Population ageing

China to tap elderly population in bid to tackle looming demographic crisis, boost economy

Submitted by pmassetti on

South China Morning Post (29.11.2020) China is planning policies to boost the economic contribution of its elderly citizens, including improving their use of technology In 2019, 12.6 per cent of China’s population was aged 65 or above and that group will hit 300 million by 2025, official data shows

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COVID-19 could push the number of people living in extreme poverty to over 1 billion by 2030, says UNDP study

Submitted by pmassetti on

UNDP (03.11.2020) Severe long-term effects of the COVID-19 pandemic could push an additional 207 million people into extreme poverty on top of the current pandemic trajectory, bringing the total to over 1 billion by 2030, according to findings released today by the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP).

Global challenges


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Social protection for older people during COVID-19 and beyond

Submitted by pmassetti on

socialprotection.org (September 2020) This document provides information and guidance on social protection and older people, with a focus on pensions to cushion the economic impacts of COVID-19. It is intended as an advisory for people involved in planning and delivering social protection support for older people across a range of contexts. The document briefly describes the specific impact of COVID-19 on older people’s health and wellbeing, as well as the socio-economic impacts.

Global challenges
Old-age pensions


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Monitoring COVID-19 impact on older persons

Submitted by pmassetti on

Help Age Asia (2020) As part of an Asia-Pacific regional initiative, HelpAge International and partner organisations are producing bimonthly briefs to summarise trends in the situation of older people and responses to their situation in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic.

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Global challenges
Old-age pensions


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Netherlands: Agreement on the details of the pension agreement

Submitted by siha on

The government website (04.07.2020) The cabinet and social partners have reached final agreement on the details of the pension agreement. The new system will be more transparent. Workers and retirees gain a clearer insight into the accumulated assets. It also provides a realistic expectation and offers more prospects for a high-purchasing pension. The pension entitlements from the current system will be abandoned, thus eliminating the need for the use of actuarial interest and funding ratios. As a result, pensions and benefits can move faster with the state of the e

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Old-age pensions
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Germany: German parliament approves basic pension law

Submitted by siha on

IPE (02.07.2020) The German parliament, Bundestag, has approved the law for the introduction of the basic pension – Grundrente – from 1 January 2021. The Grundrente is paid in the form of a supplement to pensioners with at least 33 years of contributions to the statutory pension insurance based on periods of employment, child-rearing or care work.


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Old-age pensions
Service quality
Population ageing
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Germany: Introduction of a Basic Pension for Low-Income Pensioners

Submitted by mmarquez on

Deutsche Rentenvrsicherung (02.07.2020) On July 2, Germany’s parliament approved a law that will introduce an income-tested basic pension (Grundrente) on January 1, 2021, to supplement the country’s social insurance old-age pension (beneficiaries should have at least 35 years of basic-pension years of contributions). This new program is intended to reduce the risk of old-age poverty among individuals who had below-average earnings in their working lives or spent considerable time outside the labor force.

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Global challenges
Old-age pensions
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Kuwait: Amendments to the Insurance Law are in the interest of the citizen

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Social Insurance Institution (21.06.2020) In context of the improvement in life rates in Kuwait and the decrease in death rates due to the development of health care, the Kuwaiti National Assembly approved a draft law amending some provisions of the Social Insurance Law related to the replacement system, whereby the tables of the replacement value were modified so that the insured and the pensioners could obtain higher replacement values ​​than before.



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Old-age pensions
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US: How to Improve and Protect Nursing Homes From Outbreaks

Submitted by pmassetti on

The New York Times (22.05.2020) More than a third of America’s Covid-19 deaths can be traced back to these facilities. Experts suggest several ways to make them safer.

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United States
Global challenges
Old-age pensions


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Japan: Pension reform bill enacted

Submitted by siha on

Nikkei (29.05.2020) On the 29th, the Pension Reform Law was enacted, which includes such provisions as a lowering of the starting age for public pension benefits to 75. Increase the amount of pension you receive by delaying receipt of benefits. The government will also review the "working-age pension," which reduces some of the pensions of the working elderly, in an effort to encourage the elderly to work. The application of employee pensions to part-time workers will also be expanded in a phased manner.

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Old-age pensions


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