Le Pass Mousso, un petit bijou de santé numérique
lemonde.fr (24.07.2019) L’Ivoirienne Corinne Maurice a créé un bracelet connecté qui contient toutes les données utiles à une prise en charge rapide et sûre des malades.
lemonde.fr (24.07.2019) L’Ivoirienne Corinne Maurice a créé un bracelet connecté qui contient toutes les données utiles à une prise en charge rapide et sûre des malades.
Lemonde.fr (10.07.2019) Elisabeth Paul, coordinatrice scientifique du projet ARC Effi-Santé à l’Université de Liège, décrypte les enjeux pour le continent d’une assurance de soins minimum.
healtheuropa (23.07.2019)Introducing the new Digital Care Act (Digitale-Versorgung-Gesetz), which is now a part of Germany’s efforts to expand the digitisation of the German healthcare system.
antaranews (22.07.2019) The Health Care and Social Security Agency (BPJS Kesehatan) is working with the Turkish government's social security agency Sosyal Guvenlik Kurumu (SGK) to study the health insurance system from various aspects. BPJS Kesehatan President Director Fachmi Idris inked a memorandum of understanding with SGK President Director Mehmet Selim Bagli to mark the start of cooperation between the two parties at the Jakarta BPJS Kesehatan office on Monday.
L'Orient-Le Jour (18.07.2019) Une équipe de l’OIT basée à Genève est en mission au Liban pour apporter son expertise dans le cadre de l’élargissement de la prise en charge à toutes les catégories de professions.
BBC News (10.07.2019) Worried about a lump? Got a nasty cough that won't budge? Many people Google queries about such symptoms daily - but now they can get NHS advice instantly by asking Amazon's Alexa.
Governments committed in the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development to engage in systematic follow-up and review of the implementation of this Agenda. Since then a total of
euro.who (June 2019) Governance of the public health system is divided between the Minister of Health and three levels of territorial self-government. This fragmentation helps explain the slow progress in tackling important and longstanding problems and imbalances, such as high hospital bed numbers and hospital debt, and related to this, an overreliance on hospital care compared to community-based care.
T20 Japan 2019 . Much effort has been expended on promoting universal health coverage (UHC). We focus on four areas that, on current trajectories, are unlikely to achieve sufficient progress to meet Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 3.8. These are also issues for which G20 can provide significant traction.
World Economic Forum (13.03.2019) When the World Health Organization reports that half the global population does not have access to essential healthcare, it's easy to be pessimistic about the chances of giving all of Africa’s children a healthy start in life. But as we approach World Health Day on April 7, health experts are optimistic that an initiative announced in Mali to provide basic healthcare to all under fives and pregnant women may help provide a solution to an intractable problem.