Population ageing

France: Retraites - Agnès Buzyn évoque un "allongement de la durée de travail"

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Nouvel Obs (18.03.2019) "Je pense qu'un jour, nous serons obligés de travailler plus longtemps sinon notre système de retraite ne pourra pas tenir", a déclaré la ministre de la Santé.

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Graying Asia: How Pension Systems Fail to Respond to Dramatic Aging

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Tthenewslens (12.03.2019) he past few years have seen workers in Asia becoming increasingly restive and concerned over pensions. Demands for reform have erupted into street protests in China, French Polynesia, India, New Zealand, and everywhere in between. The Asia-Pacific has a relatively young population with a high ratio of workers to dependents – i.e., children and the elderly – and this has contributed substantially to the region’s sustained rapid economic growth in the past few decades.

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Old-age pensions

US: Older Workers Face Career Woes Even in a Strong Economy

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Reverse Mortgage Daily (25.02.2019) As workers get older, their employment becomes increasingly difficult to maintain even in a generally prosperous economic climate. This is according to a study conducted by the Urban Institute, and recently highlighted by the Boston College Center for Retirement Research

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Old-age pensions
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[Report] Working Better with Age: Japan

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OECD (December 2018) People today are living longer than ever before, while birth rates are dropping in the majority of OECD countries. Such demographics raise the question: are current public social expenditures adequate and sustainable? Older workers play a crucial role in the labour market. Now that legal retirement ages are rising, fewer older workers are retiring early, but at the same time those older workers who have lost their job after the age of 50 have tended to remain in long term unemployment. What can countries do to help?

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Old-age pensions

Suisse: En 2018, un licencié sur trois avait plus de 50 ans

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Le Temps (10.01.2019) Les secteurs bancaire et pharmaceutique apparaissent en pleine restructuration alors que la pression a diminué sur l’industrie, selon une étude. Les seniors mettent jusqu’à deux fois plus de temps pour retrouver un emploi

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China: Sustaining prosperity while growing old

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Chinadaily.com (08.01.2019) The global population is becoming older due mainly to fewer children being born, reinforced by people living much longer. China is now home to the largest number of elderly people and their size is increasing faster than in most other aging countries, with the fastest increase happening among the oldest old (aged 80 or above).

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Old-age pensions


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Japan’s age wave: Challenges and solutions

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 VOX, CEPR Policy Portal  (03.12.2018) Worldwide ageing trends are steering global demographics into uncharted territory, transforming populations and societies around the globe. Japan is leading the way in this growth wave as the world’s oldest population and is now grappling with the substantial socioeconomic burdens an ageing population places on society. This column discusses the coming challenges associated with population ageing alongside plausible solutions.

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US: A higher Social Security retirement age comes with risks for many workers

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Reuters  (13.12.2018) Is it time to raise the Social Security retirement age? The idea crops up often as a partial fix for the long-term financial challenges facing the program.  A higher retirement age would reduce the number of years on average that people receive benefits, as a way to cut program costs. But according to an economist at the Urban Institute who specializes in employment and retirement decisions made by older Americans, raising the retirement age would inflict serious harm on roughly one-quarter of Social Security beneficiaries.

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