Title | Authored on | Regions / Country | Abstract | measures summary | Description/integral text (Internal-not for publishing) | Topics | Tags | Status | URL | |
Belgique: La réforme du financement de la Sécurité sociale adoptée à la Chambre | belgium | (31.03.2017) La Chambre a adopté jeudi, majorité contre opposition (VB et Vuye se sont abstenus) le projet de loi réformant le financement de la sécurité sociale. |
Social policies & programmes | managing reforms |… | monitor | ||||
Gabon: Biyoghe Mba explique aux gabonais leur nouveau code de protection sociale | gabon | (04.04.2017) Le ministre gabonais des Affaires sociales, Paul Biyoghe Mba a récemment consacré une demi-journée pour expliquer aux gabonais par des mots simples le nouveau code de protection sociale qui remplace l’ancien code de sécurité sociale datant des années 70. |
Social policies & programmes | managing reforms |… | monitor | ||||
Irish take big step towards divestment | ireland | Corporate Knights (21.03.2017) A bill requiring Ireland’s €8 billion sovereign wealth fund to divest itself of all coal, oil and gas holdings moved one step closer to ratification after passing a second stage reading in the Irish lower house of parliament in January. |
Investment, Financing |… | monitor | |||||
Etats-Unis: Trumpcare : "14 millions d'Américains perdraient leur couverture santé d'ici un an" | United States | EuroNews (24.03.2017) Les dépenses de santé aux Etats-Unis sont estimées à 20 % du PIB pour 2017, un record mondial qui se chiffre à 3,5 trillions de dollars. Moins de la moitié de ces dépenses sont financées par le gouvernement américain. (A titre de comparaison, selon l’OCDE, au sein de l’… |
Health, Health insurance, Inequalities | managing reforms |… | monitor | ||||
El gasto de España en protección social se reduce tres décimas y amplía su brecha con la UE | spain | 20minutos (06.03.2017) El gasto español con relación al PIB es inferior (43,8%) a la media de la UE (47,2%) y de países como Finlandia, Francia (57% ambos) o Dinamarca (54,8%). El porcentaje del gasto dedicado a políticas sociales (ayudas a mayores, parados o dependientes) es del 39,1%, 1,5… |
Financing |… | monitor | |||||
Europe: Workplace cancer prevention must be extended to reprotoxic substances | european union | EurActiv (30.03. 2017) Putting more than 10 years of paralysis behind it, the European Commission finally launched a revision of the directive on the prevention of occupational cancers in May 2016. Lawmakers can now address reprotoxic substances in the workplace, writes Laurent Vogel. |
Occupational accidents and diseases |… | monitor | |||||
France: Pays surréglementé, la France est tombée amoureuse d’Uber | france | (10.04.2017) Fruit de la révolution numérique, Uber fait un carton dans les banlieues. De manière générale, la France se veut le pays de la nouvelle économie. Les politiques sont à la traîne. |
Employment, Employment of young workers, Information and communication technology | digital economy |… | monitor | ||||
Ghana: Women on social protection undergo skills training | ghana | Business Ghana News (29.03.2017) More than 3,000 women on social protection intervention programmes are receiving skills training as part of efforts to wean them off the programmes. |
Employment |… | monitor | |||||
[Analyse] France: Protection sociale - concilier solidarité et liberté dans un monde en plein bouleversement | france | Les Echos (05.03.2017) Prévalence de nouvelles formes de contrat de travail, explosion du chômage, accroissement du nombre de retraités, avènement des nouvelles technologies… Tous ces changements sont autant de défis pour le monde de la protection sociale. Comment faire évoluer les modes de… |
Social policies & programmes, Inequalities | digital economy |… | monitor | ||||
UK: Healthcare urged to look at co-operative model | united kingdom | BBC News (05.04.2017) More worker-owned businesses could help deal with the budget shortfall for health and social care, according to the Wales Co-operative Centre. |
Health | | monitor | |||||
Here's what the U.S. could learn from Singapore's plan for aging workers | (05.04.2017) At Chatters, a small café in the lobby of a hospital, the staff frothing cappuccinos and managing the register aren't your typical young baristas. That's because every employee must be at least 55. |
Employment |… | monitor | ||||||
[Publication] Social Protection for Informal Workers in Asia | Asia | Asian Development Bank (dec 2016) Asia’s growing labor force needs innovative solutions to reduce risks and ensure social protection of workers in vulnerable employment with informal arrangements. |
Employment, Extension of coverage, Inequalities | extending coverage, poverty | | monitor | ||||
SSA's Quick Disability Determination (QDD) and Compassionate Allowances (CAL) - CarePlus New Jersey Mental Health Care, Psychiatrists, Psychologists, Therapy | Americas | Social Security Administration is committed to providing benefits quickly to claimants whose medical conditions are so serious that they clearly meet our disability standards. Our two fast-track processes, Quick Disability Determination (QDD) and Compassionate Allowances (CAL), use… |
Disability, Pensions |… | ruggia | |||||
Quick Disability Determination (QDD) - Part 1 of Fast-Track Disability Process - Disability Help Group | Americas | Country: USA. Institution: SSA. DocType: Regulation/Business Process. In an effort to improve the speed and quality of their disability claims process, Social Security developed the “fast-track” program, a two-part initiative that uses computer technology to identify cases where… |
Disability, Information and communication technology, Pensions |… | ruggia | |||||
New Forms of Work in the Digital Economy - OECD iLibrary | This paper provides new evidence on the development of online platforms and explores the emergence of new forms of work in the digital economy. Following the rise of platforms that match demand and supply of goods (e-commerce) and information (search, social networks), platform markets for… |
Employment | digital economy, labour markets |… | massetti | |||||
Belgique: Les congés parentaux sont en pleine explosion chez nous: "C’est évidemment toujours un problème dans l’entreprise | belgium | RTL Info (16.08.2016) Le congé parental a de plus en plus de succès. Les employés qui choisissent de lâcher du lest pour s'occuper de leur enfant sont chaque année plus nombreux. Les allocations octroyées pour congé parental ont augmenté de 74% en 10 ans. |
Family benefits |… | monitor | |||||
[Opinion[ Contre le chômage, inciter les Etats à augmenter leurs prestations sociales, | Les Echos (27.07.2016) Par peur du chômage, la France a longtemps augmenté ses allocations chômage, favorisant le refus de l'emploi. Dans le même temps, la concurrence internationale pousse au dumping social et fiscal entre les Etats. Et si la France faisait pression sur ses voisins pour qu… |… | monitor | |||||||
New Zealand: New ministry dedicated to care and protection | (18.08.20116) Social Development Minister Anne Tolley says that a new child-centred, stand-alone ministry with a new Chief Executive is to be established to focus on the care and protection of vulnerable children and young people. |
Family benefits | | monitor | ||||||
Bahamas: Universal Health Coverage - Full Range of Benefits/Potential Lowering of Private Health Insurance Costs | The Bahamas Weekly (13.08.2016) Eligible citizens and legal residents of The Bahamas will have access to a full range of benefits needed to restore and maintain optimum health under the proposed National Health Insurance Plan. |
Extension of coverage | extending coverage |… | monitor | |||||
El envejecimiento de los trabajadores amenaza la productividad de la zona euro | european union | El País (19.08.2016) Un informe de expertos del FMI sitúa a los países del sur de Europa como los más expuestos al aumento de la edad de la fuerza laboral |
Old-age pensions, Population ageing | megatrends | | monitor | ||||
South Africa: Stress, extra work put women’s health at risk | south africa | IOL (20.08.2016) People seldom take into account the extra unpaid hours of work that women put in each day - hours that increase their risk of serious health problems due to the added stress |
Occupational accidents and diseases |… | monitor | |||||
3 alternative sources of financing for social protection | Asia, philippines, the | (22.08.2016) When it comes to financing social protection programs, taxes are seen as a major resource. This can be problematic in countries where tax evasion and tax avoidance by individuals and companies are rampant, such as the Philippines. |
Extension of coverage, Social policies & programmes, Financing | extending coverage |… | monitor | ||||
Facing the social protection challenges of climate change | Asian Development Blog (25.08.2016) Natural disasters bringing previously unimaginable chaos, heartbreak, and economic and social casualties are likely to increase in number and intensity in the coming years due to climate change. |
Shocks & extreme events, Natural disasters | climate change | | monitor | |||||
Brazil’s Fiscal Plan Could Falter Without Pension Reform | brazil | Bloomberg (16.08.2016) Acting President Michel Temer’s prized fiscal austerity proposal to cap public spending will only succeed if he can convince Brazil’s Congress to pass a controversial pension reform as well, according to a leading member of his economic team. |
Social policies & programmes | managing reforms |… | monitor | ||||
France: Pire que l’absentéisme au travail, le surprésentéisme? | france | bfmtv (08.08.2016) Travailler à tout prix, même quand on est malade, n’est pas la solution. Cela ne fait que retarder et aggraver l’état de santé. |
Occupational accidents and diseases |… | monitor |