Population ageing

India: Nitish’s Universal Pension Scheme: An Act of Political Braggadocio

Submitted by pmassetti on

NewsClick (02.07.2019) The Bihar Government on June 14 launched the Mukhyamantri Vridhajan Pension Yojna (MVPY), an old-age pension scheme that targets people above 60 years of age. The scheme brought under the Direct Benefit Transfer (DBT) programme has two slabs for pension disbursement — Rs. 400 per month for those in the 60 to 79 years age group and Rs 500 per month for the elderly above 80 years. The scheme has been termed ‘universal’ because under this, the pension is no longer limited to the elderly that are identified under the BPL (Below Poverty Line) section.

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G-20 Put Global Aging On The Agenda, But Did They Define Longevity As A Problem, Or An Opportunity?

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forbes.com (16.07.2019) The G-20, the world’s finance ministers and central bankers, are meeting in Japan. In keeping with the backdrop of Japan, the nation with the world’s fastest-aging population, global aging has made its way to the front of G-20’s agenda.

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G20: Aging Population and its Economic Impact + Immigration – T20 Japan 2019

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t20japan.org (2019) The rising trend of aging societies, a result of decreased fertility rates and longer life expectancies, signals drastic changes in the world’s demographic structure, as Asia clearly demonstrates.

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India: Bihar first state to launch universal old-age pension scheme

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Times of India (14.06.2019) Bihar on Friday became the first state to launch a universal old-age pension scheme in which each person at the age of 60 years and above, irrespective of their financial, family or caste status, will get a sum of Rs 400 per month directly in his/her bank account.

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[Report] Adequacy and sustainability of pension systems in the context of demographic ageing

Submitted by pmassetti on

ituc-csi.org (15.05.2019) The paper reviews several of the measures that States have taken with the intention of improving the sustainability of pension systems and evaluates their effectiveness. The paper highlights that many of the measures taken have had negative distributional impacts and have significantly compromised the primary function of pension systems: to provide a secure replacement income for people in old age and prevent their ability to fall into poverty.

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German minister presents draft law to supplement basic pension from 2021

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 China.org.cn (23.05.2019) The German Minister of Labor and Social Affairs, Hubertus Heil, presented his reform to supplement the German basic pension on Wednesday. According to the draft law, a pension supplement is planned from 2021 onwards for long-term, low-income earners in Germany and will be financed primarily from tax revenues.

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[Analysis] The costs of an ageing population keep growing, but who's going to pay?

Submitted by dfabbri on

abc.net. (20,05.2019) Australians born after 1946 began to retire in huge numbers in 2011. Demand for the aged pension, aged care and health services have been rising commensurately. The working age population is a net contributor to the federal budget. Older people, on the other hand, are the largest recipients of welfare, aged care and health care services.

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