Population ageing

Long-Term Care: An Actuarial Perspective on Societal and Personal Challenges

Submitted by delziniy on

As populations age over the next several decades, the demand for long-term care (LTC) services (assisting individuals with their activities of daily life) will increase dramatically and is likely to reach crisis levels in many countries. Societies will have to confront this emerging need because historical methods for providing and financing LTC may not be adequate to address future LTC needs.

Health insurance
Long-term care
Document Type

L’assurance autonomie: Une innovation essentielle pour répondre aux défi s du vieillissement

Submitted by delziniy on

The aging population and the epidemic of chronic diseases requires an accompanying fi nance reform of long-term care
that will become increasingly dominant. Many countries have faced this situation and have set up a separate public
funding for such care on the basis of a universal insurance covering both home care and institutions. Canada and Quebec
must adopt such autonomy insurance and create a separate fund fi nanced partly by a more judicious use of current

Health promotion
Medical care
Health insurance
Long-term care


Submitted by delziniy on

Le vieillissement de la population et la pandémie de maladies chroniques
qui l’accompagne obligent à prioriser le financement des soins à long terme
qui deviendront de plus en plus importants. De nombreux pays ayant fait
face à cette situation ont mis sur pied un financement public distinct via une
assurance universelle couvrant les soins à domicile et en institution comme
c’est le cas en France avec l’Allocation personnalisée d’autonomie (APA).
À la lumière des comparaisons internationales, nous identifions certaines

Regions / Country
Health promotion
Medical care
Health insurance
Long-term care
Population ageing
Document Type

Du rapport Laroque à la loi relative à l’adaptation de la société au vieillissement : cinquante-cinq ans de politique vieillesse en France

Submitted by delziniy on

La misE En oeuvrE des politiques sociales destinées explicitement à « traiter » la problématique du vieillissement remonte, en Europe, à la fin du xixe siècle et au début du xxe siècle. directement liée à la naissance et à l’affirmation des états-nations, elle répondait à deux grandes préoccupations:

Regions / Country
Global challenges
Health promotion
Medical care
Health insurance
Demographic change
Long-term care
Population ageing
Document Type

France: Retraites - Agnès Buzyn évoque un "allongement de la durée de travail"

Submitted by dfabbri on

Nouvel Obs (18.03.2019) "Je pense qu'un jour, nous serons obligés de travailler plus longtemps sinon notre système de retraite ne pourra pas tenir", a déclaré la ministre de la Santé.

Regions / Country
Global challenges
Document Type

Graying Asia: How Pension Systems Fail to Respond to Dramatic Aging

Submitted by dfabbri on

Tthenewslens (12.03.2019) he past few years have seen workers in Asia becoming increasingly restive and concerned over pensions. Demands for reform have erupted into street protests in China, French Polynesia, India, New Zealand, and everywhere in between. The Asia-Pacific has a relatively young population with a high ratio of workers to dependents – i.e., children and the elderly – and this has contributed substantially to the region’s sustained rapid economic growth in the past few decades.

Regions / Country
Global challenges
Old-age pensions

US: Older Workers Face Career Woes Even in a Strong Economy

Submitted by dfabbri on

Reverse Mortgage Daily (25.02.2019) As workers get older, their employment becomes increasingly difficult to maintain even in a generally prosperous economic climate. This is according to a study conducted by the Urban Institute, and recently highlighted by the Boston College Center for Retirement Research

Regions / Country
United States
Global challenges
Old-age pensions
Document Type

[Report] Working Better with Age: Japan

Submitted by dfabbri on

OECD (December 2018) People today are living longer than ever before, while birth rates are dropping in the majority of OECD countries. Such demographics raise the question: are current public social expenditures adequate and sustainable? Older workers play a crucial role in the labour market. Now that legal retirement ages are rising, fewer older workers are retiring early, but at the same time those older workers who have lost their job after the age of 50 have tended to remain in long term unemployment. What can countries do to help?

Regions / Country
Global challenges
Old-age pensions