Malaysia. Pension system needs upgrading as nation heads towards ‘super-aged society’

Submitted by pmassetti on (14.10.2023) MALAYSIA is undergoing a significant demographic shift towards an ageing population.  The World Bank has projected that with 14% of the population aged 65 and above by 2044, it will officially be an “aged society”.

Regions / Country
Global challenges
Document Type

Digital Financial Inclusion In Practice: Haiti Brief

Submitted by pmassetti on

World Food Programme (19.10.2023) When crises hit, delivering government assistance through digital payments can help lay the foundations for greater financial resilience and women’s economic empowerment. In Haiti, WFP’s work has centred around building Digital Public Infrastructure for more inclusive and adaptative Social Protection.

Regions / Country
Digital inclusion
Document Type

Santé: faut-il s'inspirer du système danois?

Submitted by pmassetti on

Le Temps (10.11.2023) En Suisse, on est en général très contents de la qualité du système de santé mais assez déprimés par les coûts qu’il engendre. Alors quittons un instant notre pays pour regarder comment les choses se passent ailleurs. Par exemple au Danemark, dont le système de santé est cité comme exemple depuis sa grande réforme de 2007. Quel est son secret? On vous explique.

Global challenges
Document Type

Health at a Glance 2023 - OECD

Submitted by pmassetti on (2023) Health at a Glance provides a comprehensive set of indicators on population health and health system performance across OECD members and key emerging economies. This edition also has a special focus on digital health, which measures the digital readiness of OECD countries’ health systems, and outlines what countries need to do accelerate the digital health transformation.

Global challenges
Information and communication technology
Document Type

The ambivalent and ambiguous impacts of digitalisation on job quality of workers in public services in the European Union

Submitted by pmassetti on (2023) The case of electricity production and supply, hospital, and public administration sectors

Regions / Country
european union
Human resource management
Technological transition
Document Type

The politics behind EU legislation on platform work: institutional synergies and a novel constellation of players

Submitted by pmassetti on

OSE (2023) Often depicted as the epitome of the future of work in the digital society, working through digital platforms has triggered heated political and scientific debates in the field of labour relations and social protection. The business model of one specific type of platform, namely ‘on-location’ platforms such as Uber and Deliveroo, has been widely questioned (Casilli 2020; Srnicek 2017)

Regions / Country
european union
Legal frameworks
Digital plateform workers

Inclusive Digital Health. Policy Overview

Submitted by pmassetti on (02.11.2023) One of the eight guiding principles for the digital transformation of the health sector promoted by the Pan American Health Organization is inclusive digital health. This policy brief presents key concepts, recommended lines of action and indicators for monitoring with the aim of advancing inclusive digital health.

Global challenges
Information and communication technology
Document Type

Meeting the Challenges of Multiple Crises: Lessons from the Covid-19 Pandemic

Submitted by pmassetti on (18.10.2023) In July 2023, the International Development Research Centre (IDRC) and the Institute of Development Studies (IDS) hosted a series of online learning events which explored and showcased learning and impact from the Covid-19 Responses for Equity (CORE) programme. The events brought together researchers and funders to consider the implications of CORE’s main areas of learning for managing multiple crises and building the resilience of the most vulnerable.

Document Type

Cash Transfers and Digital Financial Inclusion: Regional evidence from the Asia-Pacific region, with a focus on Bangladesh, Cambodia, and Nepal.

Submitted by pmassetti on

 World Food Programme (Feb 2023) The study examines the barriers and opportunities to strengthening digital financial inclusion for cash transfer recipients in the Asia-Pacific region, with a focus on Bangladesh, Cambodia and Nepal. Specifically, it maps the existing evidence on the landscape of digital financial inclusion and cash transfer programmes in the region, and explores the perspectives and experiences of cash transfer recipients in receiving digital cash transfers.

Regions / Country
Digital inclusion
Cash transfers
Document Type

Platform workers and social security: Recent developments in Europe | International Social Security Association (ISSA)

Submitted by rruggia on

In Europe, as globally, platform work remains a growing phenomenon. This article explores how recent developments in Europe affect platform workers’ rights and access to social security. In particular, it considers recent steps toward the appropriate classification of certain workers, changes in working conditions, and the extension of new rights and responsibilities

Regions / Country
Global challenges
Difficult-to-cover groups
Platform workers
Digital Economy Topical Cluster
Digital Platforms
Digital Economy Observatory : Only Tags
Document Type