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Governo vai legislar sobre os Regimes Jurídicos do teletrabalho e empresas de trabalho temporário - Primeiro diário caboverdiano em linha - A SEMANA ruggia digital platforms Employment cabo verde
More EU Lunacy: Robots Should Pay Social Security Taxes For The Pensions They Won't Get ruggia (23.06.2017) The European Union is trying to create a law concerning the rise of the robots as they come to steal all our jobs. One of the more ludicrous suggestions is that robots should pay social security taxes for all the social security benefits they won't get. 

Financing Europe
Caja Costarricense de Seguro Social | App EDUS ruggia mobile technologies Health, Health insurance, Information and communication technology latin america
Greece Must Strengthen Social Safety Nets, OECD 'Going for Growth' Report Says monitor

Greek Reporter (18.03.2017) Greece must continue to strengthen social safety nets, ease regulation in network industries, enhance efficiency in public administration; improve the fairness and efficiency of its tax system and improve the quality of its education system. This is according to a report released on Friday by the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) “Going for Growth 2017”.

extending coverage Extension of coverage greece
EU Ponders Stronger Social Protection as Populist Wave Rises monitor

Reuters (26.04.2017) The European Commission proposed on Wednesday to strengthen social protection across the bloc as the European Union struggles with a wave of populism triggered by globalization and a migration crisis.

european union
New social policy initiatives in the UK monitor

Europa (12.04.2017) Two new Flash Reports prepared by the European Social policy Network (ESPN) have just become available and provide information on recent social policy initiatives in the United Kingdom.

El 27,9% de los españoles está en riesgo de pobreza o exclusión social monitor

El País (25.04.2017) El 27,9% de los españoles está en riesgo de pobreza o exclusión social, según la Encuesta de Condiciones de Vida elaborada con los ingresos declarados de 2015. Aunque esta cifra constituye una leve mejora frente al 28,6% anotado con datos de 2014, el indicador todavía se sitúa lejos del 26,7% que se registró en 2010. El pico de la crisis se dio en 2013, cuando alcanzó al 29,2% de la población.

poverty spain
Le revenu universel pour de vrai - À propos et à partir de l'ouvrage "Basic Income" monitor (12.04.2017) Socle de la « liberté réelle », pour Philippe Van Parijs et Yannick Vanderborght, le revenu universel ne relève pas du bricolage socio-fiscal. Au-delà de l’assurance et de l’assistance, une telle option invite à réviser les principes fondamentaux, entre autres, de la protection sociale. Alors que le projet n’a jamais été aussi présent dans les programmes et disputes politiques, un ouvrage captivant revient sur sa justification éthique, sa soutenabilité économique et sa faisabilité politique. Que l’on soit pour ou contre l’idée, ses enjeux et traductions concrètes méritent d’être connus. Pour être mieux débattus.

universal-basic-income Extension of coverage
Europe: La Commission défend une Europe plus sociale monitor (26.04.2017) Le « socle des droits sociaux » défendu par Bruxelles vise à améliorer la protection sociale et les conditions de travail. Des principes toutefois non contraignants.

european union
Brussels in push on social protection for gig economy workers monitor (26.04.2017) Move to ensure all workers have health insurance and unemployment benefits

digital economy, published Extension of coverage, Social policies & programmes european union
New workplace law for employees in UAE monitor

Khaleej Times (25.04.2017) The law will upgrade the system of managing occupational safety, especially in regulating workplace injuries.

managing reforms Occupational accidents and diseases, Safety and health at work United Arab Emirates
[Report] Social Protection in East Africa monitor

OECD Library (24.04.2017) This strategic foresight report assesses the interaction between demographics, economic development, climate change and social protection in six countries in East Africa between now and 2065: Ethiopia, Kenya, Mozambique, Tanzania, Uganda and Zambia. The report combines population projections with trends in health, urbanisation, migration and climate change and identifies the implications for economic development and poverty. It concludes by identifying policies to address seven grand challenges for social protection planners in national governments and donor agencies which emerge from the projections. These include: eliminating extreme poverty; extending social insurance in a context of high informality; the rapid growth of the working-age population, in particular the youth; adapting social protection to urban settings; protecting the poor from the effects of climate change; harnessing a demographic dividend; and substantially increasing funding for social protection.

Building the Social Protection Floor for Older Persons in Kenya monitor

Development Pathways (24.04.2017) The 31st of March 2017 marked a great step forward for Kenya with the announcement of a social pension for all older persons. Cabinet Secretary Henry Rotich – the Minister of Finance – presented the 2017/18 Budget to both Houses of Parliament which included measures to address poverty through social protection.

Pensions kenya
Bangladesh: Universal health-care coverage is feasible monitor

D+C - Development + Cooperation /24.04.2017) If the international community is serious about reducing inequality, health care cannot be left to market forces. Solidarity matters. In Bangladesh, the civil-society organisation Gonoshasthaya Kendra is proving that universal coverage is possible.

extending coverage Health, Health insurance, Extension of coverage bangladesh
Bruselas propone cuatro meses adicionales de permiso retribuido para cuidar a los hijos monitor

El País (26.04.2017) El Ejecutivo comunitario aprovecha el Brexit para lanzar una directiva de conciliación y pretende establecer un mínimo común de baja por paternidad

Family benefits european union
[Publication] Innovating EU Social Protection Systems through ICTs. Findings from analysis of case studies in fourteen Member States monitor (2017) This issue presents results from the analysis of selected case studies on how ICT-enabled social innovations promoting social investment can contribute to the modernisation of social protection systems in the EU

services quality Information and communication technology, Service quality european union
China pension fund revenue grows 25 percent in first quarter monitor (25.04.2017) Chinese pension funds drew 970.8 billion yuan ($141.06 billion) in revenue in the first quarter, an increase of 25.4 percent from the same period last year, state news agency Xinhua quoted the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security as saying.

Pensions, Investment china
Disability management is paying off monitor

The Star Online (01.05.2017) Malaysia has spearheaded the handling of disability management for disabled workers in the Asean region by having a more inclusive and integrative approach.

Disability, Occupational accidents and diseases Asia
Österreich: Familienleistungen stiegen seit 2000 um über 50 Prozent monitor

Kurier (12.04.2017) Wifo-Berechnungen: Pro Kind gab Österreich 2015 um 65 Prozent mehr Geld aus als im Jahr 2000.

Family benefits austria
France: Coup de frein de la justice européenne à la lutte contre la fraude aux travailleurs détachés monitor

Le Monde (27.04.2017) Les autorités françaises ne pourront plus suspendre les certificats de détachement des travailleurs même en cas de situation frauduleuse.

megatrends, migration Employment, Migration france
Commission readies new parental leave rules to replace axed maternity bill monitor

EurActiv (24.04.2017) Two years after the European Commission scrapped its own proposal for new EU maternity leave rules, the EU executive is getting ready to replace it with new measures, including some focused on getting more fathers to take leave.

Family benefits european union
Emploi : la terrible prédiction de la Banque mondiale monitor

Les Echos (02.05.2017) L’automatisation pourrait faire disparaître près de 70 % des emplois dans les pays en voie de développement, selon le directeur de l’institution.

digital economy Unemployment
Côte d’Ivoire: lancement de la phase expérimentale de la couverture maladie universelle monitor (26.04.2017) La phase expérimentale de la Couverture maladie universelle (CMU) a été lancée, mardi, à l’Université Nangui Abrogoua (au Nord d’Abidjan) par le Premier ministre ivoirien Amadou Gon Coulibaly, a constaté APA sur place dans la capitale économique ivoirienne.

extending coverage Extension of coverage côte d'ivoire
ILO: New technologies and the dynamics of job creation monitor

ILO blog (02.05.2017) The recent wave of innovation and technological change has sparked a lively debate on the future of work. Some believe that technological innovations will destroy jobs on a massive scale, forecasting a jobless future.

digital economy, published Employment, Information and communication technology
Swiss pension funds, insurers offered 2°C climate alignment tests monitor (03.05.2017) Swiss government authorities are offering the country’s pension funds and insurers an opportunity to test their equity and corporate bond portfolios to see if they are compatible with the 2°C maximum global warming target under the international climate change agreement reached in Paris in December 2015.

Pensions, Investment switzerland