Covid19 Monitor database - ALL covid19

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What the Australian government's $17bn coronavirus stimulus package means for you australia This will see $1.2bn made available as a wage subsidy of 50% of the apprentice’s or trainee’s wage for up to nine months from 1 January 2020 to 30 September 2020. 2020-03-12 Unemployment,Employment of young workers Published Measures summary covid19, Non-contributory socpro…
Pensioners applaud Delhi govt for providing financial help india The Delhi government decided to double the pension under the widow pension scheme for 2.5 lakh beneficiaries, old-age pension scheme for five lakh beneficiaries, and disability pension scheme for one lakh beneficiaries. The Delhi government is providing Rs 4,000-5000 financial assistance to these people. 2020-03-04 Old-age pensions,Cash transfers,Social assistance Published Measures summary covid19 socpro…
Coronavirus: Barbados announces $20M “survival” stimulus package; landlords told not to evict barbados The National Insurance Board will give those on short weeks 60 per cent of their earnings for those days. For example, if a person is put on a three-day week, then the Board will pay 60 per cent of the wages the person would have earned for the other two days. 2020-03-22 Employment Published Measures summary covid19, Non-contributory socpro…
Delhi govt announces free, increased rations for poor affected by COVID-19 restrictions india Lunch and dinner will be served free to each and every person at all Delhi Government night shelters. 2020-03-21 Food and nutrition,Social assistance Published Measures summary covid19 socpro…
Burkina Faso: 394 billion to fight against Covid-19 in Burkina burkina faso Acquisition of inputs for food and pastoral agricultural production in the amount of 30 billion, the establishment of a solidarity fund in support of women to finance the trade in vegetables and fruits in the amount of five billion . 2020-04-03 Employment Published Measures summary covid19, Non-contributory socpro
Delhi govt announces free, increased rations for poor affected by COVID-19 restrictions india Delhi government, on Saturday, announced free and increased rations for the beneficiaries under the public distribution scheme. Free and enhanced rations will be available from March 30, and around 18 lakh families are expected to benefit from it. 2020-03-21 Food and nutrition,Social assistance Published Measures summary covid19 socpro…
Burkina Faso: 394 billion to fight against Covid-19 in Burkina burkina faso Management of certain water and electricity bills and tax reductions granted to certain companies affected by the coronavirus. 2020-04-03 Housing,Social assistance Published Measures summary covid19, Non-contributory socpro
Coronavirus in India: UP govt transfers Rs 611 crore in bank account of over 27 lakh workers during lockdown india The state of Uttar Pradesh transferred Rs 611 crore ($80M) in cash transfers directly to 27.5M workers of the Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Scheme. 2020-03-31 Cash transfers,Social assistance Published Measures summary covid19 socpro…
The BCEAO takes strategic measures to boost e-payment burkina faso To promote the use of electronic payment tools the Western Africa Central Bank (BCEAO) is providing more flexible measures to open a mobile money and making transfers between people backed by electronic money free. The measures are effective for 30 days, renewable. 2020-04-03 Information and communication technology Published Measures summary covid19, Non-contributory socpro…
Burkina Faso - Key Policy Responses burkina faso The government is currently weighing potential countercyclical fiscal measures to address the socio-economic impacts of the outbreak. An emergency response plan for the health sector has been prepared. The plan focuses on strengthening human and technical capacities of public hospitals, increasing available hospital beds, expanding testing capacities and purchasing medical supplies to facilitate the implementation of hygiene measures. The plan will be regularly updated to reflect local and… 2020-03-22 Health Published Measures summary covid19, Non-contributory socpro
Eswatini - POLICY RESPONSES TO COVID-19 egypt The government has issued a supplementary budget for public healthcare in the amount of E100 million or 0.14 percent of GDP (pending parliamentary approval). Low priority recurrent spending will be redirected to the fight against the pandemic and a portion of the capital budget will be reallocated towards refurbishing hospitals and completing new hospitals. 2020-03-24 Health Published Measures summary covid19 socpro
EGYPT - POLICY RESPONSES TO COVID-19 egypt The government has announced stimulus policies in the USD 6.4 billion package (EGP 100 billion, 2 percent of GDP) to mitigate the economic impact of COVID-19. Pensions have been increased by 14 percent. 2020-03-24 Old-age pensions Published Measures summary covid19 socpro
GABON - POLICY RESPONSES TO COVID-19 gabon The government has invited the SME and the Large Businesses Associations to discuss what would be the best measures to adopt in order to alleviate the impact of both crises. The government has also created a fund available at their Caisse de Depots et Consignation (CDC) with an initial allocation of FCFA 4 billion (approx. USD 2 million) to combat the propagation of COVID-19 in the country. Authorities’ current projection envisages the control of non-priority expenditure and redirect savings (… 2020-03-25 Health Published Measures summary covid19 socpro
Coronavirus: It is now free to send Gh¢100 and below via mobile money ghana Beginning on Friday March 20, 2020, all mobile money transfers of GH¢100 and below will be free of charge from service providers for the next 3 months. 2020-03-18 Housing,Social assistance Published Measures summary covid19 socpro…
Coronavirus: Akufo-Addo release $100 million dollars for Ghana Covid-19 disease response plan ghana The government committed US$100 million to support preparedness and response. Additional funds have been earmarked to address availability of test kits, pharmaceuticals, equipment, and bed capacity. 2020-03-12 Health Published Measures summary covid19 socpro
Greece’s Seasonal Tourism Staff to Receive Support in View of Covid-21 greece Decision that there can be no lay-offs after March 19 2020-03-20 Employment Published Measures summary covid19 socpro…
Greece’s Seasonal Tourism Staff to Receive Support in View of Covid-20 greece A transfer of 800 euros to employees who were laid off or were forced to quit between March 1-17. 2020-03-20 Unemployment Published Measures summary covid19 socpro…
Government announces new stimulus measures as Coronavirus impact escalates australia The Government is providing up to $100,000 to eligible small and medium sized businesses, and not‑for-profits (including charities) that employ people, with a minimum payment of $20,000. Under the enhanced scheme from the first package, employers will receive a payment equal to 100 per cent of their salary and wages withheld (up from 50 per cent), with the maximum payment being increased from $25,000 to $50,000. In addition, the minimum payment is being increased from $2,000 to $10,000. The… 2020-03-22 Employment Published Measures summary covid19, Non-contributory socpro…
Greece’s Seasonal Tourism Staff to Receive Support in View of Covid-19 greece Unemployment benefit payments will be extended by 2 months for those whose entitlement ends on 31 March. Tourism Ministry in cooperation with the Labor and Social Security Ministry have introduced a support measure for the country’s seasonal workers: the extension of unemployment benefits for two months (April and May) for those whose unemployment card expired during the first three months of the year and were to be employed this tourism season. According to the labor ministry, the… 2020-03-20 Unemployment Published Measures summary covid19 socpro…
Covid-19: Maduro proíbe despedimentos e suspende pagamento de rendas na Venezuela venezuela Increase in deliveries of subsidized food parcels through the CLAP program (inversión agroalimentaria para la distribución de siete millones de cajas CLAP - alimentos subsidiados distribuidos por el Estado). 2020-03-22 Food and nutrition,Social assistance Published Measures summary covid19, Non-contributory socpro…
Bolivia: FAMILIES BONUS EXTENSION bolivia Bolivia Emprende (17.04.2020) EXPANSION OF THE FAMILIES BONUS to students of the Fiscal and Agreement Educational Units of the Education Area for Young and Adult People of the Alternative and Special Education Subsystem; The Private Educational Units of the initial, primary and secondary… EXPANSION OF THE FAMILIES BONUS to students of the Fiscal and Agreement Educational Units of the Education Area for Young and Adult People of the Alternative and Special Education Subsystem; The Private Educational Units of the initial, primary and secondary levels. 2020-04-17 Family benefits,Social assistance Published Measures summary covid19, Non-contributory socpro
Bolivia: The Universal Bond bolivia Bolivia Emprende (17.04.2020) A one-time Universal Bonus equivalent to Bs500.- (FIVE HUNDRED 00/100 BOLIVIANOS) is granted to all Bolivians from the age of eighteen (18) to those under sixty (60) years of age. Supreme Decree 4215. A one-time Universal Bonus equivalent to Bs500.- (FIVE HUNDRED 00/100 BOLIVIANOS) is granted to all Bolivians from the age of eighteen (18) to those under sixty (60) years of age. Supreme Decree 4215. 2020-04-17 Family benefits,Social assistance,Cash transfers Published Measures summary covid19, Non-contributory socpro
Atención médica y un seguro de vida a todos los profesionales de la salud bolivia Se dará atención médica gratuita y un seguro de vida a todos los profesionales de la salud que dependan del sistema público y privado. Free medical care and life insurance will be provided to all health professionals who depend on the public and private system. 2020-04-08 Health Published Measures summary covid19, Non-contributory socpro…
Bono Familiar ampliado bolivia Bono Familia ampliado. Una ayuda financiera a todas las familias que tengan hijos en colegios fiscales---de pre- kinder hasta la secundaria. El “Bono Familia” que consta de Bs 500 por hijo. Extended Family Bonus. A financial aid to all families who have children in fiscal colleges--- pre-kindergarten through high school. The "Bono Familia" which consists of Bs 500 per child. 2020-04-08 Family benefits Published Measures summary covid19, Non-contributory socpro…
Decreto Supremo N° 4200 artículo 10 bolivia The government will cover all home electricty bills that are equal to or less than 120 pesos bolivianos for the months of April, May, and June 2020--over 120 bolivianos, the consumer must pay it all. Futhermore, the government will also pay for 50% of all home water bills for the months of April, May, and June 2020 as a reponse to the sanitary state of emergency and quarantine due to COVID-19. 2.5 millions people shall benefit from this aid.Companies are prohibited to cut off water, gas or… 2020-03-26 Housing,Social assistance Published Measures summary covid19, Non-contributory socpro
El Gobierno inyectará Bs 156 millones a la economía bolivia El Gobierno inyectará Bs 156 millones a la economía de la ciudad de El Alto mediante los bonos Familia y Canasta Familiar, para la etapa de cuarentena total. The Government will inject Bs 156 million into the economy of the city of El Alto through the Family and Family Basket bonds, for the total quarantine stage. 2020-04-05 Family benefits,Social assistance,Cash transfers,Financing Published Measures summary covid19, Non-contributory socpro…
Bono Familia ampliado bolivia Amplió el pago del Bono Familia a los estudiantes con discapacidad del sistema público. Pago de 500 bolivianos. Extended the payment of the Bono Familia to students with disabilities in the public system. Payment of 500 bolivianos. 2020-04-05 Disability,Family benefits,Social assistance,Cash transfers Published Measures summary covid19, Non-contributory socpro
Venezuela anuncia medidas para reforzar economía del país venezuela Payroll Plan for small and medium sized companies through the Patria system for a period of up to six months. It will be activated at the request of the companies, to protect the socio-economic stability and the productive capacity of the companies that have ceased their activities due to the quarantine. 2020-03-22 Unemployment Published Measures summary covid19 socpro…
Gobierno: La canasta familiar gratuita será entregada a los que no tienen un ingreso fijo bolivia La canasta familiar gratuita anunciada por la presidenta Jeanine Añez para mitigar el impacto de la cuarentena por la pandemia del covid-19 será entregada a personas que no tienen un ingreso económico fijo. "El primer criterio (para entregar este beneficio) es que, si usted es asalariado, no va a tener acceso a la canasta familiar. Lo que queremos es llegar a los más perjudicados. [...] También se beneficiarán las personas de la tercera edad, que solo tienen la renta dignidad y necesitan… 2020-03-26 The free family basket announced by President Jeanine Añez to mitigate the impact of the covid-19 pandemic quarantine will be given to people who do not have a fixed income. "The first criterion (for providing this benefit) is that, if you are a wage earner, you will not have access to the family… Social assistance,Food and nutrition Published Measures summary covid19, Non-contributory socpro…
Moratoria en el pago de las hipotecas: qué es, requisitos y cómo solicitarla bolivia La crisis sanitaria del Covid-19 ha hecho que el Gobierno aplace el pago de las hipotecas a personas que han visto mermados sus ingresos. The Covid-19 health crisis has caused the government to defer payment of mortgages to people who have seen their income reduced. 2020-03-20 Housing,Social assistance,Financing Published Measures summary covid19, Non-contributory socpro
El Gobierno anuncia el ‘Bono Familia’ de Bs 500 por cada escolar de primaria de colegios fiscales bolivia It is prohibited to suspend the basic services of potable water, electricity and gas. 2020-03-18 Housing,Social assistance Published Measures summary covid19, Non-contributory socpro…
Policy Responses to COVID-19 vietnam Approved temporarily cutting electricity prices by a maximum of 10 percent for 3 months to support firms and households. The support is estimated at approximately VND 11 trillion or nearly 0.1 percent of GDP. 2020-04-15 Housing Published Measures summary covid19 socpro
Gov’t economic team rolls out P27.1 B package vs COVID-19 pandemic The Technical Education and Skills Development Authority (TESDA)’s Scholarship Programs amounting to P3 billion will support affected and temporarily displaced workers through upskilling and reskilling. It is also offering free courses for all who would like to acquire new skills in the convenience of their own homes, mobile phones and computers through the TESDA Online Program. 2020-03-16 Unemployment Published Measures summary covid19 socpro…
Gov’t economic team rolls out P27.1 B package vs COVID-19 pandemic The Social Security System mobilized existing P1.2 billion to cover unemployment benefits for displaced workers. This will cover unemployment insurance benefits to projected 30,000 to 60,000 workers who will lose their jobs as a result of the possible layoffs in, or closures of, private companies hit by the economic fallout. 2020-03-16 Unemployment Published Measures summary covid19 socpro…
WHO expert group concludes Iran trip, says country's anti-epidemic work "in the right direction" iran At the same time, Iran is stepping up its tracing of close contacts, and has opened new nursing homes in the capital Tehran and the hard-hit area of ​​Qom province to provide care for patients who are recovering to ease the hospital's congestion. 2020-03-13 Health Published Measures summary covid19 socpro
N. Macedonia to grant interest-free loans to coronavirus-hit MSMEs North Macedonia The government is subsidizing social contributions for employees in companies from sectors of tourism, transport, catering and other affected companies, for April, May, and June of 2020, with a subsidy of contributions per employee up to 50% of the average salary paid in 2019. 2020-03-18 Contribution collection and compliance,Employment Published Measures summary covid19 socpro…
Policy Responses to COVID-19 vietnam Cash benefits to: Workers who temporarily stopped working or have been on unpaid leave (VND 1.8 million/person/month); (iv) unemployed workers without unemployment insurance, and self-employed workers (VND 1 million/person/month); (v) households with monthly taxable revenue below VND 100 million/month that temporarily suspended business (VND 1 million/household/month). Benefits will also be provided to poor households. This is part of a cash transfer package worth of VND 36 trillion. The… 2020-04-03 Cash transfers Proposition Measures summary covid19, Non-contributory socpro
Policy Responses to COVID-19 vietnam Each poor household will get a monthly allowance of VND1 million ($43), near-poor household get VND 250,000 per month, while social protection beneficiaries would receive an additional of VND500,000 per month on top of the monthly allowance. Employees, small/household businesses that have had to suspend operation and suffer difficulties due to Covid-19 would also be supported with VND1 million per month. This is part of a cash transfer package worth of VND 36 trillion. The allowances… 2020-04-03 Cash transfers Published Measures summary covid19, Non-contributory socpro
PhilHealth to release P30 billion to hospitals to fight CoViD-19 philippines, the As of 18 March 2020, PhilHealth (the state health insurer) will also implement administrative measures: provide its members and service partners with additional relief in view of the recent declaration of a state of public health emergency in the country by extending the deadline of payment of contributions for its self-paying direct contributors. They can now pay their first quarter contributions on or before April 30, 2020 instead of March 31, 2020 without interest. Moreover, its policy on… 2020-03-18 Health,Contribution collection and compliance Published Measures summary covid19 socpro
PhilHealth to release P30 billion to hospitals to fight CoViD-19 As of 18 March 2020, PhilHealth released Php 30 billion (USD 590 million) additional funds to accredited hospitals as well implemented administrative measures. 2020-03-18 Health Published Measures summary covid19 socpro
Gov’t economic team rolls out P27.1 B package vs COVID-19 pandemic The Social Security System mobilized existing P1.2 billion to cover unemployment benefits for displaced workers. This will cover unemployment insurance benefits to projected 30,000 to 60,000 workers who will lose their jobs as a result of the possible layoffs in, or closures of, private companies hit by the economic fallout. 2020-03-16 Unemployment Published Measures summary covid19 socpro…
DTI sets 30-day grace period for residential, commercial rent The Department of Trade and Industry (DTI) granted on Monday, April 6, a 30-day grace period for residential rent, as well as commercial rent paid by micro, small, and medium enterprises (MSMEs). 2020-04-06 Housing Published Measures summary covid19 socpro…
P5,000 aid during lockdown covers contractual, on-probation private workers, says DOLE philippines, the Affected workers, regardless of status (i.e. permanent, probationary, or contractual) employed in private firms whose operations are affected by the Covid-19 pandemic will receive P5,000 from the Department of Labor and Employment (DOLE). 2020-03-19 Cash transfers Published Measures summary covid19 socpro…
Policy Responses to COVID-19 bosnia-herzegovina Individual local governments are providing significant sums to assist the elderly and families with low or no income ($250,000 thus far from Sarajevo municipality Stari Grad). Plans are underway for larger-scale assistance. 2020-03-04 Cash transfers,Social assistance,Family benefits Published Measures summary covid19, Non-contributory socpro
COVID-19 Pandemic is a Crisis like no other, it feels like a War, and in many ways it is bosnia-herzegovina A total of Eur 5.5M is allocated for unemployment benefits for 2020, but this could increase to another Eur 10M to support job retention and/or increase unemployment benefits. 2020-04-06 Unemployment Published Measures summary covid19, Non-contributory socpro…
President Barrow approves 500 Million Dalasis Emergency Fund For Coronavirus Response gambia The government has reallocated 500 million dalasi (0.6 percent of GDP) from the current budget to the Ministry of Health and other relevent public entities to complement the support already received from partners to prevent and control the spread of the COVID-19 outbreak. 2020-03-19 Health Published Measures summary covid19 socpro
Sattler: EU will prepare a Special Program of Support for Economy of Bosnia and Herzegovina bosnia-herzegovina European Union will prepare a special program of support for the BiH economy and the Western Balkans, following the end of the crisis caused by the emergence of the coronavirus. 2020-03-19 Health Published Measures summary covid19, Non-contributory socpro…
Covid-19: C/d’Ivoire set 95bn CFA response plan côte d'ivoire President Alassane Ouattara of Cote d’Ivoire has announced a response plan funded up to 95.8 billion CFA francs as a new mechanism to battle the spreading coronavirus pandemic in the country. The funds aim to ensure the best care of patients, isolate and monitor people who have been in contact with these patients. 2020-03-24 Health,Health insurance,Financing Published Measures summary covid19 socpro
Employment legislation will be simplified czech republic The government approved a proposal for legislative changes in the field of employment. It will now be possible for a job seeker to register at the Labor Office online and from anywhere. Additionally, persons registered with the Labor Office will now have up to 3 days to prove a medical certificate in case of illness. 2020-03-04 Unemployment Published Measures summary covid19 socpro…
Supporting livelihoods during the COVID-19 crisis: closing the gaps in safety nets oecd (20.05.2020) This policy brief discusses the measures countries have taken to support the livelihoods of those who cannot access unemployment benefits or short-term work schemes. It examines the raft of new programmes introduced across the OECD and beyond, including means-tested assistance,… 2020-05-22 Unemployment,Extension of coverage,Cash transfers Published_SS_Monitor_covid19, Published_SS_Monitor covid19, self-employed pmassetti…