Cash transfer "Bogotá Solidaria en Casa"

Submitted by socpro on Fri, 05/22/2020 - 16:58
measures summary

A program called “Bogotá Solidaria En Casa” will provide poor and vulnerable families of the District with cash for the 23-day quarantine (03/25-04/13) to prevent them to have to get out their home to a daily subsistence income. The transfer is estimated to cover ~70% of their expenditure. Conditions and requirements include comply with quarantine and not having been reported of domestic violence. It will benefit 500,000 families (350,000 ‘poor’ and 150,000 ‘vulnerable’ ones) identified via 2018 Census, SISBEN, and District’s own data (plus data from cell phone operators). Transfer includes COP 423,000 ($286) for the poor, COP 178,000 for the vulnerable ($120).

Measure date
Regions / Country
