempt amount of unemployment security finland

Ministry of Social Affairs and Health (11.06.2020) The exempt amount of the unemployment benefit will be temporarily raised from the current EUR 300 to EUR 500 per month (i.e., from EUR 279 to EUR 465 per four calendar weeks). The exempt amount means the amount…

The exempt amount of the unemployment benefit will be temporarily raised from the current EUR 300 to EUR 500 per month (i.e., from EUR 279 to EUR 465 per four calendar weeks). The exempt amount means the amount unemployed jobseekers can earn without an effect on…

The exempt amount of the unemployment benefit will be temporarily raised. Eligibility for commuting and relocation allowance for full-time work will be temporarily amended by decreasing the distance required for daily commuting.

The Act on Temporary Derogations from the Unemployment Secur

Employment, Shocks & extreme events covid19, labour markets Proposition_SS_Monitor_covid19, Published Measures summary… siha