
Title Authored on Regions / Country Abstract measures summary Description/integral text (Internal-not for publishing) Topics Tags Status URL
Italy PM defends labour reforms as jobless rate rises italy

The West Australian (31.07.2015) Italy's Prime Minister Matteo Renzi defended his labour reform programme Friday, playing down gloomy unemployment data and insisting the debt-laden country was on the right path to growth.

Employment managing reforms, published… monitor
China to expand medical insurance in bid to reform healthcare china

The Guardian (03.08.2015) President Xi Jinping’s government unveils latest step in plan to deliver universal affordable treatment to population of 1.4 billion people

Extension of coverage brics, extending coverage, published… monitor
Germany: Study - Restrictions on refugee healthcare cost more than free access to services germany

EurActiv (03.08.2015) Asylum seekers in Germany only have limited access to medical care, an attempt by the state to keep costs low, but a new study shows health-related costs are much lower when refugees can freely access health services.

Health insurance, Migration migration, published… monitor
Puerto Ricans Brace for Crisis in Health Care United States

The New York Times (02.28.2015) The first visible sign that the health care system in Puerto Rico was seriously in trouble was when a steady stream of doctors — more than 3,000 in five years — began to leave the island for more lucrative, less stressful jobs on the mainland.

Health published… monitor
Big Data and Improving Health Care United States

Boston University (03.08.2015) Data scientist and physician team up to reduce preventable hospitalizations

Health, Information and communication technology published monitor
France: Les emplois aidés, tout sauf un sésame vers un vrai poste france

Les Echos (20.07.2015) Selon l’Insee, le passage par un contrat aidé dans le secteur non marchand réduit les chances futures de trouver un emploi non aidé.

Employment published… monitor
Finlande: Revenu universel et 50 ans de la sécu finland

Mediapart (30.07.2015) La Finlande prévoit d’instaurer un revenu universel. Premier pays à s’engager dans cette voie, prenons donc le temps de creuser cette idée, loin d’être si nouvelle que cela, qu’on la nomme « Revenu universel », « Revenu de base », « Revenu minimum garanti », « Revenu…

published… monitor
Mali: Protection sociale : Session bamakoise pour les mutuelles d'Afrique de l'Ouest mali

L'essort (31.07.2015) L’enjeu de la rencontre est de renforcer les capacités des acteurs sur les politiques et stratégies d’extension de la couverture sociale. Les travaux de la réunion du bureau Afrique de l’Ouest de l’Union africaine de la mutualité (UAM-Afro) ont débuté hier dans notre…

Extension of coverage extending coverage, published… monitor
Viet Nam: Hundreds die in work accidents vietnam

Viet Nam News (31.07.2015) Construction and machinery installation jobs are the most dangerous in the country. Together they accounted for 30 per cent of work-related accidents nationwide, according to statistics from the Ministry of Labour, Invalids and Social Affairs (MOLISA).

Occupational accidents and diseases published monitor
Ghana: Social protection - National household registry to be established ghana

Pulse (31.07.2015) The Ministry of Gender Children and Social Protection will soon set up a Ghana National Household Registry (GNHR). This will help harmonise the registration of all social protection programmes in the country.

Governance and administration, Social policies & programmes managing reforms, published… monitor
Nigeria needs robust technology platform to provide social welfare nigeria

World Stage News (30.07.2015) Nigeria’s Permanent Secretary, Federal Ministry of Labour and Productivity, Dr. Clement Illoh has made case for a change in the ways of providing social security in Nigeria by deploying a more robust technology platform in view of the falling oil prices and global…

Information and communication technology published monitor
Nigeria: NSITF Awaits Buhari’s Assent to Expanded Employees Compensation Act nigeria

This Day (30.07.2015) The Nigeria Social Insurance Trust Fund (NSITF) has disclosed that it is awaiting President Muhammadu Buhari to append his signature to the amended Employee Compensation Act which will enable it expand its services from social security to social welfare.

Governance and administration, Information and communication technology managing reforms, published… monitor
US: New Jersey legislator seeks federal loans to bail out state pensions United States (29.07.2015) A top New Jersey Democrat wants the federal government to create a low-interest loan program to rescue states with big public pension problems.

Pensions, Financing published… monitor
France: Le nombre d'accidents du travail et de maladies professionnelles en augmentationl france

Dossier Familial (30.07.2015) 2014, le nombre d'accidents du travail a progressé de 0,5% et celui de maladies professionnelles de 0,3%. Ces hausses, précise le rapport de gestion 2014 de la Direction des risques professionnels de l'assurance maladie suivent deux années de baisse.

Occupational accidents and diseases published… monitor
Emploi : En Allemagne, les seniors continuent à travailler germany

Tribune de Genève (29.07.2015) En Allemagne, de plus en plus de personnes de plus de 65 ans occupent un emploi. La hausse de l'âge d'entrée en retraite explique ce phénomène, mais pas seulement.

Old-age pensions, Employment megatrends, published monitor
Maroc: Assurance maladie obligatoire: Les conventions tarifaires revues avant fin 2015 morocco

Aujourd'hui le Maroc (29.07.2015) Les parties concernées (ANAM, CNSS, CNOPS, prestataires privés et publics de soins) se sont engagées à signer ces nouvelles conventions avant la fin de l’année.

Health published… monitor
UK: Obese people and drug users who refuse treatment could have benefits cut

The Guardian (29.07.2015) David Cameron launches review by Dame Carol Black of welfare for those with drug, alcohol or obesity problems

Health published… monitor
South Africa moves towards universal health care, while India stagnates south africa, india

Scroll In (29.07.2015) The Modi government is yet to make its ambitious health plan public, and experts fear it will end up outsourcing care to the private sector instead of strengthening public hospitals.

Extension of coverage brics, extending coverage, published… monitor
West Africa: Using ICT to Drive Social Security Africa, nigeria

This Day Live (29.07.2015) As several West African countries, including Nigeria, move to implement their own forms of social security, deployment of ICT has been identified as an effective tool to drive its smooth implementation. Damilola Oyedele writes.

Information and communication technology published monitor
Social Security: Can Nigeria Overcome Challenges? nigeria (28.07.2015) With most parts of the world introducing social security as a step to lift their citizens off the social floor, the popularity of the programme in West Africa sub-region is still abysmally low.

Extension of coverage extending coverage, published monitor
Angola: Social Welfare Reaffirms Protection to Most Vulnerable angola (22.07.2015) The State Secretary for Social Welfare, Maria da Luz Magalhães, Wednesday pledged the government commitment to promotes and guarantee the necessary measures to ensure the right to assistance of childhood, pregnancy, disability and old age in any working situation

Extension of coverage extending coverage, published monitor
Belgique: La Chambre vote la réforme des pensions majorité contre opposition belgium

La libre (16.07.2015) La Chambre a approuvé jeudi en séance plénière après de longs débats parlementaires le relèvement de l'âge de la retraite à 67 ans. Le vote s'est déroulé majorité contre opposition. Seul le PP s'est abstenu.

Pensions, Governance and administration, Social policies & programmes managing reforms, published… monitor
France: Les patients résidant à l'étranger ont laissé une ardoise de 120 millions d'euros à l'AP-HP en 2014 france

Le Figaro (16.07.2015) Ce chiffre équivaut à plus du double du déficit des activités de soins des hôpitaux parisiens, qui était de 49 millions d'euros en 2014. Parmi les pays les plus redevables, l'Algérie arrive en tête, suivie du Maroc et des États-Unis.

Health, Financing published… monitor
France: Un répit sur le front du chômage : quasi-stabilité en juin france

Nouvel Obs (28.07.2015) Les chiffres du chômage se stabilisent pour le mois de juin, avec 1.300 nouveaux inscrits supplémentaires.

Unemployment published… monitor
Chine : le fonds de pension prêt à un investissement plus risqué china (24.07.2015) La Chine autorisera son fonds de pension à avoir accès à des actifs plus risqués, une fois que le gouvernement aura approuvé son plan, a fait entendre vendredi Li Zhong, porte-parole du ministère des Ressources humaines et de la Sécurité sociale, lors d'une…

Financing published monitor