Title | Authored on | Regions / Country | Abstract | measures summary | Description/integral text (Internal-not for publishing) | Topics | Tags | Status | URL | |
France: La Cnav, le service public qui s'illustre dans la relation client | france | L'Express (18.03.2016) Pas de concurrence, ni d'exigence de rentabilité... Pourtant, le service public se préoccupe de plus en plus de ses rapports avec ses publics. Illustration avec l'un des champions de la "relation usager": l'assurance-retraite. |
Service quality | services quality, published |… | monitor | ||||
Nace un portal para buscar empleo a los jóvenes españoles emigrados | spain | El País (21.03.2016) Son jóvenes, tienen un trabajo estable y dominan otro idioma distinto a su lengua natal. Muchos de ellos salieron de España en busca de mejores oportunidades laborales y ahora, una vez superado el reto, quieren regresar. “El clima o la comida no son argumentos de peso. La… |
Employment of young workers, Migration | youth employment, megatrends, migration, published | | monitor | ||||
Euro zone lenders, Greece make progress on tax, pension reforms | greece | Reuters (20.03.2016) European lenders have made important progress in talks with Greece on tax and pension reforms that are part of a package of measures Athens must adopt to win new loans and debt relief, a European Commission spokesperson said on Sunday. |
Old-age pensions, Pensions, Contribution collection and compliance | economic crisis, managing reforms, published | | monitor | ||||
US: Obamacare Cost-Sharing Provisions and the Stakes in House v. Burwell | United States | The Wall Street Journal (17.03.2016) the health-care law that is at issue in the case. To soften the impact of out-of-pocket costs under Obamacare, the law requires insurers to reduce certain payments for individuals whose incomes are up to 250% of the federal poverty level if they purchase a “… |
Health | published |… | monitor | ||||
Association between spending on social protection and tuberculosis burden: a global analysis | (dec 2015) The End TB Strategy places great emphasis on increasing social protection and poverty alleviation programmes. However, the role of social protection on controlling tuberculosis has not been examined fully. We analysed the association between social protection… |
Health | poverty, published | | monitor | |||||
Social protection is key to tackle Asia-Pacific’s inequality trap | Asia | Solomon Star (18.03.2016) Rising inequality threatens to derail, from the start, successful implementation of the new 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development in the Asia-Pacific region. Stronger, more equitable social protection will be critical in overcoming these challenges. |
published |… | monitor | |||||
France: Cancer : gare aux traitements hors de prix ! | france | Le Point (15.03.2016) 110 cancérologues et hématologues français signent ce matin, dans "Le Figaro", un appel contre le coût des médicaments qui ruinent notre système de santé. |
Health | published |… | monitor | ||||
Namibia: Social security increases member benefits | namibia | New Era (17.03.2016) The Social Security Commission (SSC) has announced an increase in its member benefits under the maternity, sick leave and death benefits fund. |
Financing, Governance and administration | published | | monitor | ||||
Uruguay’s award-winning innovations for social protection | uruguay | (14.03.2016) Uruguay stands out in Latin America and the Caribbean for the significant and early progress it achieved in terms of social protection. |
Extension of coverage, Social policies & programmes | extending coverage, published |… | monitor | ||||
Schweiz: Was kostet das Grundeinkommen? | switzerland | Bazonline (14.03.2016) 2500 Franken pro Monat – so hoch konnte ein bedingungsloses Grundeinkommen bemessen werden. Die Einschätzungen darüber, wie es zu finanzieren wäre, gehen auseinander. |
Financing | published |… | monitor | ||||
France: Déficit de la Sécurité sociale - l’effet de la crise de 2008 est presque effacé | france | Les Echos (15.03.2016) Le déficit du régime général a été ramené à 6,6 milliards d’euros en 2015. Les rentrées de cotisations sociales ont été meilleures que prévu. |
Extension of coverage, Social policies & programmes, Financing | economic crisis, published |… | monitor | ||||
L'arrivée de la santé de précision impacte les modes de soins et d'assurance | (11.03.2016) La santé de précision va changer les techniques médicales et l'assurance: les patients pourraient payer de plus en plus selon leur comportement. |
Health |… | monitor | ||||||
Egypte : Assurance-maladie : Début de soulagement dans les campagnes | egypt | Ahram Hebdo (09.03.2016) Une nouvelle loi destinée au monde agricole permet désormais d'alléger le fardeau financier des soins de santé des populations paysannes. Elles sont souvent frappées par des maladies difficilement curables à cause notamment du maniement de pesticides. Visite. |
Health, Health insurance, Extension of coverage, Inequalities | extending coverage, rural world, published |… | monitor | ||||
Ivory Coast: Women at work | côte d'ivoire | Reuters (07.03.2016) Women have long played a dominant role in agriculture in Ivory Coast and in the sprawling markets where most Ivorians purchase their daily necessities |
Family benefits | published | | monitor | ||||
UK: Universal Credit cuts will leave millions of families worse off, experts warn | Mirror (14.03.2016) A single mum working full time on the minimum wage and who has two kids will be stripped of £554 a year, according to the Equality Trust |
Social assistance | poverty, megatrends, published |… | monitor | |||||
Ghana: IMANI’S review of social sector as presented in President's SONA | ghana | Pulse (14.03.2016) This paper traces key social protection programs since 2013 as presented by the President in the State of the Nation addresses and links the outputs as described by the President to the outcomes achieved. |
Extension of coverage, Social policies & programmes, Inequalities | extending coverage, published |… | monitor | ||||
ILO: 90 per cent of domestic workers excluded from social protection | (14.03.2016) New ILO study highlights huge decent work deficits for domestic workers throughout the world. |
Extension of coverage, Inequalities | extending coverage, published |… | monitor | |||||
France: La retraite progressive, un dispositif injustement méconnu | france | Le Monde (09.03.2016) A peine plus de 5 000 personnes bénéficiaient, fin 2015, de la retraite progressive, un dispositif qui permet aux plus de 60 ans de toucher une partie de leur pension tout en travaillant à temps partiel. Un système qui reste mal connu, selon une étude de la Caisse nationale… |
published |… | monitor | |||||
France: Sécurité sociale - sans la fraude, elle serait à l’équilibre | france | Capital (14.03.2016) Malgré les contrôles accrus, la lutte contre les abus n'est pas à la hauteur du manque à gagner, plus de 20 milliards d'euros par an. |
Governance and administration | published |… | monitor | ||||
El Salvador: Para Asafondos es prioritaria la discusión técnica de la reforma | el Salvador | El Salvador (13.03.2016) Antes de que continúe en la Asamblea Legislativa la ruta hacia una posible aprobación de la reforma de pensiones, la Asociación Salvadoreña de Administradoras de Fondos de Pensiones (Asafondos) considera fundamental que se aborde con criterio técnico la problemática… |
Old-age pensions, Pensions | managing reforms, published |… | monitor | ||||
France: Congé parental - les papas le boudent, les mamans trinquent | france | La Tribune (02.03.2016) Selon une étude de l'OCDE, les pères rechignent à prendre un congé parental rémunéré. Les habitants des pays nordiques et les Portugais sont les exceptions qui confirment la règle. |
Family benefits | megatrends, published |… | monitor | ||||
Les mutualistes africains partagent leurs expériences sur la couverture santé universelle | Africa | Star Africa (03.03.2016) Les mutualistes africains ont entamé, mercredi, à Abidjan, des échanges sur les perspectives dans le cadre de la couverture santé universelle au bénéfice des populations, a constaté sur place, un journaliste de APA. |
Health | published |… | monitor | ||||
Institut national de prévoyance sociale (INPS) : La maitrise des charges techniques et administratives au cœur des débats | mali | (11.03.2016) Le président sortant du conseil d’administration M Mamadou Sinsin Coulibaly, dira que le conseil se tient à un tournoi décisif de l’évolution de l’institut. L’INPS a entamé en 2015 une profonde mutation tant en ce qui concerne l’organisation que le fonctionnement de ses… |
Governance and administration | published |… | monitor | ||||
Nigeria: FG reiterates commitment to achieving universal health coverage - | nigeria | The Eagle Online (11.03.2016) The Minister of Health, Prof. Isaac Adewole, has expressed optimism that the present administration would achieve Universal Health Coverage. |
Health, Health insurance, Extension of coverage | extending coverage, published |… | monitor | ||||
UK: Make pensions more 'fun' with apps and gamification, suggests minister | united kingdom | Daily Mail Online (09.03.2016) Pension providers should inject more "fun" into their offerings to encourage people to increase their retirement savings contributions, the pensions minister has told MPs. |
Pensions | published |… | monitor |