Antigua and Barbuda: Reopening of physical offices to the public

Submitted by mmarquez on (19.05.2020) The Antigua & Barbuda Social Security Board wishes to advise the general public that its Registration Unit is opened. Registration is by appointment only. Our registration forms for employees, employers and self-employed persons can be accessed via our website.

Regions / Country
Global challenges
Service delivery
Document Type

Israel: Temporary extension of period of eligibility for benefits recipients

Submitted by siha on

National Insurance Institute of Israel (23.06.2020) National Insurance Institute have automatically extended the eligibility period of benefits recipients temporarily: The eligible recipients includes recipients of long-term care benefits, recipients of disability pension, disabled child benefit and attendance benefits, recipients of a work disability pension, and recipients of hostile actions casualty benefit. Extended duration differs depending on the types of benefits.

Regions / Country
Service delivery
Long-term care
Shocks & extreme events
Document Type

Colombia: Desempleados continúan con acceso a salud

Submitted by mmarquez on (05.06.2020) La expedición del Decreto 800 de 2020 tiene por objetivo garantizar el flujo de recursos a las EPS y otros aseguradores, así como a hospitales e IPS privadas pero, también garantiza el aseguramiento para aquellas personas que en el marco de la Emergencia Sanitaria por Covid-19 perdieron su trabajo y en consecuencia la capacidad de pago al Sistema de Salud.

Regions / Country
Global challenges
Cash sickness benefits
Document Type

Social Protection Response to the COVID-19 Crisis: Options for Developing Countries

Submitted by pmassetti on

Economics for Inclusive Prosperity (April 2020) We provide an overview of the policies that could form a comprehensive social protection strategy in developing countries, with examples of specific policies adopted around the developing world in recent days. Our core argument is that middle-income and lower-income countries can cast an emergency safety net with extensive coverage if they use a broader patchwork of solutions than higher-income countries.

Social assistance


Document Type

Chile: Nuevos montos y cobertura del beneficio Ingreso Familiar de Emergencia 2.0

Submitted by cambrosio on (15.06.2020) Nuevo Plan de Emergencia es anunciado por el gobierno en donde aumentaría a 100.000 pesos el Bono Familiar de Emergencia por integrante, alcanzando un universo de 2.1 Millones de hogares beneficiarios. ¿En que consiste las mejoras del nuevo Bono de Emergencia?

Regions / Country
Global challenges
Family benefits
Social assistance
Cash transfers
Document Type

S. Korea: NPS operated community treatment centers and temporary housing

Submitted by cambrosio on (12.03.2020)

At the outset of the virus infection, Daegu saw the largest increase in the number of confirmed cases of COVID-19. Therefore, NPS offered its facilities to be used as community treatment centers and was entrusted by Central Disaster Management Headquarters with the management of Gyeonggi International 2 Community Treatment Center that hosted patients from abroad that have relatively mild symptoms.

Regions / Country
korea, Republic of
Global challenges


Document Type

Denmark: One-time grant of DKK 1,000

Submitted by siha on

Ministry of employment (16.06.2020) A tax-free one-time grant of DKK 1,000 is paid to beneficiaries who were fully or partially publicly supported by a public income transfer in the month of April. The grant is not offset by the citizen's public benefits.

Regions / Country
Global challenges
Cash transfers
Document Type

Sweden: New measures to strengthen care of the elderly and health care during the COVID-19 crisis

Submitted by siha on (12.05.2020)  The COVID-19 pandemic has affected an already strained staffing situation for health and social care, not least in care of the elderly. To improve the supply of staff and make it more attractive to seek jobs in care of the elderly, a boost for care of the elderly is being implemented that means that employees in care of the elderly will be offered paid education and training during working hours. Central government will finance the costs for the time the employee is absent due to studies.

Regions / Country
Global challenges
Employment of young workers
Long-term care
Document Type