
Bridging the Digital Divide in Health | UN Chronicle

Submitted by ruggia on

With these words, United Nations Secretary-General Kofi Annan captured the promise of information and communication technologies (ICT) in his opening address to the World Summit on the Information Society in 2003. Building on the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs), this compelling vision opened the door to new commitment, new investment and, most of all, to creativity and the drive to push the boundaries of technology far beyond anything ever dreamed.

Information and communication technology
Old_Global Challenges
Document Type

France: La hausse des dépenses sociales difficilement soutenable

Submitted by fabbri on

Le Monde (19.10.2017) Les dépenses sociales des départements ont progressé de 24,5 % entre 2010 et 2016. Elles sont la première cause de la dégradation de leur situation financière, selon un rapport de la Cour des comptes  ntre 2010 et 2016, les dépenses sociales des départements (RSA, aide sociale à l’enfance, personnes âgées et personnes handicapées) ont crû de 24,5 %. Elles atteignent désormais 32 milliards d’euros et représentent plus de la moitié (55 %) de leurs dépenses de fonctionnement (65 % dans les outre-mer).

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"Catastrophic medical insurance" (Major-illness insurance) in China

Submitted by massetti on

The Lancet (14.10.2017) The article briefly introduces the major-illness medical insurance in China, which has covered 1.01 billion people (of which 60% from rural areas) since its implementation in 2013. The new scheme is mainly funded (with an annual fee of 15 Yuan to 30 Yuan per person) through surpluses from the existing (social) medical insurance programmes (NCMS for rural residents and URMI for urban residents), and provided by commercial insurance companies through a bidding process.

Regions / Country
Health insurance
Document Type

Ethiopia: Progress Towards Ethiopian Universal Health Coverage -

Submitted by ruggia on

AllAfrica (06.11.2015) The World Health Organization defines universal health coverage (UHC) as a situation in which all people who need health services receive them, without incurring financial hardship. UHC is currently perceived as a crucial component of sustainable development and listed as one of the possible goals of the post-2015 development agenda.

Regions / Country
Health insurance
Extension of coverage
Old_Global Challenges
Document Type

Ethiopia’s Investments in Health, Education and Social Protection Yield Positive Results

Submitted by ruggia on (06.07.2016) Ethiopia’s investments in health, education, social protection, and infrastructure have had a positive impact on economic development and promoting shared prosperity in the country, says 2015 Ethiopia Public Expenditure Review, a new World Bank Group report released today.

Regions / Country
Social assistance
Document Type

[Report] Measuring social protection for long-term care

Submitted by -brener on

OECD iLibrary (27.03.2017)  This report presents the first international quantification and comparison of levels of social protection for long-term care (LTC) in 14 OECD and EU countries. Focusing on five scenarios with different LTC needs and services, it quantifies the cost of care; the level of coverage provided by social protection systems; the out-of-pocket costs that people are left facing; and whether these costs are affordable.

Long-term care
Old_Global Challenges
Document Type

Rire au travail rend-il les salariés plus performants?

Submitted by fabbri on

Le Temps (18.10.2017) L’humour est un baromètre de l’état de santé d’une entreprise. Bien manié, il permet de motiver les troupes et renforce la cohésion d’équipe

Health promotion
Occupational accidents and diseases
Workplace health promotion


Document Type

Maroc: La CNSS s'apprête à gérer la couverture sociale et médicale des Travailleurs non salariés

Submitted by monitor on

H24info (07.10.2017) La Caisse nationale de sécurité sociale (CNSS) s'apprête à gérer la couverture sociale et médicale des Travailleurs non salariés (TNS), une catégorie sociale qui représente 5,86 millions de personnes, soit 55% de la population active occupée, a affirmé samedi, à Marrakech, le directeur général de cet établissement public, Saïd Ahmidouch.

Regions / Country
Health insurance
Extension of coverage

USA: l’augmentation vertigineuse des coûts de la santé a contribué à créer un déséquilibre social !

Submitted by monitor on

Le Temps (08.10.2017) L’augmentation des coûts de la santé a un effet sur les équilibre économiques et sociaux. Si la proportion du PIB dédiée à la santé augmente fortement (c’est-à-dire plus que la moyenne des autres secteurs) alors c’est forcément au détriment des autres secteurs: nutrition, logement, éducation, transport, loisirs, etc.

Regions / Country
United States