Population ageing

WHO launches digital app to improve care for older people

Submitted by dfabbri on

WHO (01.10.2019) On the International Day of Older Persons – 1 October – the World Health Organization (WHO) is launching  a package of tools, including a digital application to help health and social workers provide better care for older people.The innovative interactive digital application known as WHO ICOPE Handbook App provides practical guidance to address priority conditions including mobility limitations, malnutrition, vision and hearing loss, cognitive decline, depressive sy

Old-age pensions
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Bangladesh: Reimagining social protection for older people

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The Daily Star (01.10.2019) Every year October 1 is observed worldwide as the International Day of Older Persons. The theme for this year’s day is “The Journey to Age Equality”, which calls attention to increasing old-age inequalities and seeks societal and structural changes in social protection and universal health coverage schemes for older persons around the world.

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Old-age pensions
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Pension extension: Bringing informal workers into the retirement social safety net

Submitted by pmassetti on

blogs.adb.org (Aug 2019) Millions of Asia’s informal workers – such as vendors, day laborers, and others – are left out of national pension systems. Here’s what we can do to help them in their later years.

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Japan estimates cast doubt over public pension sustainability

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Reuters (27.08.2019) Japan’s government unveiled estimates on Tuesday that showed public pension benefits steadily declining during coming decades, as it prepares to open up a debate on social security reforms needed to support an aging population.

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France: Réforme des retraites : comprendre le débat sur l’âge pivot et la durée de cotisation

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lemonde.fr (30.09.2019) Emmanuel Macron a laissé entendre lundi que la notion d’« âge pivot » pourrait être remplacée par une durée de cotisation. Un débat qui n’est pas seulement sémantique.

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China: Aging population spurs integrated elderly care services

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China.org.cn (07.08.2019) In February this year, the National Health Commission (NHC) launched a pilot program - the Internet Plus Nursing Services - in six provincial-level regions including Beijing, Tianjin, Shanghai, Jiangsu, Zhejiang and Guangdong, in an attempt to make use of nurses' spare time to provide door-to-door nursing services. Under the program, discharged patients and disabled people can apply for registered nurses to serve them at home via an online system.

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Japan: Practical debate needed on public pension system

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The Japan Times (09.07.2019) The public pension system and people’s concern over their retirement finances emerged as a key campaign issue for the upcoming Upper House election after a Financial Services Agency council report estimated that a model household of retirees dependent on pension benefits to cover their expenses would face a shortfall of ¥20 million if they lived to the age of 95.

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Ireland: Ageing population will put strain on system - report

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RTE (05.08.2019) The latest Government report on the risks and challenges facing Ireland in the coming years has pointed to the State's ageing population as a major issue which will put stress on public finances, social welfare and health systems and economic competitiveness.

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Old-age pensions
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Singaporean experts suggest establishment of ministry of aging

Submitted by pmassetti on

bernama.com (12.07.2019) A new Ministry of Ageing, coordinating closely with the Manpower and Education Ministries, could help the authorities resolve emerging challenges such as the displacement of mature professionals, managers, executives and technicians (PMETs) due to automation

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CNPS: Des pensions retraites plus consistantes - Caisse Nationale de Prévoyance Sociale

Submitted by pmondoa on

Grace à la réforme paramétrique intervenue en février2015, à l’initiative du président de la République, la pension mensuelle la plus élevée payée par la CNPS est passée de 154 000 francs CFA en 2008 à 409 100 francs CFA à ce jour !

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