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Bolivia: Bono Familia ampliado socpro

abi (05.04.2020) The national government regulated the health guidelines, the prioritization of economic resources, and expanded the payment of the Family Bonus to students with disabilities in the public system, in addition to carrying out a communication strategy, through the promulgation of Supreme Decree 4205 that regulates Law 1293 for the Prevention, Containment and Treatment of the Infection by the coronavirus COVID-19.

covid19, Non-contributory Disability, Family benefits, Social assistance, Cash transfers bolivia
Policy Responses to COVID-19 socpro covid19 Family benefits austria
Duque anunció reconexión de agua a población vulnerable y giro adicional a familias en acción socpro covid19 Housing, Social assistance colombia
Real Decreto-ley 6/2020, de 10 de marzo, por el que se adoptan determinadas medidas urgentes en el ámbito económico y para la protección de la salud pública socpro covid19 Housing, Social assistance spain
From masks to gender restrictions, Latin America and Caribbean tighten coronavirus measures socpro covid19 Cash sickness benefits el Salvador
Real Decreto-ley 7/2020, de 12 de marzo, por el que se adoptan medidas urgentes para responder al impacto económico del COVID-19. socpro covid19 Food and nutrition spain
Food packages will be distributed to homes socpro covid19 Food and nutrition, Service delivery, Social assistance dominican republic
Real Decreto-ley 6/2020, de 10 de marzo, por el que se adoptan determinadas medidas urgentes en el ámbito económico y para la protección de la salud pública socpro covid19 Social assistance, Financing spain
Distribution of food at specific centers socpro covid19 Food and nutrition, Service delivery, Social assistance dominican republic
Medidas lanzado por el presidente socpro covid19 Unemployment, Extension of coverage ecuador
Advanced payment of old-age pensions socpro covid19 Old-age pensions, Contribution collection and compliance, Old-age pensions costa rica
Colombia: Reducción temporal al aporte a pensiones socpro (12.05.2020) Suspension of pension contributions for workers and employers for a period of three months, guaranteeing the payment of provisional insurance of 3% (of which 75% is covered by the employer, and 25% by the employee; self-employed persons cover all 3%). Under normal circumstances, the pension contribution is 16%, with the employer contributing 12% and the employee contributing the remaining 4%. If a business made payments and discounts for the month of April 2020, before the issuance of decree 558 (on April 15th), the highest discounted value must be calculated and returned to the employee. If a business made FSP payments, the highest discounted value should be calculated and returned to the employee and withholding must be recalculated at the practiced source, since its base is modified with this change.

covid19, self-employed Old-age pensions, Contribution collection and compliance colombia
Food packages to be delivered to poor and vulnerable housedholds socpro covid19 Food and nutrition, Social assistance costa rica
Contribución solidaria de funcionarios y contratistas socpro covid19 Employment colombia
Medidas lanzado por el presidente socpro covid19 Health, Extension of coverage ecuador
COVID19: Distribución de kits de alimentos socpro covid19 Food and nutrition, Social assistance paraguay
COVID-19: El Gobierno Nacional anuncia medidas económicas y sociales para afrontar el coronavirus socpro covid19 Cash transfers, Social assistance, Old-age pensions paraguay
Gobierno hará transferencias monetarias a 330.000 familias para compra de alimentos socpro covid19 Food and nutrition, Social assistance paraguay
Medidas lanzado por el presidente socpro covid19 Housing ecuador
Cuenta Nacional de Asistencia Humanitaria socpro covid19 Social assistance, Financing ecuador
Bono independente incremento socpro covid19 Employment, Social assistance peru
Labour Minister: Guidelines coming soon on pandemic leave socpro covid19 Cash sickness benefits trinidad and tobago
Bono CONFIEP para vendedores ambulantes socpro covid19 Employment, Social assistance peru
Media Conference on COVID-19 – Monday 23rd March 2020 socpro covid19 Old-age pensions trinidad and tobago
Bolivia: Extended Family Bonus socpro

Los Tiempos (08.04.2020) Extended Family Bonus. A financial aid to all families who have children in public schools --- from pre-kindergarten through high school. The "Family Bonus" consisting of Bs 500 per child.

covid19, Non-contributory Family benefits bolivia