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Ministère de la sécurité et de la protection civile : Les textes régissant les services de la sécurité et de la protection sociale au Mali compilés monitor (16.05.2016) Le ministère de la Sécurité et de la Protection civile dispose désormais d’un document  composé de textes législatifs et réglementaires régissant les services de sécurité et protection sociale au Mali. Ce document contient 356 textes et documents généraux indispensables à l’exercice des missions des services de sécurité et de protection civile.

published mali
Algérie: Le système des retraites fragilisé monitor

El Watan (16.05.216) Pour M. Azzi, il ne faudrait pas lier les problèmes de la cotisation aux ressources de l’Etat. «L’argent de la Sécurité sociale n’est pas l’argent de l’Etat.

published Pensions algeria
Part-time work: A divided Europe monitor

Europa (04.05.2016) An increasing number of Europeans are working part-time. This can be a positive development if it means that people can choose more freely the balance between work and other pursuits – and between income and leisure – or if it brings employment opportunities to people who were previously excluded from the labour market: such as mothers, older workers, and students.

megatrends, published
Commission proposes to protect workers better from cancer-causing chemicals monitor

Europa (13.05.2016) Cancer is the first cause of work-related deaths in the EU, accounting for 53% of the total. The number of deaths attributed to occupational cancer in the EU is reported to be around 102,000 per year.

published Occupational accidents and diseases
India’s first national social security platform to be developed by DeitY monitor

The Economic Times (17.05.2016) India's first national social security platform will be developed by the Department of Electronics and Information Technology (DeitY), which has been entrusted with the task following the intervention of the Prime Minister's Office to end the tug of war between three central ministries.

published Information and communication technology india
Launch of the European Platform Tackling Undeclared Work monitor

European Commission (17.05.2016) On 27 May 2016 the European Platform to enhance cooperation in tackling undeclared work will be launched in Brussels.

published Error, evasion and fraud, Governance and administration european union
Nigeria: 'States Key to Effective Health Insurance in Nigeria' monitor (17.05.2016) Health insurance cannot work in the country without the involvement of states and local government areas, the Acting Executive Secretary of the National Health Insurance Scheme (NHIS) , Mr Olufemi Akingbade has said.

extending coverage, published Health, Health insurance, Extension of coverage nigeria
Maroc: Protection sociale - Les femmes toujours victimes des «traditions» monitor

L'Economiste (13.05.2016) En dépit des efforts menés depuis quelques années, les discriminations à l’égard des femmes ont la peau dure.

megatrends, published morocco
France: L'Urssaf déclenche l'arme atomique contre Uber monitor

Les Echos (17.10.2016) Deux procédures ont été lancées en Ile-de-France contre la société de VTC. Elles visent à faire reconnaître à ses chauffeurs le statut de salarié.

published Governance and administration france
France: Les cinq chiffres indispensables que vous devez connaître sur la dépendance monitor (14.05.2016) Le vieillissement de la population va accroître les besoins en matière de dépendance. Un seul exemple: la population âgée de plus de 75 ans va augmenter de 72% d'ici 2060.

published france
France: Médicaments : l'Assurance maladie s'intéresse aux startups pour dépenser moins monitor (12.05.2016) La Caisse nationale d'assurance maladie (Cnam) veut "accompagner la création de services ou d'applications numériques innovantes au service du bon usage du médicament". Lors d'un "hackathon santé", mardi, elle a mis un coup de projecteur sur cinq startups travaillant sur l'amélioration de l'observance et l'optimisation des prescriptions de médicaments. Des solutions qui lui permettraient de réaliser des économies.

published Health, Information and communication technology france
UK: Occupational health in construction - work in progress monitor

SHP Online (12.04.2016) In recent years the construction industry – and notably electrical contracting – has made significant, and in some cases, remarkable, progress with on-site safety. While safety remains an operational priority, the occupational health of workers is not always managed as effectively.

published Occupational accidents and diseases
Angola's Ailing National Health System Hit By Oil Price Cuts monitor

New Vision (16.05.2016) "The health system worked better during the war because humanitarian organisations helped us."

economic crisis, published Health, Health insurance, Inequalities angola
Venezuela's health system collapses with economy monitor

Houston Chronicle (15.05.2016) The economic crisis in this country has exploded into a public health emergency, claiming the lives of untold numbers of Venezuelans. It is just part of a larger unraveling here that has become so widespread it has prompted President Nicolás Maduro to impose a state of emergency and has raised fears of a government collapse.

economic crisis, published Health, Service quality venezuela
The Right to Employment and Social Protection in Rural Settings: The example of the Indian MGNREGA monitor (09.05.2016) The Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Act (MGNREGA) has received attention for its rights-based approach to providing social protection. It is a public employment guarantee scheme designed to provide employment and basic income security to the rural working-age population in India, as well as improve their livelihoods through the development of durable assets.

rural world, extending coverage, published Extension of coverage, Social policies & programmes india
[Analyse] À propos de la Sécurité sociale française. La Sécu est-elle toujours un [bien commun] ? monitor

Ethique Publique (mai 2016) La Sécurité sociale fête ses 70 ans. D’aucuns n’oseraient évoquer la fin de cette institution tellement elle est inscrite dans le patrimoine de notre nation. La « Sécu » a atteint ce statut particulier de [bien commun], sans que débat il y ait ! Pourtant, c’est cette absence de débat sur ses fondements qui risque de mettre un terme à son devenir et à toutes formes de démocratie sociale. La Sécu est-elle toujours un [bien commun] ? Cette contribution pose les bases d’un débat qui n’a que trop attendu, livre un regard autodidacte, et suggère des liens entre maintien de la cohésion sociale et rénovation démocratique. À travers l’exploration de son histoire, du sens voulu par le Conseil national de la résistance, et des représentations actuelles, nous poserons les bases d’un plaidoyer pour sauver notre Sécurité sociale, un [commun] essentiel à notre cohésion sociale et à notre démocratie.

published france
Côte d'Ivoire: Insertion professionnelle et Protection sociale des jeunes /L’AEJ et La CNAM signent une convention de partenariat monitor (12.05.2016) C’est au cabinet du ministère de l’Emploi et de la Protection Sociale que s’est tenue la signature de convention entre L’Agence Emploi Jeunes (AEJ) et la Caisse Nationale d’Assurance Maladie (CNAM). C’était ce mercredi 11 mai 2016 en présence du Ministre d’Etat Moussa Dosso, Ministre de l’Emploi et de la Protection Sociale et de Monsieur Sidi Tiémoko Touré, Ministre de la Promotion de la Jeunesse, de l’Emploi des Jeunes et du Service Civique.

youth employment Employment of young workers côte d'ivoire
Desempleo en América Latina y el Caribe aumentaría en 2016 monitor

OIT(11.05.2016) Informe conjunto advierte sobre un aumento de la tasa de desocupación urbana en más de medio punto porcentual este año. El desempeño laboral de la región se abordará en el trigésimo sexto período de sesiones de la CEPAL que se realizará en México este mes.

published Unemployment latin america
Sweden: Health ar work - Fairness at work can affect employees' health monitor

Science Daily (12.05.2016) Employees' experiences of fairness at work can impact on their health, according to a new study involving the University of East Anglia (UEA).

published Occupational accidents and diseases sweden
[Opinion] US: An Economist’s Take on Why Parental Leave Matters monitor

Stanford Graduate School of Business (09.05. 2016) The United States is the only country among 37 developed nations that doesn’t offer paid maternity leave. Estonia, on the other hand, offers almost two years of paid leave for mothers.

published Family benefits United States
Italy: How We Run Our Money: Solidarietà Veneto monitor

IPE (May 2016) Italy is a culturally diverse country, and this is reflected in Italian life, including institutional investment. Therefore, if you are visiting Solidarietà Veneto’s offices on the Venetian mainland, you will meet an Italian investor, but one with Venetian features. Solidarietà Veneto is fond of its roots in Veneto, a wealthy north-eastern region with a long-held tradition of entrepreneurship.

published Financing italy
UK: Benefit sanctions are now hitting ‘hardworking’ families monitor

The Guardian (11.05.2016) Research says the extension of benefit sanctions is leading to increased debt and eviction threats and causing ill health

poverty, published
Greek Pension Reform Targeted by Lawmakers Before Bailout Review monitor

Bloomberg (08.05.2016) Greek lawmakers are debating pension and income tax reforms that will be key to unlocking international aid as European creditors considered a proposal that would burden Athens with additional austerity measures.

managing reforms, published Pensions, Governance and administration greece
España: Conciliación - Cuando el padre es el que cuida monitor

El País (10.05.2016) Cada vez más hombres deciden implicarse en profundidad en la crianza de sus hijos, aun a costa de su vida laboral

published Family benefits spain
Sénégal: Les chiffres de la Couverture maladie universelle : Plus de 3 millions d’enfants soignés, 25000 femmes césarisées monitor

Pressafrik (10.05.2016) Les chiffres parlent d’eux-mêmes. Ainsi près de 3 millions d’enfants ont pu bénéficier de soins et plus de 25 000 femmes enceintes de la césarienne, grâce au programme de Couverture maladie universelle (CMU), un programme qui a permis le maintien en vie de 550 000 personnes.

extending coverage, megatrends, published Extension of coverage senegal