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Afrique de l'Ouest: le BIT montre la voie pour atteindre les objectifs de 2030 monitor (23.05.2017) Le bureau international du travail (Bit) a initié un atelier tripartite des mandats de l’OIT et des partenaires au développement en Afrique de l’Ouest et du centre sur la mise en place des socles de protection sociale. C’est dans le but d’aider ces pays de l’Afrique avec un appui surtout technique à atteindre les objectifs de la protection sociale en 2030.

extending coverage, universal health coverage Extension of coverage Africa
EC recommends higher retirement age for Poles monitor

Radio Poland (23.05.2017) The European Commission has said that Poland should take steps to increase the effective retirement age and encourage women and elderly people to participate in the workforce.

China: Shanghai Revises Minimum Wage, Social Insurance Contribution Rates monitor

China Briefing News (12.05.2017) The Shanghai Municipal Bureau of Human Resources & Social Security recently released its annual minimum wage adjustments for 2017, as well as the associated changes to employeeenefits.
The adjustments, which came into effect on April 1, affect minimum wages, medical insurance, social insurance, pensions, and other forms of employee compensation.

managing reforms Governance and administration, Social policies & programmes china
France: Quelle réforme pour sauver notre système de santé ? monitor

Le Figaro (15.05.2017) L'Institut Montaigne lance son simulateur de l'Assurance maladie, qui permet aux internautes de mesurer l'impact des différentes réformes du système sur la dette de l'Assurance maladie.

managing reforms Health, Health insurance, Social policies & programmes france
India: New Code Proposed to Simplify Laws, Expand Social Security Coverage monitor

Bloomberg (23.05.2017) India's labor ministry has proposed a new Social Security Code that will consolidate 15 existing laws and extend coverage to all categories of employers and workers, including those in India's vast unorganized sector.

managing reforms, extending coverage Extension of coverage india
All roads should lead to universal healthcare,’ says new WHO chief monitor

United Nations News Centre (24.05.2017) The newly-elected head of the United Nations World Health Organization (WHO), Dr. Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, outlined his priorities for journalists at the agency’s headquarters today in Geneva, where he stressed the need for Member States to provide healthcare for all and to implement international health regulations.

Argentina: Buscan acordar una ley de prevención de accidentes laborales monitor

clarin (23.05.2017) Hoy se inició el camino hacia la elaboración de una ley de Protección y Prevención laboral, que busca evitar los accidentes de trabajo. La norma que deberá cristalizarse en tres meses en un borrador definitivo que llegue al Congreso.

managing reforms Occupational accidents and diseases, Workplace health promotion, Safety and health at work argentina
Deutschland: Arbeitsschutz - Mutterschutz für alle monitor

Zeit Online (12.05.2017) Nach 65 Jahren wird der Mutterschutz erstmals reformiert – und flexibler gestaltet. Auch Schülerinnen, Studentinnen und Praktikantinnen profitieren künftig davon.

Family benefits germany
More than 26 million unemployed in Latin America and the Caribbean: the need for new engines of growth monitor

ILOblog (23.05.2017) In 2017, labour markets in Latin America and the Caribbean are marked by a new increase in unemployment and worsening working conditions. As the year progresses, the indicators and forecasts confirm that the labour situation is becoming more worrisome. The latest forecasts already announce a weak economic recovery this year after last year’s contraction. This slow economic growth, of barely 1.1 per cent for Latin America and the Caribbean, will not be enough to change the negative trends in the world of work.

Unemployment latin america
Under U.S. Republican bill, 23 million would lose health coverage: watchdog monitor

Reuters (24.05.2017) A bill passed by U.S. House Republicans would cause 23 million people to lose healthcare coverage by 2026 while de-stabilizing health insurance markets in some states and making it hard for sick people to buy insurance, a budget watchdog agency said on Wednesday.

Prévention des risques professionnels, un investissement gagnant ! monitor

Le Matin (05.05.2017) La valorisation du collaborateur passe d'abord par l'instauration de mesures préventives pour renforcer sa sécurité. Des mesures qui permettent, selon l’Organisation internationale du travail (OIT), non seulement aux pays et aux entreprises de réduire les coûts et d’orienter leurs pertes astronomiques vers des investissements productifs, mais aussi d’augmenter la productivité. Pour ce faire, un système d’information fiable permettant de décrire avec précision l’état actuel de la situation en matière de prévention des accidents du travail et des maladies professionnelles s’impose.

Occupational accidents and diseases morocco
Danish government drops plan for pension age increase monitor

IPE (23.05.2017) Denmark’s prime minister has definitively retreated from his plan to increase the state pension age by six months, after admitting he was unlikely to win broad political support for the move.

Mark Zuckerberg says basic income is worth exploring in Harvard commencement speech monitor

Business Insider (26.05.2017) In his Harvard University commencement speech Thursday, Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg advocated for exploring a system in which all people receive a standard salary just for being alive, no questions asked.

digital economy, universal-basic-income Extension of coverage
Haiti: La CAS, un modèle de protection sociale présenté par le DASH monitor (25.05.2017) La direction du Développement des activités de santé en Haïti (DASH), en partenariat avec la Banque interaméricaine de développement (BID), a présenté ce jeudi les résultats du projet ‘’Carte assurance santé’’ réalisée dans le cadre d’un partenariat DASH/BID-FORMIN. Ce projet était conçu dans l’objectif de tester un modèle de santé prépayé qui fournit une protection financière importante aux familles à faibles ressources. Les résultats ont démontré que ce type de projet était viable. Pendant que les assurés bénéficient des services de soins à un coût abordable, le DASH arrive à enregistrer une plus-value importante.

extending coverage Health, Health insurance, Extension of coverage haiti
Databases: Non-contributory social protection programmes in Latin America and the Caribbean database massetti

Conditional cash transfer (CCT) programmes try to reduce poverty and strengthen the human capital of its beneficiaries. This database provides data on expenditure, coverage and amount of the monetary transfers, as well as detailed information on the different components of CCTs in Latin American and Caribbean countries.
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Social Pensions consist of monetary transfers associated to old age or disability that the State provides to those who have not been working in the formal labour market or have not made contributions to social security during their working life. This database provides data on expenditure, coverage and amount of the monetary transfers, as well as detailed information on the different components of social pensions in Latin American and Caribbean countries.
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This database collects information on labour and productive inclusion programmes targeting persons living in poverty or vulnerability. These programmes are characterized by interventions in the areas of labour training, adult education, direct and indirect employment generation, support to micro entrepreneurship and labour intermediation services. 
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cct Conditional cash transfers, Inequalities latin america
Welcome to MIT Initiative on the Digital Economy | MIT Initiative on the Digital Economy ruggia Governance and administration, Employment United States
Mobile a game changer in the health sector - Business Daily ruggia (09.03.2017) Mobile health wallets (like Kenya’s M-Tiba) are game changers when it comes to efficiently distributing funds and resources for healthcare.

digital platforms Health, Information and communication technology kenya
Safaricom’s M-Tiba uptake on the rise - Daily Nation ruggia digital platforms Health, Information and communication technology kenya
NHIF, Dutch-backed M-Tiba to offer slum residents Supa Cover | HakiPensheni Monitor Online ruggia digital platforms Health, Information and communication technology kenya
KENYA: NHIF, Dutch-backed M-Tiba to offer slum residents Supa Cover - Universal Health 2030 ruggia mobile technologies Health, Information and communication technology kenya
PharmAccess Foundation | “M-TIBA is truly leapfrogging healthcare in Kenya” ruggia digital platforms Health, Information and communication technology kenya
Life in Kibera - YouTube (M-Tiba) ruggia mobile technologies Health, Information and communication technology kenya
Mobile health insurance M-Tiba partners with NHIF, enlists Oserian employees - Capital Business ruggia mobile technologies Health, Information and communication technology kenya
More EU Lunacy: Robots Should Pay Social Security Taxes For The Pensions They Won't Get ruggia robotization Financing Europe