Population ageing

How the youth in Uttar Pradesh are helping the elderly access government welfare schemes, benefits

Submitted by pmassetti on

yourstory.com (17.01.2020) Lack of literacy and complicated documents often hamper financially dependent elderly from accessing government welfare schemes and benefits.

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Global challenges

Pension schemes in EU show big shortfalls in stress test

Submitted by pmassetti on

 EURACTIV.com (18.12.2019) A stress test of pension schemes across the European Union wiped out €270 billion or almost a quarter of investments at funds that took part, the EU’s insurance and pensions watchdog said on Tuesday (17 December).

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'I feel more loved.' Autonomy, self-worth and Kenya's universal pension: Summary Report

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Development Pathways (Nov 2019) The report focuses on the Inua Jamii Senior Citizens’ Programme which is a tax-financed benefit-tested social pension that is provided to Kenyans when they reach 70 years of age. By ensuring a universal income guarantee to all of Kenya citizens in old age, the programme represents Kenya’s largest tax-financed social security programme and its first entitlement scheme.

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Philippines: Effective Pension Scheme For Phl Senior Citizens Sought

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onenews.ph (19.09.2019) “Empowering our elderly through universal social pension will also contribute to the reduction of poverty and inequality, provide transformative support to ordinary families, and further stimulate the economy,” Sen. Risa Hontiveros said.

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philippines, the
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WHO launches digital app to improve care for older people

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WHO (01.10.2019) On the International Day of Older Persons – 1 October – the World Health Organization (WHO) is launching  a package of tools, including a digital application to help health and social workers provide better care for older people.The innovative interactive digital application known as WHO ICOPE Handbook App provides practical guidance to address priority conditions including mobility limitations, malnutrition, vision and hearing loss, cognitive decline, depressive sy

Old-age pensions
Digital Economy Topical Cluster
Digital Platforms
Societal Impact
Digital Economy Observatory : Only Tags
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Bangladesh: Reimagining social protection for older people

Submitted by dfabbri on

The Daily Star (01.10.2019) Every year October 1 is observed worldwide as the International Day of Older Persons. The theme for this year’s day is “The Journey to Age Equality”, which calls attention to increasing old-age inequalities and seeks societal and structural changes in social protection and universal health coverage schemes for older persons around the world.

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Global challenges
Old-age pensions
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Pension extension: Bringing informal workers into the retirement social safety net

Submitted by pmassetti on

blogs.adb.org (Aug 2019) Millions of Asia’s informal workers – such as vendors, day laborers, and others – are left out of national pension systems. Here’s what we can do to help them in their later years.

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Japan estimates cast doubt over public pension sustainability

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Reuters (27.08.2019) Japan’s government unveiled estimates on Tuesday that showed public pension benefits steadily declining during coming decades, as it prepares to open up a debate on social security reforms needed to support an aging population.

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France: Réforme des retraites : comprendre le débat sur l’âge pivot et la durée de cotisation

Submitted by pmassetti on

lemonde.fr (30.09.2019) Emmanuel Macron a laissé entendre lundi que la notion d’« âge pivot » pourrait être remplacée par une durée de cotisation. Un débat qui n’est pas seulement sémantique.

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