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The Government approved the measure for supporting employers and workers in difficulties because of the corona virus socpro covid19 Employment estonia
Kosovo COVID-19: Emergency Fiscal Measures Package socpro covid19 Unemployment kosovo
Finland announces €15bn support package to prop up economy socpro covid19 Unemployment finland
Minister of Finance and Transfers Besnik Bislimi takes decision on protective measures for pension scheme beneficiaries socpro covid19 Old-age pensions kosovo
Finland announces €15bn support package to prop up economy socpro covid19 Unemployment finland
Kosovo COVID-19: Emergency Fiscal Measures Package socpro covid19 Employment kosovo
Finland announces €15bn support package to prop up economy socpro covid19 Unemployment finland
Malta Government unveils Coronavirus financial aid package socpro covid19, Non-contributory Housing malta
France boosts financial aid for small businesses hit by Covid-19 socpro covid19 Cash transfers france
Malta Government unveils Coronavirus financial aid package socpro covid19, Non-contributory Unemployment malta
Sick Pay and Layoff Terms During COVID-19 socpro covid19 Cash sickness benefits france
Malta Government unveils Coronavirus financial aid package socpro covid19, Non-contributory Employment malta
Мониторинг принятых государствами-членами ЕАЭС мер, направленных на преодоление негативных последствий распространения коронавирусной инфекции (COVID-2019) socpro covid19, Non-contributory Cash sickness benefits belarus
China’s health insurance reimburses online consultations socpro covid19 Health china
Self-employed workers can request a 1-year deferral of the payment of provisional social contributions socpro covid19, Contributory Unemployment belgium
China implements increasing use of online platforms for social security services socpro covid19 Health china
The BCEAO takes strategic measures to boost e-payment socpro covid19, Non-contributory Service delivery benin
China increases layoff rate threshold for refunding unemployment insurance contribution socpro covid19 Unemployment china
НОИ: Срокът на изплащане на отпуснатите инвалидни пенсии се удължава служебно заради извънредното положение (NSSI: The disability pension disbursement period is being extended ex officio due to the state of emergency) socpro covid19, Contributory Old-age pensions bulgaria
China provides unemployment social assistance for affected workers socpro covid19 Unemployment china
Bulgaria’s Labour Minister: More than 61 000 lost their jobs since State of Emergency began socpro covid19, Non-contributory Unemployment bulgaria
China halves health insurance contribution socpro covid19 Health china
Bulgaria to give 1000 leva a month extra to all medical professionals on frontline against Covid-19 socpro covid19, Non-contributory Health bulgaria
China reduces or waives employer contribution for old-age, unemployment and employment injury. socpro covid19 Old-age pensions china
Policy Responses to COVID-19 socpro covid19, Non-contributory Service delivery bulgaria