AI and government ( 14.03.2018) This piece attempts an overview of how AI will affect government, and what could go wrong ( 14.03.2018) This piece attempts an overview of how AI will affect government, and what could go wrong (24.02.2018) Exclusion can mean lack of access to food, jobs and education and the underprivileged bear the biggest brunt. (23.01.2018) As India's Prime Minister headlines the Davos gathering and highlights the country's unique situation and economic potential, it is important to note that India can offer two major digital innovations to the world: the number zero and a unique ID system for a billion people. With mismanagement and lack of visionary leadership and innovation, its contributions could reduce to a single one: a big zero.
Estonia’s healthcare system has been revolutionized by innovative e-solutions. Patients and doctors, not to mention hospitals and the government benefit from the convenient access and savings that e-services have delivered. Each person in Estonia that has visited a doctor has an online e-Health record that can be tracked. In order to keep health information completely secure and at the same time accessible to authorised individuals, the electronic ID-card system uses KSI Blockchain technology to ensure data integrity and mitigate internal threats to the data.
oecd (16.01.2018) Technology is rapidly transforming the way that the financial sector is operating, and the management and delivery of pensions is no exception. Innovative applications of technology for financial services, or FinTech, are already being used to improve communication with consumers and their engagement with their pension plans. FinTech also has great potential to help pension providers make their internal processes more efficient and improve their risk management.
Good Practices in Social Security - ISSA (November 2017) - The 2017 ISSA Good Practice Award for Americas has been presented to the Social Insurance Bank, Uruguay for an innovation that extends social security coverage to workers in the sharing economy.
(09.11.2017) Blockchain technology has huge potential to disrupt a wide range of industries, ranging from data management, security and healthcare as a few examples.
Accenture 2015 - Governments need to drive digital at depth to rebuild public accountability and boost their mission productivity. But that means instigating digital change, not just reacting to it. By becoming digital disruptors themselves, not just adding digital services but digitalizing to transform their operations, governments can seize the initiative from the nimble new entrants invading their traditional turf and greatly enhance their own competitiveness.
it-finanzmagazin (25.09.2017) Eine Studie zur Digitalisierung im Gesundheitswesen (Download) zeige oftmals noch eine große Lücke zwischen Anspruch und Realität. Versicherte der Privaten Krankenversicherung (PKV) wünschen sich häufig eine digitale Abrechnung, Ärzte sind dabei aber noch sehr zögerlich. Eine elektronische Patientenakte würden aber sowohl Ärzte als auch Patienten sehr begrüßen und sehen darin mehrere Vorteile.
European Economic and Social Committee (20.09.2017) The EESC believes that equal access to healthcare, one of the main objectives of health policies, can benefit from digital support provided certain conditions are met: equal geographical coverage; bridging the digital divide; interoperability among the various components of the digital architecture (databases, medical devices); and protection of health data which must under no circumstances be used to the detriment of patients.