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Leyes para el futuro del trabajo: ¿estamos preparados? - Factor Trabajo ruggia digital platforms Employment Americas
Datos masivos para mejorar las políticas laborales - Factor Trabajo ruggia Employment, Employment policies, Data management, Service quality Americas
La difícil tarea de gravar con impuestos a la economía digital | Airbnb, Alquileres, Aplicaciones, Banco de Previsión Social, Base de datos, DGI, Impuestos, Internet ruggia digital platforms uruguay
Making the digital economy more inclusive - African Business Magazine ruggia digital platforms Employment, Inequalities Africa
WHO | Telehealth ruggia Health, Information and communication technology
Data | The World Bank ruggia Information and communication technology
Key ICT Indicators - OECD ruggia Information and communication technology
WHO | eHealth ruggia Health, Information and communication technology
Kenya to expand health care access, affordability through technology | Kenya 2016 | Oxford Business Group ruggia digital platforms Health, Information and communication technology kenya
PM Najib: Offer local jobs to Malaysians first - The Rakyat Post - The Rakyat Post ruggia Employment malaysia
The head of the World Bank is pushing a terrifying prediction for jobs in developing countries massetti
Une étude alerte sur l'impact de la robotisation sur l'emploi massetti

Aux Etats-Unis, l'introduction d'un robot pour 1.000 salariés détruit 5 à 6 emplois, selon une étude de chercheurs du MIT et de la Boston University.

digital economy Unemployment, Information and communication technology United States
The Mobile Economy - Africa 2016 ruggia mobile technologies Information and communication technology, Technological transition Africa
How Mobile Technology is Driving Africa's Digital Economy | Digital Skills Academy ruggia digital platforms Information and communication technology Africa
How mobile phones are changing the digital economy of Africa %u2013 The Indian Economist ruggia digital platforms Information and communication technology Africa
Digital economy invents new jobs - AFRICA - ruggia Asia
Digital Jobs Africa - The Rockefeller Foundation ruggia digital platforms Africa
Silicon Mountain: Buea-Africa 2019s Tech Hub | C-Life ruggia digital economy, digital platforms Employment, Information and communication technology Africa
How Digital Platforms Like LinkedIn, Uber And TaskRabbit Are Changing The On-Demand Economy | The Huffington Post ruggia digital economy Employment, Information and communication technology
Data Center ruggia egovernment Information and communication technology, Data management
Welcome to MIT Initiative on the Digital Economy | MIT Initiative on the Digital Economy ruggia digital economy Governance and administration, Information and communication technology Americas
Big Data system of NHIS, Korea - ISSA - WSSF 2016 ruggia




big data, digital economy Health, Information and communication technology, Technological transition korea, Republic of
Measuring the Information Society Report ruggia

The Measuring the Information Society Report, which has been published annually since 2009, features key ICT data and benchmarking tools to measure the information society, including the ICT Development Index (IDI). 


egovernment Governance and administration, Information and communication technology
Bahamas: Universal Health Coverage - Full Range of Benefits/Potential Lowering of Private Health Insurance Costs monitor

The Bahamas Weekly (13.08.2016) Eligible citizens and legal residents of The Bahamas will have access to a full range of benefits needed to restore and maintain optimum health under the proposed National Health Insurance Plan.

extending coverage Extension of coverage
Belgique: Les congés parentaux sont en pleine explosion chez nous: "C’est évidemment toujours un problème dans l’entreprise monitor

RTL Info (16.08.2016) Le congé parental a de plus en plus de succès. Les employés qui choisissent de lâcher du lest pour s'occuper de leur enfant sont chaque année plus nombreux. Les allocations octroyées pour congé parental ont augmenté de 74% en 10 ans.

Family benefits belgium