France: «Bien vieillir»: le Sénat vote plusieurs mesures et demande une grande loi autonomie

Submitted by pmassetti on (06.02.2024) Après l'Assemblée nationale en novembre, la proposition de loi portant sur une panoplie de mesures pour «bâtir la société du bien-vieillir en France» est bien partie pour être adoptée très largement par les sénateurs

Regions / Country
Global challenges
Population ageing
Document Type

Fostering Resilience: How Mobile Money Transformed Crisis Response in Cameroon

Submitted by pmassetti on (29.01.2024) In early 2020, Cameroon had a well-established safety net. The Social Safety Net Project had reached almost 10% of the poor (140,000 households) with either cash transfers or, mainly for youth, temporary employment through public works. More broadly, the project had put in place robust systems to identify beneficiaries, monitor implementation, and handle complaints. While it had recently expanded support to refugees, it remained focused on addressing chronic poverty rather than responding to crises. The COVID-19 pandemic provided the impetus for change.

Regions / Country
Global challenges
Mobile technologies
Document Type

Platform economy: New report on platform economy marks first step towards considering a new international labour standard

Submitted by pmassetti on (01.02.2024) A new Law and Practice report, Realizing Decent Work in the Platform Economy , has been published by the ILO. The report marks a crucial milestone in the process that can lead to a new international labour standard on decent work in the platform economy. It will be discussed at the 2025 and 2026 International Labour Conferences.

Digital plateform workers
Document Type

Transforming Healthcare: Navigating Digital Health with a Value-Driven Approach

Submitted by pmassetti on

World Economic Forum (09.01.2024) This insight report provides a blueprint for the Digital Healthcare Transformation Initiative, detailing healthcare challenges that digital solutions can tackle, key enablers for adoption, success stories and strategies to expedite digital healthcare transformation.

Global challenges

India: Interim Budget 2024: Gig workers to get social security fund, says report

Submitted by pmassetti on

India Today (29.01.2024) The proposed fund, outlined in the Social Security Code of 2020, represents a significant move towards providing universal social security for a wide range of workers.

Regions / Country
Digital plateform workers
Document Type

Global Coalition for Social Justice: Global Coalition for Social Justice attracts first 100 partners

Submitted by pmassetti on

Governments, employers’ and workers’ organizations, international organizations, academic institutions and INGOs join Coalition to grow multilateral cooperation, and accelerate progress towards achieving Sustainable Development Goals and Decent Work Agenda.

Rethinking Health System Performance Assessment : A Renewed Framework

Submitted by pmassetti on

oecd (23.01.2024) Health systems are under intense pressure to adapt to evolving needs and megatrends driven by population ageing, digitalisation, and climate change. They also need to be better prepared to withstand sudden, large-scale shocks such as pandemics, financial crises, natural disasters, or cyberattacks. This shifting policy context and emerging challenges called for a revision in how OECD countries assess health system performance, to help ensure that health systems meet people’s health needs and preferences while providing quality healthcare for all.

Global challenges
Document Type

ILO Working Paper 97: A global fund for social protection. Lessons from the diverse experiences of global health, agriculture and climate funds

Submitted by pmassetti on (06.10.2023) This study aims to understand the experiences of setting up global funds across the health, climate and agriculture sectors and identify lessons to be learned from them that can guide further thinking about the implementation of a prospective global fund for social protection.

Document Type

Social protection for migrant workers in the Gulf Cooperation Council countries: A regional mapping of provisions on paper and in practice

Submitted by pmassetti on (28.11.2023) Challenges of extending social protection to migrant workers are particularly evident in the countries of the Cooperation Council for the Arab States of the Gulf (GCC), where migrants comprise between 76 per cent (Saudi Arabia) and 95 per cent (Qatar) of the workforce. Such a large share implies a need to better understand the current state of social protection coverage for migrant workers, and the factors that determine the level of coverage afforded to them.

Regions / Country
arabic countries
Extension of coverage
Document Type

Stress Testing Adaptive Social Protection Systems in the Sahel

Submitted by pmassetti on (02.01.2024) The Sahel region of Africa faces multiple crises, which further compound structural economic and human development challenges. The Sahel is one of the world’s poorest regions and displays some of the lowest levels of human capital globally. Violence and insecurity in the Sahel have significantly increased in the past decade, with several countries experiencing active armed conflict and unrest. The impacts of climate change compound existing vulnerabilities and risks.

Regions / Country
Environment and climate change
Document Type