Guatemala: Programa de Alimentación Escolar temporal

Submitted by mmarquez on (14.04.2020) El Acuerdo Ministerial 825-2020 permite a las organizaciones de padres de familia utilizar los recursos transferidos por el Mineduc para que puedan adquirir alimentos y entregarlos a los padres de familia. Dicho aporte consiste en Q4 por estudiante para un período de 15 días lo que da un total de Q60 por alumno. DIGEPSA destacó que 2 millones 482 mil 475 estudiantes han sido beneficiado con segundo desembolso luego de la suspensión de clases el 16 de marzo cuando se declaró estado de calamidad pública por la pandemia del coronavirus.

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Global challenges
Cash transfers
Food and nutrition
Document Type

Guatemala: Bono para trabajadores en el sector informal

Submitted by mmarquez on (02.05.2020) El programa denominado Bono al Comercio Popular a cargo del Ministerio de Desarrollo  (Mides) destinado a los trabajadores de la economía informal, durante la emergencia sanitaria de COVID-19 ya realizó las primeras 2 mil 598 transferencias de Q1,000 a vendedores de la capital, que iniciaron a desembolsarse el 8 de abril.


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Global challenges
Cash transfers
Document Type

Guatemala: Segundo pago Bono Familia

Submitted by mmarquez on (06.08.2020) El Bono Familia se otorgará por tres meses: julio, agosto y septiembre (3 pagos). El Ministerio de Desarrollo (Mides) recordó que aún siguen entregando el primer pago y esperan comenzar con el segundo el 15 de agosto. Gómez indicó que las personas que aún no han actualizado los datos, deben enviar el mensaje de BonoPago al 2020 para continuar con el proceso y ser beneficiados del Bono Familia. De acuerdo con la página web del bono, el fondo es de 6,000 millones de quetzales y ha beneficiado a 10 milliones de personas (2 milliones de hogares).

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Global challenges
Cash transfers
Document Type

Bolivia: Seguro de invalidez y muerte de policías por COVID-19

Submitted by mmarquez on

Agencia Boliviana de Información (20.07.2020) El Gobierno, a través del 4289, destinó Bs 15.406.000 para contratar un seguro de invalidez total y permanente o muerte derivada del coronavirus COVID-19 para los miembros de la Policía Nacional.     Mediante la nueva normativa se autorizó al Ministerio de Economía, a través del Tesoro General de la Nación (TGN), realizar en la gestión 2020 la asignación presupuestaria de recursos adicionales por el monto señalado, a favor del Ministerio de Gobierno para contratar el seguro.

Regions / Country
Global challenges
Health insurance
Occupational accidents and diseases
Document Type

Bolivia: Amplicación de vigencia del carnet de discapacidad

Submitted by mmarquez on (15.07.2020) El Decreto 4288 autoriza de manera excepcional y temporal, la ampliación de la vigencia del Carnet de Discapacidad que se encuentren vencidos para las personas con Discapacidad grave y muy grave, para el pago del bono mensual.

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Global challenges
Service delivery


Document Type

AuroraAI: Finland's National Artificial Intelligence Program

Submitted by rruggia on

Finland launches its AuroraAI National Artificial Intelligence program. AuroraAI will be fully available in 2022. By Susan Fourtané July 09, 2020

The promise of Artificial Intelligence (AI) is no longer a concept taken from science fiction. Businesses around the world are taking advantage of AI and automation, moving the enterprise right at the center of digital business transformation.

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Artificial intelligence
Document Type

KrattAI: Estonia's National Artificial Intelligence Strategy

Submitted by rruggia on

KrattAI is the vision of how public services should digitally work in the age of Artificial Intelligence. By Susan Fourtané June 08, 2020

In Estonia, there are around 30 Artificial Intelligence (AI) solutions deployed in the Estonian public sector that were identified as active as of the beginning of June 2020. The Baltic nation aims to have at least 50 AI use cases by the end of 2020.

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Artificial intelligence
Document Type

Artificial Intelligence for Estonia

Submitted by rruggia on

In May 2019, an expert group led by Ministry of Economic Affairs and Communications (MKM) and Government Office presented proposals on advancing the take-up of artificial intelligence (AI) in Estonia aka for Estonia’s national AI strategy. ​

This current strategy has been prepared based on these proposals, as a plan on how to implement the expert group’s recommendations. It was adopted at Cabinet meeting on 25 July 2019. ​

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Global challenges
Artificial intelligence
Document Type

New e-Estonia factsheet: National AI “Kratt” Strategy — e-Estonia

Submitted by rruggia on

Unless you’re familiar with old Estonian mythology, it’s likely you don’t know what the word “Kratt” means. Created out of hay and miscellaneous household objects, a kratt was a magical creature who would come alive once a pact was made between its master and the devil. This then allowed the kratt’s master to order it to do whatever menial labour or even nefarious tasks were needed or desired.

Regions / Country
Artificial intelligence
Service quality
Document Type

Estonia created Suve, a state-approved automated chatbot to provide trustworthy information during the COVID-19 situation - Work in Estonia

Submitted by rruggia on

Suve is already working on the webpages of Government of Estonia, Estonia’s Health Board, Ministry of Social Affairs, Work in Estonia, International House of Estonia and Invest in Estonia – with other sites soon to follow. During the emergency situation in Estonia, Suve focuses on questions related to the crisis situation. Her main goals are to find official information during the crisis situation, keep various emergency phone lines free for those in need of information that she cannot provide and help prevent the spread of fake news.

Regions / Country
Artificial intelligence


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