How Japan and Singapore are reinventing old age
World Economic Forum (18.02.2020) A new demographic dividend – the “longevity dividend” – is emerging as populations age.
World Economic Forum (18.02.2020) A new demographic dividend – the “longevity dividend” – is emerging as populations age. (22.01.2020) The pension age increase has been a long time coming, and has caught the government and the media off-guard in how it’s led the election debate this week.
BBC News (17.02.2020) President Emmanuel Macron's bid to radically overhaul the post-war pension system reaches the National Assembly on Monday, ahead of a long period of debate.
LSE Business Review (05.02.2020) Older women are more likely to be rejected for jobs than older men, and less likely to be called for another interview than women under 45, writes Allyson Zimmermann
Pierre Mayeur, directeur de l'organisme commun des institutions de rente et de prévoyance (OCIRP) et ancien directeur de la Caisse nationale d'assurance vieillesse, donne sa lecture "personnelle et objective" des avant-projets de loi réformant les retraites.
C'est un arrêt à haut risque pour les finances de l'Etat. La Cour de Cassation doit se prononcer sur la minoration systématique des pensions de retraites par la caisse de retraites des autoentrepreneurs, la CIPAV. L'Etat a laissé faire et pourrait se voir demander de rembourser une note salée. (21.01.2020) L’analyse des « cas types » par le gouvernement montre que la réforme pénaliserait les départs avant l’âge pivot et profiterait à ceux qui travailleraient plus tard. (17.01.2020) Lack of literacy and complicated documents often hamper financially dependent elderly from accessing government welfare schemes and benefits. (18.12.2019) A stress test of pension schemes across the European Union wiped out €270 billion or almost a quarter of investments at funds that took part, the EU’s insurance and pensions watchdog said on Tuesday (17 December).
Development Pathways (Nov 2019) The report focuses on the Inua Jamii Senior Citizens’ Programme which is a tax-financed benefit-tested social pension that is provided to Kenyans when they reach 70 years of age. By ensuring a universal income guarantee to all of Kenya citizens in old age, the programme represents Kenya’s largest tax-financed social security programme and its first entitlement scheme.