Emergency grants
El Bono Universial
Se otorga por única vez un Bono Universal equivalente a Bs500.- (QUINIENTOS 00/100 BOLIVIANOS) a todos los bolivianos desde los dieciocho (18) años cumplidos hasta los menores de sesenta (60) años. Decreto Supremo 4215.
Australia: Economic Support Payment - Services Australia
Services Australia (08.05.2020) Economic Support Payment: The first Economic Support Payment is a one-off payment of $750. You’ll get it if you were living in Australia between 12 March 2020 and 13 April 2020 and either:
Bermuda: Unemployment Benefit update | Government of Bermuda
Government of Bermuda (03.04.2020) Unemployment Benefit is newly established and administered through the Department of Workforce Development. The Covid – 19 Unemployment Benefit is for full-time (more than 15 hours per week) employees not currently on Financial Assistance and provides a payment of 60% of their weekly gross salary up to a maximum of $500 per week. The benefit is for a maximum of 12 weeks in total per employee from the date of application.
Moldova: Unemployment benefits during the state of emergency
National Employment Agency (10.04.2020) According to the provisions of Provision no. 16 of April 10, 2020 of the Commission for Exceptional Situations of the Republic of Moldova, unemployed persons, including those returning from abroad, may apply for monthly unemployment benefit in the amount of 2775 lei (point 11).
Lithuania: For the self-employed: how to get a subsidy during the period of quarantine?
Employment services (31.03.2020) During emergencies and quarantine, the state provides support to the self-employed. Applications for benefits are available to the self-employed from 5 April.
One benefit is granted and paid to one self-employed person, regardless of the number of self-employed activities.
The benefit will also be available to persons exempt from social security contributions: pensioners, the disabled who have started their activity for the first time.
Lithuania: Subsidies to employers during downtime
Employment services (31.03.2020) If the employer declares downtime during the quarantine and the extreme situation, employees should be paid no less than the minimum monthly salary, which will be partially offset by the state. The employers can apply for subsidies to Employment Services from the 5th of April.
Iraq: Covid-19: Iraq’s Higher Committee for Health and National Safety announces emergency grant to families impacted by curfew - Government of Iraq
the Government of Iraq (12.04.2020) Covid-19: Iraq’s Higher Committee for Health and National Safety announces emergency monthly grant to families impacted by curfew. The grant is only available to Iraqi citizens who are residing in Iraq. Government employees, those receiving state pensions, social security payments or any other income from the state are not eligible to apply.
Bangladesh: PM unveils massive stimulus package to counter adverse effects of coronavirus - The Hindu BusinessLine
BusinessLine (05.04.2020) Bangladesh Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina on Sunday announced stimulus packages to the tune of Taka 72,750 crore (USD 8,573 million) to counter the adverse effects of coronavirus on the country’s economy.
Hungary: Economic Protection Action Plan: Research, Development and Innovation Subsidies
Ministry of Innovation and Technology (15.04.2020) Highly skilled workers in the research, development and innovation (RDI) sector receive wage subsidies to protect their jobs. An important element of the government's economic action plan for the coronavirus epidemic is the retention of highly qualified professionals in the RDI sector, as this is essential for relaunching the economy: the support available from 15 April businesses. The government undertakes a wage subsidy of 40% for employees in the RDI sector for a period of three months, at the maximum amou