Covid19 Monitor database - ALL covid19

created Title Regions / Country Abstract for publishing measures summary Measure date Description (long-not for publishing) Topics Status Tags URL
Employment legislation will be simplified The government approved a proposal for legislative changes in the field of employment. It will now be possible for a job seeker to register at the Labor Office online and from anywhere. Additionally, persons registered with the Labor Office will now have up to 3 days to prove a medical certificate in case of illness. 2020-03-04 Unemployment Published Measures summary covid19 socpro…
Kosovo COVID-19: Emergency Fiscal Measures Package kosovo Social assistance allowance will be doubled for the period March– May 2020, amounting to EUR 7.65 million. 2020-03-30 Cash transfers Published Measures summary covid19 socpro…
Choose the method of logging in to the e-unemployment fund estonia The government offers online job search counselling and intermediation67 2020-03-04 Unemployment Published Measures summary covid19 socpro…
Kosovo COVID-19: Emergency Fiscal Measures Package kosovo Social assistance and pensions will be increased by EUR 30 per month to all beneficiaries of receiving a monthly amount lower than EUR 100, for the period of April - June 2020, amounting in total of EUR 13 million. 2020-03-30 Old-age pensions Published Measures summary covid19 socpro…
The Government approved the measure for supporting employers and workers in difficulties because of the corona virus estonia The Estonian Unemployment Insurance Fund will compensate 70% of the average wages from the last 12 months but no more than Euro 1,000. The compensation is paid to those workers with no work to carry out, or whose wages were already cut because of the lack of workload. The cost of the decreased wages compensation measure is Euro 250M 2020-03-20 Employment Published Measures summary covid19 socpro…
Kosovo COVID-19: Emergency Fiscal Measures Package kosovo Payment of monthly assistance will be at EUR 130 for each individual resulting as unemployed due to the public health emergency situation. The total coverage amounts to EUR 4 million. 2020-03-30 Unemployment Published Measures summary covid19 socpro…
Finland announces €15bn support package to prop up economy finland Government will allow freelancers and sole traders to claim unemployment benefits without shutting down their businesses. 2020-03-20 Unemployment Published Measures summary covid19 socpro…
Minister of Finance and Transfers Besnik Bislimi takes decision on protective measures for pension scheme beneficiaries kosovo Early payment of pensions. 2020-03-16 Old-age pensions Published Measures summary covid19 socpro
Finland announces €15bn support package to prop up economy finland Government will eliminate the waiting period before people can claim unemployment benefits. 2020-03-20 Unemployment Published Measures summary covid19 socpro…
Kosovo COVID-19: Emergency Fiscal Measures Package kosovo Monthly salaries coverage will be covered at the amount of EUR 170 per employee for the period of April-May 2020. The total amount of this measure is EUR 41 million. Monthly salaries coverage of EUR 130 will be awarded for the first two months to any new hired employee during the COVID-19 situation with a defined term contract of at least one year. The total coverage amounts to EUR 6 million. 2020-03-30 Employment Published Measures summary covid19 socpro…
Finland announces €15bn support package to prop up economy finland Workers laid off can claim income-linked benefits, provided they are a member of an unemployment fund through their trade union or independently. 2020-03-20 Unemployment Published Measures summary covid19 socpro…
Malta Government unveils Coronavirus financial aid package malta Persons ending unemployed and previous not benefiting from rent subsidy, can now benefit from the rent subsidy. In case of individuals already benefiting from rent subsidy this will be increased (to an amount not specified). This measure is applicable also if only one dependent has his job terminated. 2020-03-18 Housing Published Measures summary covid19, Non-contributory socpro…
France boosts financial aid for small businesses hit by Covid-19 france A transfer of Euro 1,500 will be provided to the self-employed and other SMEs as part of the solidarity fund 2020-03-30 Cash transfers Published Measures summary covid19 socpro…
Malta Government unveils Coronavirus financial aid package malta Employees who ended up unemployed as from 9th March, will benefit from a special unemployment benefit of €800 per month. Disable individuals who due to their medical condition were unable to continue working will also be entitled to a €800 per month for a period to be specified 2020-03-18 Unemployment Published Measures summary covid19, Non-contributory socpro…
Sick Pay and Layoff Terms During COVID-19 france People placed in isolation will benefit from “sick leave and daily benefits” of up to 20 days without “waiting period”. 2020-03-24 Cash sickness benefits Published Measures summary covid19 socpro…
Malta Government unveils Coronavirus financial aid package malta Individuals employed with entities which suffered a downturn in operations of at least 25% but continued operating, will benefit from a 1 day per week benefit, based on a salary cap of €800 per month covered by government. This benefit is applicable also in the case of self- employed and is increased to 2 days per week if the self-employed employs individuals 2020-03-18 Employment Published Measures summary covid19, Non-contributory socpro…
France promises €45 billion to save companies hit by coronavirus france state payments to workers temporarily laid off by their employers because of the crisis 2020-03-18 Unemployment Published Measures summary covid19 socpro…
Malta Government unveils Coronavirus financial aid package malta €350 grant payment per employee under quarantine, to all employers to compensate for 14 days mandatory quarantine leave 2020-03-18 Employment Published Measures summary covid19, Non-contributory socpro…
rance promises €45 billion to save companies hit by coronavirus france deferring social security charges due in March 2020-03-18 Contribution collection and compliance Published Measures summary covid19 socpro…
Policy Responses to COVID 22 mongolia For a period of three months, the government will provide a monthly 200,000 MNT in financial support to employees of companies that are keeping their workforce and have had their operations disrupted by National Emergency Management Agency mandates. 2020-03-04 Unemployment Published Measures summary covid19 socpro
Coronavirus : activité partielle, droit de retrait, confinement france En période d’activité partielle, l’employeur doit verser aux salariés une indemnité de 70 % de leur salaire brut par heure chômée. Cela correspond environ à 84 % du salaire net horaire. L’indemnité horaire est portée à 100 % de la rémunération nette antérieure du salarié lorsque des actions de formation sont mises en œuvre pendant les heures chômées. Il est possible de faire une demande de recours à l’activité partielle auprès de l’État afin que celui-ci prenne pour partie en charge les… 2020-03-19 Employment Published Measures summary covid19 socpro…
Policy Responses to COVID 21 mongolia The government will exempt businesses and entities from paying social insurances fees between April 1 and October 1, however, health insurance fees will need to be paid. 2020-03-04 Contribution collection and compliance Published Measures summary covid19 socpro
НОИ: Срокът на изплащане на отпуснатите инвалидни пенсии се удължава служебно заради извънредното положение (NSSI: The disability pension disbursement period is being extended ex officio due to the state of emergency) bulgaria All medical certificates determining the degree of lost working capacity (the validity of these documents for people below standard retirement age is between 1 and 3 years; working capacity of people above standard retirement age doesn’t need to be reassessed) which expire during the period of the state of emergency and have to be renewed, are automatically renewed for the whole period of the state of emergency + 2 months after that. Approximately 75,000 disability pensioners will benefit… 2020-04-04 Old-age pensions Published Measures summary covid19, Contributory socpro…
China provides unemployment social assistance for affected workers china Unemployed workers who don’t meet the conditions for unemployment social insurance can apply for an unemployment social assistance (lower than unemployment insurance). 2020-02-28 Unemployment Published Measures summary covid19 socpro…
Bulgaria’s Labour Minister: More than 61 000 lost their jobs since State of Emergency began bulgaria All application deadlines are automatically extended until the end of the State of Emergency. Additional offices are being opened and all documents can be submitted electronically. 2020-03-13 Unemployment Published Measures summary covid19, Non-contributory socpro…
China halves health insurance contribution china Halves contribution for health insurances for up to five months. 2020-02-20 Health Published Measures summary covid19 socpro
Bulgaria to give 1000 leva a month extra to all medical professionals on frontline against Covid-19 bulgaria The Bulgarian state will give 1000 leva (about 500 euro) extra a month to every medical professional on the frontline against Covid-19 coronavirus 2020-03-15 Health Published Measures summary covid19, Non-contributory socpro…
China reduces or waives employer contribution for old-age, unemployment and employment injury. china Increases the inter-provincial allocation reserve of the basic old-age pension fund from 3.5% to 4% to better support low-income regions. 2020-02-20 Old-age pensions Published Measures summary covid19 socpro…
Policy Responses to COVID-19 bulgaria Expanding the coverage and scope of the home visiting services provided to elderly people and other vulnerable groups (people with disabilities), including the delivery of food and medicines. 2020-03-04 Service delivery Published Measures summary covid19, Non-contributory socpro
China reduces or waives employer contribution for old-age, unemployment and employment injury. china Enterprises with operational crisis can apply to delay contribution payment for up to six months 2020-02-20 Contribution collection and compliance Published Measures summary covid19 socpro…
Bulgarian PM pledges 2.3 bln euro to support businesses, jobs through coronavirus bulgaria The measures include increasing the capital of state-owned Bulgarian Development Bank (BDB) to help businesses affected by the COVID-19 pandemic 2020-03-25 Employment Published Measures summary covid19, Non-contributory socpro…
Programa de Assistência Alimentar arranca em todos os Concelhos do arquipélago cabo verde Immediate Food Assistance to 22,500 families (around 90,000 people), whose income is below the minimum wage or without any source of income 2020-03-04 Food and nutrition Published Measures summary covid19 socpro…
Governo cria Linha Verde da Protecção Social cabo verde Support for workers in micro and small enterprises and self-employed in the informal sector, including sellers of informal commerce and municipal markets. These workers are guaranteed a value of 10,000 escudos (US$100) for one month. 30,000 workers are expected to benefit. 2020-04-02 Unemployment Published Measures summary covid19 socpro…
Governo cria Linha Verde da Protecção Social cabo verde Expansion of CTs under the existing SP project to 8,000 families (from original 5,000). 2020-04-02 Cash transfers Published Measures summary covid19, Non-contributory socpro…
Medidas adoptadas pelo Governo de Cabo Verde Para Apoio às Empresas cabo verde Reduction of the guarantee period for entitlement to unemployment benefit from 180 days to 60 days in the period from 1 April to 30 June at the date of submission of the application. During the above-mentioned period, the age of the insured person shall not be taken into account for the purposes of entitlement to unemployment benefit. 2020-03-28 Unemployment Published Measures summary covid19 socpro…
Medidas imediatas de estímulo para empresas e particulares, em resposta à pandemia do coronavirus angola Para fomentar a formalização das actividades económicas, sobretudo entre os operadores de transportes de passageiros por veículos e motorizadas, bem como para os operadores do comércio informal, o Ministério da Economia e Planeamento, o Ministério do Comércio, o Ministério dos Transportese o Ministério das Finanças irão o promover o processo de formalização da actividade, introdução de uma carteira de pagamentos por telemóvel e apoio financeiro com micro-crédito; 2020-04-08 Employment Published Measures summary covid19, Non-contributory socpro…
Medidas adoptadas pelo Governo de Cabo Verde Para Apoio às Empresas cabo verde Possibility for the employer to suspend the provision of work by all or some workers, for a period of up to 90 days, starting from 1 April 2020, on the grounds of market difficulties, economic reasons and lack of supply of raw materials or other goods. 2020-03-28 Employment Published Measures summary covid19, Non-contributory socpro…
Medidas imediatas de estímulo para empresas e particulares, em resposta à pandemia do coronavirus angola Para melhorar o rendimento das famílias mais pobres afectadas pela profundidade da crise económica que o país vive, inicia em Maio de 2020 a primeira fase do Programa de Transferência Social Monetária que irá ter um milhão e seiscentos mil beneficiários; 2020-04-08 Family benefits Published Measures summary covid19, Non-contributory socpro…


困难群众兜底保障工作的通知 (The central government's response to new coronavirus infection pneumonia)
china Cash transfer for retention migrant population in Wuhan. One-time cash assistance of RMB 3000 2020-03-06 Cash transfers Published Measures summary covid19 socpro
Medidas imediatas de estímulo para empresas e particulares, em resposta à pandemia do coronavirus angola Paragarantir o consumo de bens alimentares da cesta básicapara famílias mais vulneráveis, o Ministério da Acção Social, Família e Promoção da Mulher, o Ministério do Comércio e os Governos Provinciais desenvolvem campanhas de distribuição de bens da cesta básica para as populações mais vulneráveis, com destaque para o apoio a mais de 17 mil crianças; 2020-04-08 Food and nutrition Published Measures summary covid19, Non-contributory socpro…
China improves epidemic medical care mechanism china Improve epidemic medical care mechanism: treat first and pay after, improve special assistance for vulnerable population 2020-03-05 Health Published Measures summary covid19 socpro
Medidas imediatas de estímulo para empresas e particulares, em resposta à pandemia do coronavirus angola Para salvaguardar os postos de trabalhoe assegurar o pagamento dos salários as empresas com dificuldades de realizar o pagamento do salário do mês de Abril podem recorrer ao financiamento dos salários bonificado pela linha de liquidez criada pelo Banco Nacional de Angola; 2020-04-08 Employment Published Measures summary covid19, Non-contributory socpro…
China improves social assistance for the poor and vulnerable population. china Increases assistance or temporary assistance to the infected and impacted families, including stranded population, quarantined population and their relatives e.g. carees and dependents. 2020-03-07 Cash transfers Published Measures summary covid19 socpro
Мониторинг принятых государствами-членами ЕАЭС мер, направленных на преодоление негативных последствий распространения коронавирусной инфекции (COVID-2019) belarus Care leave for children under 14 2020-04-15 Cash sickness benefits Published Measures summary covid19, Non-contributory socpro…
China’s health insurance reimburses online consultations china Online Consultations for chronic and common diseases can be reimbursed by health insurance. 2020-03-04 Health Published Measures summary covid19 socpro
Self-employed workers can request a 1-year deferral of the payment of provisional social contributions belgium Self-employed workers who are affected by the consequences of the coronavirus can submit a written request to their social insurance fund to request a 1-year deferral of the payment of provisional social contributions, without being charged any increases and with no effect on benefits. 2020-04-10 Unemployment Published Measures summary covid19, Contributory socpro
China implements increasing use of online platforms for social security services china Increasing use of online platforms, e.g. for unemployment insurance, 2020-02-12 Health Published Measures summary covid19 socpro…
The BCEAO takes strategic measures to boost e-payment benin To promote the use of electronic payment tools the Western Africa Central Bank (BCEAO) is providing more flexible measures to open a mobile money and making transfers between people backed by electronic money free. The measures are effective for 30 days, renewable. 2020-04-03 Service delivery Published Measures summary covid19, Non-contributory socpro…
China increases layoff rate threshold for refunding unemployment insurance contribution china SMEs with a layoff rate lower than 5.5% (estimated unemployment rate) can apply for a refund 50% of previous year’s unemployment contribution. The threshold is 20% for enterprises with less than 30 employees. Some cities refunds up to 80% 2020-03-05 Unemployment Published Measures summary covid19 socpro
Key points of measure granting additional powers to Duterte to address COVID-19 philippines, the Around 18 million low-income households belonging to the informal sector should be targeted to receive monthly emergency subsidies amounting to P5,000 to P8,000 for two months. 2020-03-24 Family benefits,Children Published Measures summary covid19 socpro…