Global Challenges search
Title | Abstract | Tags | Topics | Regions / Country | |
Retiro extraordinario de hasta S/ 2 000,00- SPP | socpro | covid19 | Old-age pensions | peru | |
Brazilian government will identify informal workers using a mobile app | socpro | covid19 | Unemployment, Innovation capacity, Interoperability | brazil | |
Bono independente | socpro | covid19 | Cash transfers, Social assistance | peru | |
DECRETO DE URGENCIA Nº 033-2020 | socpro | covid19 | Unemployment | peru | |
Programa Ingreso Solidario | socpro | covid19 | Cash transfers, Social assistance | colombia | |
Decreto de Urgencia N° 026-2020-EF | socpro | covid19 | Health, Cash transfers | peru | |
Distrito no cobraría un mes de servicios públicos | socpro | covid19 | Housing, Social assistance | colombia | |
Sickness leave to old-age workers | socpro | covid19 | Cash sickness benefits | uruguay | |
Cash transfer "Bogotá Solidaria en Casa" | socpro | covid19 | Cash transfers, Family benefits, Social assistance | colombia | |
Benefit to registered independent workers or micro-employers | socpro | covid19 | Cash transfers | uruguay | |
Gobierno le dará alimentación a más de un millón de hogares con niños | socpro | covid19 | Food and nutrition, Family benefits, Social assistance | colombia | |
Doubling of social benefits | socpro | covid19 | Cash transfers, Cash transfers, Social assistance | uruguay | |
Más de 50.000 víctimas recibirán anticipadamente indemnizaciones | socpro | covid19 | Old-age pensions, Contribution collection and compliance, Social assistance | colombia | |
Plan de alimentación | socpro | covid19 | Food and nutrition, Cash transfers, Social assistance | uruguay | |
Víctimas priorizadas recibirán dos ayudas humanitarias por adelantado | socpro | covid19 | Cash transfers, Social assistance | colombia | |
Decreto de Urgencia N° 026-2020-EF | socpro | covid19 | Cash sickness benefits | peru | |
School feeding in Chile | socpro | covid19 | Food and nutrition, Social assistance | chile | |
"DECRETO DE URGENCIA Nº 033-2020" | socpro | covid19 | Unemployment | peru | |
British virgin islands: Water Charges Suspended For One Month | socpro | Government of the Virgin Islands (24.03.2020) Water and Sewerage customers across the Territory have been given a month’s suspension in payment of their water charges.
covid19, housing | Housing, Social assistance | british Virgin Islands |
Argentina: Programa de Asistencia de Emergencia al Trabajo y la Producción- ATP | socpro | (01.04.2020) Sistema integral de prestaciones por desempleo: las y los trabajadores que reúnan los requisitos previstos en las Leyes Nros. 24.013 y 25.371 accederán a una prestación económica por desempleo conforme las consideraciones estipuladas en el artículo 11 del presente decreto. Los componentes centrales del programas son: a. Postergación o reducción de hasta el NOVENTA Y CINCO POR CIENTO (95%) del pago de las contribuciones |
Contributory, covid19 | Unemployment | argentina |
Minister Faber confirms school closures on COVID-19 | socpro | covid19 | Children, Social assistance, Food and nutrition | belize | |
Bolivia: Decreto Supremo N° 4200 artículo 10 | socpro | Gaceta Oficial (25.03.2020) The government will cover all home electricity bills that are equal to or less than 120 pesos bolivianos for the months of April, May, and June 2020--over 120 bolivianos, the consumer must pay it all. Furthermore, the government will also pay for 50% of all home water bills for the months of April, May, and June 2020 as a response to the sanitary state of emergency and quarantine due to COVID-19. |
covid19, Non-contributory | Housing, Social assistance | bolivia |
Policy Responses to COVID-19 | socpro | covid19 | Unemployment | austria | |
Bolivia: El Gobierno inyectará Bs 156 millones a la economía | socpro | PERIODICO BOLIVIA (05.04.2020) The Minister of Public Works, Services and Housing, Iván Arias, reported that the Government will inject Bs 156 million into the economy of the city of El Alto through the Family and Family Basket bonds, for the total quarantine stage. The municipality of El Alto, headed by the mayor Soledad Chapetón, also distributes a bonus of Bs 200 per year to 34 thousand pre-school children. |
covid19, Non-contributory | Family benefits, Social assistance, Cash transfers, Financing | bolivia |
The Lower Austrian Chamber of Commerce has set up a "Corona Hotline" | socpro | covid19, Non-contributory | Maternity, Parental leave, Family benefits | austria |