Global Challenges search
Title | Abstract | Tags | Topics | Regions / Country | |
Europe: Access to social protection for young people. An analysis of policies in 35 countries | pmassetti | (01.04.2022) With the aim of contributing to the ongoing policy dialogue between the European Commission, Member States and (potential) candidate countries, the European Commission asked the 35 country teams of the European Social Policy Network (ESPN) to look at how the eligibility conditions and benefit entitlements of social protection influence the capacity of young people to access the schemes and to highlight the main gaps and obstacles faced by young people in accessing these schemes. |
Employment of young workers | european union | |
World bank: Fit-for-Purpose Social Protection Targeting Key to Supporting Those in Need | pmassetti | (31.04.2022) Social protection programs play a key role in helping individuals and families escape poverty, mitigate and manage risks, and improve resilience and opportunity. While the ultimate goal is to reach Universal Social Protection, interventions often need to assist the poorest and most vulnerable populations first when resources are limited. Yet, there is no single targeting method that fits every situation, and context and policy objectives must drive choices, says a World Bank report launched today. “Revisiting Targeting in Social Assistance: A New Look at Old Dilemmas” provides the latest, comprehensive analysis of the benefits and costs of social protection targeting as well as evaluates the pros and cons of various targeting methods based on global experience in over 130 countries. |
Cash transfers | ||
UK: Flexi-retirement increasingly common due to gig economy | pmassetti | Money Marketing (30.03.2022) Flexi-retirement is becoming increasingly common, as more and more retirees are opting to work part-time in the gig economy. According to a new report from Abrdn, two thirds of people retiring in 2022 do not plan on giving up work completely. This compares to just over half of those who retired in 2021 and a third of 2020 retirees. The report, which surveyed 2,000 UK adults, reveals how the “class of 2022” plan to spend their and money in retirement. |
Pensions | united kingdom | |
Report: Ageing in a digital world – from vulnerable to valuable | pmassetti | By 2050, the number of people aged 65 years or older is projected to reach 1.5 billion. "Ageing in a digital world - from vulnerable to valuable" is the first- ever report to be produced by ITU to raise awareness in the ICT sector on the importance of being prepared to respond to the needs and requirements of ageing populations. This report addresses the two global megatrends that reinforce each other: the emergence of digital technologies and ageing populations, both of which are predicted to bring about important socio-economic changes worldwide. The report aims to help ITU members and other stakeholders to understand digital opportunities and take advantage of new possibilities for economic, social and political growth from increased digital inclusion and age-friendly digital environments. It highlights trends, identifies good practices and possible solutions, and presents guidelines that can leverage the contributions of older generations, reduce their age-related vulnerability and foster their socio-economic development to achieve healthier and wealthier inclusive societies. It focuses on the role that ICTs can play in ensuring digitally inclusive communities in which older persons are active participants and valuable contributors. |
Asian Development Review: demographic change and human capital | pmassetti | Asian Development Review: Volume 39, Number 1 | Asian Development Bank (march 2022) This issue focuses on demographic change and human capital. It explores types of insurance for older people and considers economic security, education, and health. Among other topics covered are fuel subsidies and insulin prices. |
Asia | ||
EU lawmakers push for better protection of bogus self-employed | pmassetti | (30.03.2022) EU lawmakers quizzed the European Commission executive vice-president, Margrethe Vestager, about new guidelines that would enable self-employed people to seek the protection of collective bargaining agreements, with both sides agreeing that such a right should be guaranteed. |
european union | ||
Ghana. SSNIT to expand coverage to cover more informal sector workers | pmassetti | Pension Policy International (28.03.2022) Director-General of Social Security and National Insurance Trust (SSNIT), Dr. John Ofori-Tenkorang, has said it’s outfit is working to expand coverage of the scheme to cover all workers in the informal sector. According to him, SSNIT has introduced an informal sector pension fund to provide social protection to workers in the informal sector to secure their irregular incomes. Director-General of Social Security and National Insurance Trust (SSNIT), Dr. John Ofori Tenkorang explained at the tier 1 scheme is akin to the Susu scheme embarked on by workers in the informal sector of the economy. He said the contributors to the tier 1 scheme have all the benefits. He added that contributors to the scheme will get a lump sum out of their contributions to the scheme. |
Pensions | ghana | |
UK: Over a third of people would accept lower pension savings for ethical investments | pmassetti | Pensions Age Magazine (24.03.22) More than a third (37 per cent) of people would be willing to accept some reduction in their pension savings if their investments were made more ethically, a study by the High Pay Centre and Survation has found. Of those surveyed, two-thirds (66 per cent) said that they wanted their pension fund to reflect their ethical values and beliefs. |
Pensions | united kingdom | |
How Cash Transfers Bring More Women Into the Workforce | pmassetti | (10.03.2022) One of the biggest challenges women face globally is the extent to which the COVID-19 pandemic has impacted their ability to work. According to the International Labor Organization, women’s workforce participation levels are still below pre-pandemic levels, whereas men’s jobs have largely returned. |
covid19 | Cash transfers | |
Chile plans to reform controversial pension program next year | pmassetti | Reuters (22.03.2022) The Chilean government will send a long-awaited bill to reform the country's controversial private pension system to congress next year, Finance Minister Mario Marcel said on Tuesday. |
Pensions | chile | |
The Benefits and Costs of a U.S. Child Allowance | pmassetti | NBER (March 2022) We conduct a benefit-cost analysis of a U.S. child allowance, based on a systematic literature review of the highest quality available causal evidence on the short- and long-term effects of cash and near-cash transfers. In contrast to the previous studies we synthesize, which tend to measure a subset of benefits and costs available in a particular dataset, we establish a comprehensive accounting of potential effects and secure estimates of each. We produce core estimates of the benefits and costs per child and per adult of increasing household income by $1,000 in one year; these can be applied to value any cash or near-cash program that increases household income. Using microsimulation, we then apply these estimates to determine net aggregate benefits of three child allowance policies, including the expanded Child Tax Credit as enacted for the year 2021 in the American Rescue Plan (ARP). Our estimates indicate that making that expansion permanent would cost $97 billion per year and generate social benefits with net present value of $982 billion per year. Sensitivity analyses indicate that our estimates are robust to alternative assumptions and that all three child allowance policies we evaluate produce very high net returns for the U.S. population. |
Family benefits | United States | |
Egypt launches financial, social protection measures to mitigate economic challenges | pmassetti | Ahram Online (21.03.2022) Egypt’s Ministry of Finance approved on Monday a package of financial and social protection procedures, worth EGP 130 billion, to address the ongoing global economic challenges and their repercussions. |
egypt | ||
Does workfare work? India's employment guarantee during COVID‐19 | pmassetti | Journal of International Development (nov 2021) As many other countries, India leverages on a pre-existingworkfare programme as a COVID-19 response. We com-bine monthly administrative data with migration and pov-erty statistics and provide four insights on the recent expansion of the programme. First, poorer districts includemore households, that is, increasing extensive margin. Sec-ond, in districts with a high proportion of return migrants,there is no increase, and third, unmet demand for work is higher than the national average of 22.7%. Fourth, despite the expansion, the programme provided just 13.5 days per rural household. The programme requires attention to fulfilits promise as a credible safety net. |
covid19 | Unemployment | india |
New European pensions saving regime takes effect this week | pmassetti | - EU legislation which gives effect to a new European pensions savings regime is being introduced this week The Pan-European Personal Pension (PEPP) is a voluntary retirement savings option for EU citizens that complements existing pension schemes. It allows people to pay into the same scheme throughout the EU, even if they move countries. |
Pensions | Europe | |
Pension dashboards are coming - action for occupational pension schemes to take now | pmassetti | Lexology (17.03.2022) Establishing a system of “pension dashboards” to enable individuals who have yet to take retirement benefits to find clear, standardised information about all their pension arrangements (including rights to state pension) in one place is a key element of the government’s pension strategy. The ambition is laudable but achieving it will be a mammoth task, requiring significant time and resource from occupational pension scheme trustees, pension managers and administrators. All UK occupational pension schemes with 100 or more non-pensioner members must participate and must comply with stringent information and technical requirements. Pension scheme trustees should consider now what action they will need to take to ensure that they are ready to meet the new obligations. When do the requirements apply? |
Pensions, Interoperability, E-services | united kingdom | |
EU steps up workers’ protection against carcinogenic substances | pmassetti | (03.03.2022) the Council gave the final green light to an update on the EU rules on reducing workers’ exposure to carcinogens, mutagens, or reprotoxic substances, addressing the first cause of work-related deaths in Europe. |
Prevention of occupational risks | european union | |
Social Protection in the COVID-19 Pandemic: Lessons from South Africa | pmassetti | Center For Global Development (16.02.2022) South Africa responded to the stresses of the COVID-19 pandemic and lockdown using a combination of existing social protection programmes, unemployment insurance, and additional measures to support those most affected. This paper reviews policies and implementation with the objective of highlighting lessons for the global community, including on the use of digital mechanisms. The government adopted a two-pronged and largely cash-based approach: unemployment benefits for formal sector workers and cash transfers to vulnerable individuals, informal workers, and beneficiaries of existing grants. Top-up payments for existing grants were rolled out efficiently; the new Special Relief of Distress (SRD) grant posed challenges but ultimately succeeded in reaching over six million previously uncovered beneficiaries. It may even become a permanent feature of South Africa’s social protection system. |
covid19 | south africa | |
Digital Technologies for Government-Supported Health Insurance Systems in Asia and the Pacific | pmassetti | Asian Development Bank (December 2021) Examples from low- and middle-income countries in the region and beyond are drawn to demonstrate how digital solutions have improved health insurance management and administration. To support decision-making on potential investments, the report identifies key success factors for integrating new technologies into public health insurance schemes. |
Information and communication technology | Asia | |
China: New employer-paid childcare leave entitlements | pmassetti | WTW (28.02.2022) Provincial and municipal governments throughout China are extending parental and childcare leave to encourage more births. |
Family benefits | china | |
AI for social protection: Mind the people | pmassetti | (23.02.2022) Interest in artificial intelligence (AI) as an instrument for improving efficiency in the public sector is at an all-time high. This interest is motivated by the ambition to develop neutral, scientific, and objective techniques of government decisionmaking (Harcourt 2018). As of April 2021, governments of 19 European countries had launched national AI strategies. |
Artificial intelligence | ||
China releases 5-year plan for elderly care services | pmassetti | Xinhua (21.02.2022) China's State Council has released a plan for the development of the country's elderly care services system during the 14th Five-Year Plan period (2021-2025), in its latest step to implement a national strategy to address population aging. The plan specifies major goals and tasks for the five-year period, including expanding the supply of elderly care services, improving the health support mechanism for the elderly, and advancing the innovative and integrated development of service models. |
Old-age pensions | china | |
How did China adopt social protection responses to the COVID-19 pandemic so quickly? | pmassetti | International Policy Centre for Inclusive Growth (IPC-IG) (10.02.2022) The COVID-19 epidemic broke out in Wuhan, capital of the Hubei Province in China in early 2020. This One Pager discusses factors that enabled the country to support affected groups in a timely manner and how this experience could inform social protection expansion efforts elsewhere. |
covid19 | china | |
Social protection and the response to COVID-19 in LAC: innovation in registration and payment systems | pmassetti | International Policy Centre for Inclusive Growth (IPC-IG) (10.02.2022) The COVID-19 pandemic has hit the foundations of the economy and provoked devastating social effects in all countries of the world, with Latin America and the Caribbean (LAC) one of the most affected regions. The region is experiencing deteriorating levels of poverty and extreme poverty, most significantly affecting children and adolescents. This One Pager discusses digital payment systems for social protection interventions in the region. |
covid19 | Cash transfers | latin america |
Social protection response to COVID-19 in rural LAC: social and economic double inclusion | pmassetti | International Policy Centre for Inclusive Growth (IPC-IG) (10.02.20222) This One Pager reflects on how to improve social protection systems in Latin America and the Caribbean after the COVID-19 pandemic, analysing how it can ensure food security and social and economic ‘double inclusion’. In particular, it provides a regional overview of the social protection measures to respond to COVID-19 in rural areas, and analyses four country-level examples that show promising features for building back better during the recovery process. Finally, it delivers policy recommendations to enhance the design and implementation of rural social protection schemes to protect rural households’ food security and enable their ‘double inclusion’. |
rural world | latin america | |
Accelerating digital cash transfers to the world’s poorest | pmassetti | (17.02.2022) The COVID-19 pandemic has pushed an estimated 124 million people into extreme poverty globally, the first increase in extreme poverty in 20 years. To meet the magnitude of this need, governments around the world have dramatically ramped up social protection measures, and in particular cash transfers, which comprised one-third of all COVID-related social protection programs. A staggering 17 percent of the world’s population, or 1.3 billion people, were covered by at least one COVID-related cash payment between 2020 and 2021. |
covid19 | Information and communication technology |