
Le Brexit pose déjà problème au système de santé britannique –

Submitted by fabbri on

EURACTIV (16.03.2018)  Allongement de l’attente, pénurie d’employés, retard dans l’approbation de nouveaux médicaments : le Brexit entraîne déjà une série de problèmes pour les soins des Britannique

Regions / Country
united kingdom
Global challenges
Document Type

[Opinion] Why It’s So Hard to Reform Canadian Health Care

Submitted by fabbri on

The New York Times (24.03.2018) Too many Canadians and Americans are negatively fixated on each other’s health systems — and the distortions that accompany so many conversations about health reform make it harder to improve care on both sides of the border.

Regions / Country
Global challenges
Health insurance
Document Type

Cambodia: New National Social Security Fund Rules Introduced

Submitted by fabbri on

Mondaq /22.03.2018) The requirement that all Cambodian employers register their enterprises and employees with the National Social Security Fund is one of a number of changes introduced in recent months as part of the implementation of the health care insurance scheme.

Regions / Country
Global challenges
Extension of coverage
Difficult-to-cover groups
Document Type

India: The road to universal health coverage

Submitted by massetti on

In 2005, the Government of India launched the National Rural Health Mission (NRHM), promising to re-imagine primary healthcare and address the under-served needs of rural areas.

Regions / Country
Global challenges
Health insurance
Document Type

Schweiz: Elektronisches Patientendossier: Datenschutz als Stolperstein

Submitted by fabbri on

Netzwoche (07.03.2018) Das Swiss E-Health Barometer hat die Einführung des elektronischen Patientendossiers unter die Lupe genommen. Das Fazit: Die Ärzte zögern und die Bevölkerung verliert das Interesse am Thema. Hauptsorge ist der Datenschutz.   Alljährlich untersucht der Swiss E-Health Barometer, was die Gesundheitsbranche in Sachen Digitalisierung umtreibt. Ein Schwerpunkt der diesjährigen, mittlerweile 8. Umfrage: die Einführung des elektronischen Patientendossiers (EPD), die seit April 2017 im Gange ist.

Regions / Country
Global challenges
Information and communication technology
Data management
Digital Economy Topical Cluster
Big Data
Digital Economy Observatory : Only Tags
Document Type

France: L'intelligence artificielle dans la santé ouvre le champ des possibles

Submitted by fabbri on

Les Echos (03.03.2018) La masse de données manipulées par le secteur médical offre d'innombrables perspectives d'exploitation pour améliorer la prise en charge individuelle des patients.

Regions / Country
Global challenges
Information and communication technology


Digital Economy Topical Cluster
Big Data
Digital Economy Observatory : Only Tags
Document Type

[Report] WHO: How to make sense of health system efficiency comparisons?

Submitted by fabbri on

WHO (01.03.2018) Improving health system efficiency is a compelling policy goal, especially in systems facing serious resource constraints. However, in order to improve efficiency we must know how to properly measure it. This new policy brief therefore proposes an analytic framework for understanding and interpreting many of the most common health care efficiency indicators.

Regions / Country
Global challenges
Document Type

South Korea Shortens 'Inhumanely Long' Workweek

Submitted by -treichel on

NPR (01.03.2018) Employees in South Korea work long hours: 2,069 hours per worker annually – the second-highest among the Economic Cooperation and Development states, after Mexico. In the United States, that figure is 1,783. Those long hours went hand-in-hand with the country's booming economy in the 1980s and '90s.

Regions / Country
korea, Republic of
Global challenges
Employment policies
Human resource management
Document Type

Does Blockchain Have A Place In Healthcare?

Submitted by ruggia on (08.05.2017) Blockchain technology is making headlines everywhere. If you have recently attended any tech events it is highly likely that you came out of them having heard just that bit more about it. Everybody is talking about blockchain--from the President of the United States to the Nigerian government.

Global challenges
Information and communication technology
Digital Economy Topical Cluster
Digital Platforms
Large-scale automation
Digital Economy Observatory : Only Tags
Document Type