labour markets

EU: Better work-life balance: closing the gender employment gap?

Submitted by dfabbri on

EurActiv (06.03.2019) A positive work-life balance contributes to a more inclusive labour market, reducing the gender employment gap and raising individuals’ quality of life. Despite some progress, female participation in the workforce is lower than for men and the gap becomes much larger for women with children or caring duties.

Regions / Country
european union
Global challenges

L’économie souterraine représente 12 % du PIB français

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EurActiv (28.02.2019) Environ 2,5 millions de personnes pratiqueraient, pour tout ou partie, le travail non déclaré, mais l’ampleur du phénomène reste mal connue, selon un rapport du Conseil d’orientation pour l’emploi

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Difficult-to-cover groups
Document Type

US: Older Workers Face Career Woes Even in a Strong Economy

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Reverse Mortgage Daily (25.02.2019) As workers get older, their employment becomes increasingly difficult to maintain even in a generally prosperous economic climate. This is according to a study conducted by the Urban Institute, and recently highlighted by the Boston College Center for Retirement Research

Regions / Country
United States
Global challenges
Old-age pensions
Document Type

Germany needs a quarter of a million migrant workers a year

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EurActiv (20.02.2019) Germany is dependent on migrant workers but a decreasing number of them will be EU citizens in the future. In the long term, about 146,000 immigrants from outside of the EU will have to be integrated into the German labour market every year, according to a recent study. EURACTIV Germany reports.

Regions / Country
Global challenges
Document Type

BM: Paraguay está entre los países con mayor nivel de empleo informal

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ultimahora (19.02.2019) Con un índice del 71%, se lidera el ránking entre economías emergentes de ingreso mediano alto. La falta de protección social para trabajadores se mantiene entre las principales preocupaciones.

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Difficult-to-cover groups
Document Type

France: Salariés précaires - comment les contrats courts ont été multipliés par quatre en trente ans

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Le Monde (13.02.2019) Selon les derniers chiffres de l’Insee, la proportion de salariés embauchés en contrat court s’est stabilisée depuis les années 2010 après avoir été multipliée par quatre.

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Qué significarán los próximos 20 años para el empleo, y cómo prepararse

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Foro Económico Mundial  (28.01.2019) Las próximas dos décadas prometen una revolución a gran escala en nuestras vidas laborales. Antes de estudiar los próximos 20 años, echemos un vistazo rápido al presente, y a algo que alguna vez se consideró paradójico.

Global challenges
Digital Economy Topical Cluster
Labour market
Document Type

ILO Global Commission on the Future of Work: A human-centred agenda needed for a decent future of work

Submitted by dfabbri on

ILO (22.01.2019) A Universal Labour Guarantee, social protection from birth to old age and an entitlement to lifelong learning are among ten recommendations made in a landmark report by the International Labour Organization’s Global Commission on the Future of Work.

Global challenges
Document Type

France: Les chauffeurs Uber sous "contrat de travail" pour la cour d'appel

Submitted by gfilhon on (11.01.2019) Dans un arrêt rendu le 10 janvier 2019, la cour d'appel de Paris a estimé que le contrat qui liait un ancien chauffeur Uber à la célèbre plateforme de VTC était bien un "contrat de travail". Le lien de subordination entre le chauffeur et la plateforme a pu être caractérisé aux yeux de la justice, ce qui est une première en France.

Regions / Country
Employment policies
Employment of young workers
Error, evasion and fraud
Digital Economy Topical Cluster
Digital Platforms
Digital Economy Observatory : Only Tags
Document Type