Global Challenges search
Title | Abstract | Tags | Topics | Regions / Country | |
Malta: Social protection makes up one third of total government expenditure | monitor | Independent (28.01.2016) In 2014 Social protection accounted for 31.8 per cent of total General Government expenditure, followed by expenditure on General public services, Health and Education, the NSO. |
published | Financing | malta |
EHCI: European healthcare steadily improving | monitor | (28.01.2016) European healthcare is steadily improving, in spite of alarm bells about financial crisis austerity measures, aging population and migration turmoil. Survival rates of heart disease, stroke and cancer are all increasing. Infant mortality, perhaps the most descriptive single indicator, keeps going down. This is a main conclusion from the 2015 Euro Health Consumer Index (EHCI) |
published | Health | european union |
Family planning, demographic change and poverty: A call for action | monitor | (27.01.2016) More than 3,500 people, including Presidents and Prime Ministers, have gathered in Bali this week for the fourth International Conference on Family Planning . The unmet need for family planning is an urgent human right and development issue. We’ve no more time to lose! |
published | Family benefits | |
España: El paro cierra 2015 con una bajada récord: 678.200 desempleados menos | monitor | El País (28.01.2016) El número de desempleados vive la mayor caída de la serie histórica y la tasa de desempleo se sitúa en el 20,9%. En España todavía hay 4.779.500 personas desocupadas |
published | Unemployment | spain |
[Blog] Maroc: Une révolution sociale - La couverture maladie et la retraite généralisées | monitor | La Nouvelle Tribune (27.01.2016) Le dernier Conseil du Gouvernement a approuvé le projet de loi relatif à la couverture sociale pour les travailleurs non salariés. Il s’agit d’une véritable révolution qui est presque passée inaperçue tant la presse s’est concentrée sur les deux autres réformes d’importance qui portent sur le redressement du régime de retraite de la CMR pour les fonctionnaires et l’introduction d’une assurance obligatoire pour les étudiants. Une révolution sociale d’autant que celle-ci consiste en la mise en œuvre d’une assurance maladie et d’une retraite obligatoire pour tous les non salariés quelle que soit leur appartenance socio-professionnelle. La CNSS est chargée de la mise en place et la gestion de ce nouveau régime, M. Saïd Ahmidouch, son Directeur général nous en parle dans l’interview qui suit. |
extending coverage, published | Health, Health insurance, Extension of coverage | morocco |
France: Quelle protection sociale pour les travailleurs ubérisés? | monitor | Challenges (27.01.2016) Guillaume Cairou réagit sur la piste d'un assouplissement du portage salarial, afin de faciliter l'entrepreneuriat individuel et permettre aux travailleurs ubérisés de bénéficier d'une protection sociale. |
extending coverage, published | Extension of coverage, Inequalities | france |
EU: Cross-border Commuting: So near and yet so far | monitor | IPE Magazine (27.01.2016) Gail Moss outlines a new project to aid pensions communication for the 100,000 daily cross-border commuters in the Limburg trinational region |
migration, published | Pensions, Migration | european union |
Ireland:Two weeks of paid paternity leave to be made law | monitor | IrishTimes(26.01.2016)The Government will today agree to legislate to allow for fathers to take two weeks’ paid paternal leave. |
published | Family benefits | ireland |
Malta gains 81 points in study on healthcare systems across Europe | monitor | MaltaToday (26.01.2016) A study into Europe’s healthcare systems has ranked Malta in the 23rd place, up four places over 2014. |
published | Health | malta |
Social Protection fraud control steps save €500m | monitor | Irish Examiner (26.01.2016) The Department of Social Protection expects to have saved close to €500m through fraud control measures last year, while almost 600 people are before the courts on charges related to suspected welfare fraud. |
published | Error, evasion and fraud | ireland |
Low interest rates challenge EU pensions: watchdog | monitor | Reuters (26.01.2016) An extended period of low interest rates will create significant challenges to the resilience of EU defined benefit occupational pensions, the EU's insurance and pensions watchdog EIOPA said on Tuesday. |
published | Financing | european union |
Recognize risk differences for men and women in social protection policies | monitor | (26.01.2016) Applying a gender lens to social protection policies is necessary to reduce inequality between men and women and make development more inclusive. This is the main message from a new paper by Julie Newton for INCLUDE, ‘Making Social Protection Gender Sensitive for Inclusive Development in Sub-Saharan Africa’. |
family_gender_society, published | Family benefits, Inequalities | Africa |
France: Jeunes - les propositions de l'Igas pour adapter leur protection sociale | monitor | Vie-publique (25.01.2016) Le rapport 2015 de l’Inspection générale des affaires sociales (Igas), remis en janvier 2016 au président de la République, au Parlement et au gouvernement, a pour thème la protection sociale des 11 millions de jeunes de 16 à 29 ans. |
youth employment, published | Employment of young workers | france |
Suisse: Santé - Nouveau combat pour faire baisser les prix des génériques | monitor | La Tribune de Genève (25.01.2016) Ces médicaments restent près de deux fois plus chers en Suisse qu’à l’étranger. Alain Berset veut agir. |
published | Health, Financing | switzerland |
La France indemnise-t-elle mieux les chômeurs que ses voisins ? | monitor | Le Monde (20.01.2016) Lors de ses vœux « aux acteurs de l’entreprise et de l’emploi », lundi 18 janvier, au Conseil économique, social et environnemental (CESE), François Hollande a joué une nouvelle carte contre le chômage. Le président a présenté un plan massif de nouvelles formations pour 500 000 demandeurs d’emploi. |
megatrends, published | Unemployment | france |
[Interview] Health and safety at work: Priorities and gender challenges | monitor | EurActiv (22.01.2016) ETUI Senior Researcher Aida Ponce talks to ETUC Confederal Secretary Esther Lynch about the priorities and gender challenges that employees face at their workplace. |
published | Occupational accidents and diseases | european union |
Vietnam: Occupational diseases are weakening Ho Chi Minh City workforce | monitor | Thanh Nien Daily (21.01.2016) New data released by health officials in Ho Chi Minh City this week have once again laid bare the problem of poor working conditions in Vietnam and how they are debilitating the workforce. |
published | Occupational accidents and diseases | vietnam |
[Opinion] Americans Don't Get Universal Health Care, But They Might As Well Be Paying For It | monitor | Medical Daily (21.01.2016) The issue of universal health care has loomed over the U.S. for years. But with rising health care costs, the enactment of the Affordable Care Act (more commonly known as Obamacare ), and an increasingly tense presidential race, the debate is becoming inescapable. Despite the country’s ever-divided political stance, the fact is the U.S. is one of the only developed nations without a universal health care system. And while most of the population believes this is because health care is primarily privately funded, they’re wrong. |
extending coverage, published | Health, Health insurance, Extension of coverage | United States |
France: Le Conseil constitutionnel limite l’accès au tiers payant | monitor | Le Monde (22.01.2016) Le conflit qui oppose depuis des mois une partie des médecins libéraux à la ministre de la santé, Marisol Touraine, pourrait bien se solder par un match nul. Saisi par les parlementaires d’opposition, le Conseil constitutionnel a invalidé, jeudi 21 janvier, une partie du dispositif du tiers payant généralisé, la mesure phare du projet de loi de santé qui prévoyait, d’ici à fin 2017, une dispense d’avance de frais intégrale pour les consultations chez un médecin généraliste ou un spécialiste. |
published | Health, Financing | france |
[Opinion] France: Quelle protection sociale à l'heure d'Uber? | monitor | (19.01.2016) "Ubérisation", économie "collaborative"... comment gérer la protection sociale demain ? Par François Charpentier |
published | france | |
[Opinión] Por qué los economistas se ocupan primero de la salud | monitor | El País /07.01.2016) La pregunta no es si la cobertura médica universal es valiosa, eso ya lo sabemos, sino cómo convertirla en realidad |
extending coverage, published | Health, Health insurance, Extension of coverage | |
UK: NHS funding is falling behind European neighbours' average, research finds | monitor | The Guardian (21.01.2016) Britain’s spending on its health service is falling by international standards and, by 2020, will be £43bn less a year than the average spent by its European neighbours, according to research by the King’s Fund. |
published | Health, Financing | |
EU: Ready for the Demographic Revolution? Measuring Active Ageing | monitor | Europa/News (14.01.2016) Across the EU, the number of older people is increasing – particularly fast, when it comes to people over 80 – and the number of young and working-age people is decreasing. Many regard this as a problem, particularly if they see older people as a burden. |
published | Old-age pensions | european union |
France: Des experts veulent une réforme "ambitieuse" de la protection sociale | monitor | (20.01.2016) Le Conseil d'analyse économique (CAE), organisme rattaché au premier ministre, propose notamment de plafonner les dépenses de santé restant à la charge des patients. |
published | Health | france |
[Report] World Employment and Social Outlook – Trends 2016: Global unemployment projected to rise in both 2016 and 2017 | monitor | (19.01.2016) Continuing high rates of unemployment worldwide and chronic vulnerable employment in many emerging and developing economies are still deeply affecting the world of work, warns a new ILO report. |
megatrends, published | Unemployment |