
Australian workers who lose jobs because of COVID-19 will be handed increased Centrelink payments

Submitted by pmassetti on

 Daily Mail Online (18.03.2020) Australian workers who lose their jobs because of the coronavirus pandemic will reportedly receive welfare benefits which pay more than the dole. The enhanced Centrelink payments will reportedly be a part of a second government package to keep the economy alive following last week's $17.6billion stimulus - which promised a cheque of $750 for six million Australians. Small and medium businesses given tax breaks and subsidies under the original plan are also expected to be given a boost in the upcoming support package.

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Global challenges
Contribution collection and compliance


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Paid parental leave – what’s next for Australia?

Submitted by dfabbri on

Policy Forum (19.09.2019) Ten years on from the historic announcement of Australia’s paid parental leave scheme, it is time for policymakers, experts, industry, and government to reflect on further improvements to support Australian families, Belinda Townsend writes.

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Parental leave
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Australia: Fighting the gender pay gap key found in giving fathers paid parental leave

Submitted by dfabbri on

The Sidney Morning Herald (22.08.2019) Australian academics are looking to Iceland when it comes to ways to increase the proportion of fathers who take paternity leave. Asdís Arnalds, from the faculty of social work at the University of Iceland, will give the keynote address at the Australian National University on Thursday about how her country has doubled the proportion of fathers who take paternity leave from 40 per cent to 80 per cent since it was extended from six months to nine months.

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Family benefits
Parental leave
Document Type

Does Australia have one of the least generous paid parental leave schemes in the OECD?

Submitted by dfabbri on

ABC (17.07.2019) The average length of paid parental leave among OECD countries is around 55 weeks, while Australia's system offers 18 weeks, according to OECD data. Unlike the majority of the 36 members of the OECD, Australia provides a flat rate rather than a replacement wage. This makes the Australian system generous to low-income earners and part-time workers but not to those who earn more than the full-time minimum wage.

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Parental leave


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[Analysis] The costs of an ageing population keep growing, but who's going to pay?

Submitted by dfabbri on (20,05.2019) Australians born after 1946 began to retire in huge numbers in 2011. Demand for the aged pension, aged care and health services have been rising commensurately. The working age population is a net contributor to the federal budget. Older people, on the other hand, are the largest recipients of welfare, aged care and health care services.

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Global challenges

It’s cloud and data access for Australian Institute of Health and Welfare in 2019

Submitted by pmassetti on (16.01.2019) Find out what technology projects the organisation has taken on and is exploring.

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Global challenges
Data management
Digital Economy Topical Cluster
Business processes
Service delivery
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Austria to cut benefits for immigrants with poor language skills

Submitted by pmassetti on (03.12.2018) Foreigners who have moved to Austria but have not yet picked up the language are set to be hit by a controversial reform to the country’s social welfare system, as the Right-wing government steps up its efforts to deter immigration.

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Après les banques, les fonds de pension mis en cause en Australie

Submitted by gfilhon on (11.09.2018) Un cabinet d'avocats australien a annoncé mardi qu'il porterait plainte contre la première banque et le premier gestionnaire de fortune du pays pour fraude présumée aux dépens de plusieurs millions de retraités.

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Error, evasion and fraud
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Australia: Cashless welfare card's effectiveness unclear, auditor general says

Submitted by massetti on

The Guardian (17.07.2018) The government will push ahead with the expansion of its cashless welfare card trials, despite the auditor general finding it was unclear whether the program was actually reducing social harm.

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Social assistance


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Australia: The gig (economy) is up for ride-sharing giant Uber and online platforms

Submitted by ruggia on

PerthNow (14.05.2018) Ride-sharing giant Uber and online platforms like food delivery app Deliveroo will face government regulation to protect workers’ rights, Industrial Relations Minister Bill Johnston has vowed. Mr Johnston said players in the so-called gig economy were guilty of “driving wages down and reducing benefits for workers”, and predicted government regulation was inevitable. The WA Government is now considering whether the sector needs to be brought under the State’s industrial relations system.

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Digital Economy Topical Cluster
Digital Platforms
Labour market
Digital Economy Observatory : Only Tags
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