Global Challenges search
Title | Abstract | Tags | Topics | Regions / Country | |
The Lost Promise of More and Better Jobs | Jobs Undone: Reshaping the Role of Governments toward Markets and Workers in the Middle East and North Africa | pmassetti | (July 2022) Reports that one of the most persistent patterns of the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) region’s labor market remains the large share of healthy and capable working-age populations excluded from the labor force and employment, particularly among women and youth aged 15 to 24 years not in employment, education, or training (NEET). The lack of inclusivity proves most apparent in the lost potential of women, whose labor force participation, averaging about 20 percent, remains the world’s lowest. The limited public and formal private sector employment and prevalence of informality has had many repercussions on both the quantity and quality of jobs created for the region’s increasingly ambitious and competent population. The COVID-19 pandemic recovery in terms of jobs and unemployment for the majority of the population will prove slow and difficult. Includes a case study on an online learning platform to deliver accessible, quality education in Jordan. |
gender_and_inequality | arabic countries | |
La France doit se préparer au défi du grand âge | pmassetti | (12.08.2022) Alors que les 85 ans et plus vont croître de près de 90 % entre 2030 et 2050, la gériatrie reste le parent pauvre d’un système hospitalier déjà à bout de souffle et le maintien des personnes âgées chez elles réclame toujours une vraie politique nationale de prévention de la perte d’autonomie. |
france | ||
Millions Of Young People Worldwide Remain Unemployed Because Of The Pandemic, UN Says | pmassetti | (11.08.2022) The number of unemployed young people around the world is set to hit 73 million in 2022, a slight improvement from the year before, but still well above global youth unemployment rates before the Covid-19 pandemic, according to a new report from the United Nations, which found young people have been hit particularly hard by the coronavirus health crisis. |
Report: Global Employment Trends for Youth 2022: Investing in transforming futures for young people | pmassetti | (11.08.2022) Incorporating the most recent labour market information available, Global Employment Trends for Youth sets out the youth labour market situation around the world. It shows where progress has or has not been made, updates world and regional youth labour market indicators, and gives detailed analyses of trends and issues facing young people in the labour market. |
Employment | ||
Closing the digital divide with identity and payment systems | pmassetti | GovInsider (12.08.2022) Reliable, well designed digital ID and payment systems can be an important social and economic leveller. But governments must be inclusive and citizen-centric in rolling them out, according to the World Bank. |
digital inclusion | Digital inclusion | |
Digital Transformation and Social Well-Being: Promoting an Inclusive Society - Google Books | pmassetti | digital inclusion | Information and communication technology, Digital inclusion | ||
The opportunities of digital inclusion and the tech behind it | pmassetti | TechRepublic (05.08.2022) There are 2.9 billion people worldwide who do not have internet access or the opportunities to engage in the digital economy. Despite the technological advancements, the digital divide continues to affect all aspects of life, from banking to healthcare, education, communications and media. |
digital inclusion | Digital inclusion | |
Promoting women's employment in Latin America and the Caribbean | pmassetti | (27.07.2022) The world has changed in the last two years. Governments in Latin America and the Caribbean (LAC) face the massive challenge of rebuilding post-pandemic economies. But one thing is certain: Women in the region were hit the hardest during the COVID-19 lockdowns. A recent report elaborated by the World Bank and UNDP, Uneven Recovery in Latin America and the Caribbean, shows that the gender gap in job participation in LAC continues to be highly elevated. Back in 2020, a previous report using High-Frequency Phone Survey (HFPS) data showed that women in LAC had been 44 % more likely to lose their jobs than men. |
Employment | latin america | |
Employment and Social Developments in Europe 2022 report shows young people most affected by job losses to economic impact of COVID-19 | pmassetti | European Commission (19.07.2022) Amongst other findings, the report shows young people were among the most negatively affected by job losses during the economic crisis triggered by the COVID-19 pandemic. It also shows that the recovery was slower for them than for other age groups. Possible explanations are linked to their high share of fixed-term contracts and difficulties in finding a first job after leaving school, university, or training. |
european union | ||
World Population Day 2022: The impact of a rapidly ageing population on the world as we know it | pmassetti | (11.07.2022) With Europe having the highest ageing population and Africa becoming the land of the youngest people, a rapidly escalating older population can collapse economies and exhaust healthcare systems. |
UK. Minister calls on pension schemes to get “data ready” for dashboards | pmassetti | Pension Policy International (14.07.2022) The calls come as the government publishes its response to a consultation which gathered feedback from industry, potential providers, consumer groups and future users on what data should be included and how this should be displayed to people. Bringing pensions into the digital age, dashboards will allow savers to see what they have in their various pensions – including their State Pension – in a single place online, at any time they choose. |
Pensions, Interoperability, E-services | united kingdom | |
Cash Transfers in Pandemic Times : Evidence, Practices, and Implications from the Largest Scale Up in History | pmassetti | (2022) Is Coronavirus (Covid-19) a “game changer” for cash transfers? This tantalizing question has animated a large body of recent literature and over 60 virtual panels. This paper offers some clues to address the question by bringing together data, evaluations and practical experiences generated over the course of the pandemic. In particular, the paper flashes out differences between Covid-19 and other crises; it lays out an anatomy of global responses and offers novel data analysis around stylized international trends; synthesizes fresh empirical evidence on response effectiveness based on over 40 evaluations; discusses country-level operational practices as emerging from an array of high and lower-income contexts; and distills key insights with possible future implications. |
covid19 | Cash transfers | |
Ten lessons from the largest scale up of cash transfers in history | pmassetti | (13.07.2022) Over the past 30 months we have been carefully tracking countries’ unprecedented social protection responses to Covid-19. But what are we learning from such wealth of experiences? A new paper – Cash Transfers in Pandemic Times: Evidence, Practices, and Implications from the Largest Scale Up in History – combines analysis of large datasets with a review of about 300 pandemic papers, evaluations, and practical experiences while focusing on a particular form of social protection – cash transfers. Before turning to the ten lessons for the future featured in the report, let’s first reflect on the past. |
covid19 | Cash transfers | |
Social protection: Designing adaptive systems to build resilience to climate change | pmassetti | (2022) Numerous studies that draw extensively on rigorous impact evaluations have documented substantial short-term impacts of social protection programs, especially cash and in-kind social assistance, on food security and asset formation, as well as on education, health, and dietary diversity. However, evidence on the impact of social protection systems designed to sustainably reduce poverty by responding to large-scale shocks is more limited. |
These experiments could lift millions out of dire poverty | pmassetti | (22.06.2022) In 2012, the government of Niger began giving some of its poorest citizens free money. Over the next few years, around 100,000 participating households received 24 monthly payments of roughly US$16 — which more than doubled their typical spending power. The programme was based on decades of evidence from carefully controlled trials, suggesting that simple cash infusions can transform lives. And Niger is not alone: cash transfers have become a popular tool as governments try to alleviate poverty. |
Cash transfers | ||
World Social Protection Report 2020-22. Regional companion report for Africa | pmassetti | (June 2022) This regional companion report is intended to complement the ILO’s World Social Protection Report 2020–22. It includes a section summarizing the status of social protection worldwide, followed by a section highlighting key social protection developments, challenges and priorities for this region from a life-cycle perspective. |
Africa | ||
The critical role of social insurance in the US and policies for reform | pmassetti | (June 2022) In 2021, The Hamilton Project has been doing a deep dive into social insurance in the United States. Our capstone analysis shows that social insurance plays a critical role for workers and families – both in times of crisis, as exhibited by the pandemic and ensuing economic recession, and in normal economic times. The social insurance system also helps buffer the economy when growth falters, supporting consumer purchasing power when income growth is weak. |
Social policies & programmes | United States | |
Social Protection in a Pandemic – Trends, Challenges, and Technology | pmassetti | Asian Development Bank (June 2022) The report, part of a GIZ-ADB collaboration, reviews trends in social protection and recent pandemic responses. It discusses how artificial intelligence (AI) tools can fit into the social protection delivery chain. It reviews the functioning of the delivery chain during the pandemic to identify gaps in social protection systems along with emerging solutions that draw on digital technology. The report includes four case studies and suggests steps policymakers could take to foster an enabling environment for the use of AI in social protection. |
covid19 | Information and communication technology | |
Bangladesh government launches first employment injury scheme pilot in the garment sector | pmassetti | ILO news (21.06.2022) The Government of the People’s Republic of Bangladesh is celebrating the establishment of the country’s first ever pilot of a social security scheme working on income protection and medical care for work-related injuries. The EIS covers all ready-made garment (RMG) workers. It will compensate injured workers and dependants in case of accidents which lead to permanent disability or death. |
Occupational accidents and diseases | bangladesh | |
Can Digital G2P Transfers Drive Financial Inclusion and Digital Payments? Evidence from India | pmassetti | Center for Global Development (09.06.2022) Does channeling government-to-person (G2P) payments through bank accounts encourage financial inclusion and use? This paper explores the factors that have driven the adoption of digital payments in India by beneficiaries of PMGKY, the large-scale COVID-19 relief program launched in May 2020. India’s 2013 move to pay social benefits through direct transfers into bank accounts significantly increased account ownership, but uptake of digital payments has been slower, although it has accelerated more recently through smartphone-based apps. |
covid19 | Digital inclusion, Mobile technologies | india |
India. Government to launch AI-driven portal for distributing pension payments | pmassetti | Pension Policy International (16.06.2022) In order to seamlessly process, track and disburse pensions, the Department of Pension and Pensioners’ Welfare will soon launch an Artificial Intelligence (AI) enabled the common portal for the benefit of pensioners and elderly citizens. Union Minister Jitendra Singh said that the AI-supported portal, ‘Bhavishya’, will send automatic alerts to pensioners and superannuated senior citizens, including retired paramilitary personnel. |
Information and communication technology | india | |
The impact of social assistance programmes in a pandemic: evidence from Kenya | pmassetti | ZEF Discussion Paper (2022) This paper examines whether social protection – in the form of existing social assistance programmes – affects measures of household well-being such as poverty, food security and costly risk-coping behaviour during the COVID-19 pandemic. Using primary data from nationally representative, in-person surveys in Kenya allows the exploration of the impacts of major social assistance programmes. Our analysis employs the doubly robust difference-in-differences approach to estimate the impacts of social assistance programmes on common measures of household welfare. We find that social assistance programmes significantly reduce the prevalence of economic shocks and the further impoverishment of beneficiaries during the pandemic. Furthermore, households with social assistance coverage are less likely to sell assets as a coping strategy. Overall, the results suggest that, during a systematic crisis such as a pandemic, pre-existing social assistance schemes can deliver positive impacts in line with the primary goals of social safety nets and prevent households from falling deeper into poverty by preserving their asset base. |
covid19 | Social assistance | kenya |
Four revealing graphs on paid family leave | pmassetti | (16.05.2022) Having celebrated International Day of Families on May 15, it is now a great opportunity to reflect on the existing frameworks that support working parents at home and at work. Paid family leave has been a main area of reform in the past few years, as a significant number of countries have passed laws providing parents with the right to paid leave to care for their children . For example, Armenia became one of the 114 countries (out of the 190 measured) that introduced paid leave for fathers after its amended Labor Code came into effect in 2021. |
family | Family benefits | |
Social protection response to COVID-19 in rural LAC: The potential of digitalization to build back better | pmassetti | International Policy Centre for Inclusive Growth (IPC-IG) (April 2022) This Policy Research Brief analyses how digitalisation can facilitate rural populations’ access to effective and adequate social protection and economic inclusion in Latin America and the Caribbean. It investigates the region’s social protection response to COVID-19 and highlights three good practices in providing digitalised social protection to vulnerable rural populations during the crisis. Based on this analysis and considering the local obstacles to digitalised social protection in rural areas, recommendations are provided to build rural social protection back better after the pandemic. |
covid19 | Information and communication technology, E-services | latin america |
The Road to Better Long-Term Care in Asia and the Pacific: Building Systems of Care and Support for Older Persons | pmassetti | Asian Development Bank (May 2022) This report shares insights on capacity building for long-term care in six countries at different stages of population aging: Indonesia, Mongolia, Sri Lanka, Thailand, Tonga, and Viet Nam. It explores these countries’ long-term care systems and their particular circumstances and challenges. It also examines what they have in common and highlights good practices that may be helpful to other countries facing similar issues. The report draws on insights from the Asian Development Bank technical assistance project Strengthening Developing Member Countries’ Capacity in Elderly Care. |
Old-age pensions | Asia |