Title | Authored on | Regions / Country | Abstract | measures summary | Description/integral text (Internal-not for publishing) | Topics | Tags | Status | URL | |
Jordan: Steering committee to update anti-poverty, social protection strategy | jordan | Jordan Times (10.05.2017) Minister of Planning and International Cooperation Imad Fakhoury on Monday chaired the steering committee’s first preparatory meeting to update the Strategy for Combating Poverty and Enhancing Social Protection, according to a statement from the Ministry of Planning and… |
poverty |… | monitor | |||||
[Opinión] La renta básica universal en México: una utopía posible | mexico | El País (15.05.2017) La idea de asegurar a toda la población un ingreso suficiente para cubrir las necesidades del día a día emerge como alternativa a unas políticas públicas ineficaces contra la pobreza |
Employment, Inequalities | megatrends, poverty | | monitor | ||||
Suisse: La loi rend les retraites plus flexibles | switzerland | Bilan (05.05.2017) La réforme Prévoyance vieillesse 2020 prévoit plusieurs dispositions nouvelles, dont l’aménagement individuel du moment du départ à la retraite et des versements partiels. |… | monitor | ||||||
EU proposes four months’ paid parental leave | european union | Irish Times (07.05.2017) Irish workers could gain the right to four months of paid parentalleave for the first time under a proposal from Brussels that aims to encourage fathers to take on more parenting responsibilities. The Sunday Times reports that Ireland is one of only six EU countries… |
Family benefits |… | monitor | |||||
France: L’automatisation pourrait toucher 40 % des emplois en France | france | (09.05.2017) La dernière évaluation prospective du cabinet McKinsey sur l’impact du numérique sur le marché du travail est relativement optimiste pour la France. |
Employment, Employment of young workers | digital economy, labour markets, published | Published_DIGITAL_Eco_Obs_MONITOR |… | monitor | |||
'Unemployment could rise further' as Singapore tackles structural transition: Swee Say | singapore | TODAYonline (15.05.2017) Unemployment "could rise further", Manpower Minister Lim Swee Say cautioned in a sobering May Day message on Friday (April 28) pointing out that the Republic would need more time and effort to overcome the current economic challenges. |
Unemployment |… | monitor | |||||
UK: May Pledges Protections for U.K. Gig Economy Workers, Pensions | united kingdom | Bloomberg (14.05.2017) Theresa May on Monday will pledge to broaden employment rights in Britain as the country pulls out of the European Union, outlining a raft of promises designed to safeguard pensions, gig economy workers with companies such as Uber Technologies Inc., and wages. |
Pensions, Employment policies, Extension of coverage | digital platforms | Published_DIGITAL_Eco_Obs_MONITOR |… | monitor | |||
France: Santé, fiscalité de l’épargne: -les assureurs dans l’expectative après l’élection de Macron | france | Les Echos (15.02.2017) Le président a promis la création de trois contrats types pour les complémentaires santé et un prélèvement forfaitaire unique de l’ordre de 30 % sur les revenus de l’épargne. |
Health, Health insurance | managing reforms |… | monitor | ||||
Madagascar: Protection sociale – Mise en place d’un registre unique | L'Express de Madagascar – Actualités en direct sur Madagascar | madagascar | L'Express de Madagascar (19.05.2017) Un registre unique serait en voie de réalisation dans le cadre de la protection sociale à Madagascar. « Le registre unique des bénéficiaires doit être réalisé au plus tard au mois d’octobre de cette année. Ce registre permettra de faire le suivi des… |
Governance and administration |… | monitor | |||||
Schweiz: Weniger Pension wegen Rentenreform 2020 - Wer sich früher pensionieren lässt, verliert den Schutz | switzerland | Blick (15.05.2017) Im September befindet das Stimmvolk über die Altersreform 2020. Zentrale Elemente der Reform: die Anhebung des Frauenrentenalters auf 65 Jahre und die Senkung des Umwandlungssatzes – also der jährlich ausbezahlte Anteil am angesparten Kapital – von 6,8 auf 6 Prozent. Und genau… |
Pensions | managing reforms |… | monitor | ||||
Le secteur de la santé en Afrique un patient à soigner d’urgence | Africa | JeuneAfrique (15.05.2017) «J’ai décidé d’être heureux car c’est bon pour la santé» disait Voltaire. Un nombre croissant d’africains ont fait leur cette maxime. Mais ils ont également décidé… qu’il fallait être en bonne santé pour être heureux. La santé en Afrique a été plombée par des années de… |
Health |… | monitor | |||||
[Informe] América Latina y el Caribe - Condiciones laborales continuarían debilitándose en 2017 y desempleo urbano podría superar el 9 por ciento en la región | latin america | OIT (18.05.2017) uevo informe CEPAL-OIT indica que el aumento de la desocupación promedio regional en 2016 fue el mayor incremento anual en dos décadas. También se entrega un análisis sobre las características de la inserción de los inmigrantes en el mundo del trabajo. |
Unemployment | economic crisis |… | monitor | ||||
Romania, last in the EU for child and family allowances | romania | romania-insider (15.05.2017) Romania ranked last in the EU for the per capita spending on family and child allowances, with an amount of EUR 91 in 2014, according to EU’s statistical office Eurostat. |
Family benefits | | monitor | |||||
Health system 'failing' obese Australians | australia | (06.05.2017) The Australian health system is failing people struggling with obesity, a conference of physicians will hear this week. |
Health |… | monitor | |||||
Sénégal: Couverture maladie universelle - La campagne nationale d’adhésion aux mutuelles de santé lancée | senegal | Le Soleil (08.05.2017) Couverture maladie universelle : La campagne nationale d’adhésion aux mutuelles de santé lancée |
Extension of coverage | extending coverage |… | monitor | ||||
Vietnam: Draft dictates foreigners pay into social insurance | vietnam | News VietNamNet (02.05.2017) All foreign employees in Vietnam with work permits, practice certificates, or practice licences issued by local authorised agencies will be subject to compulsory social insurance payments if a new draft decree is approve |
Extension of coverage | extending coverage, migration |… | monitor | ||||
G20 labour ministers: Shaping the labour markets of the future | MilTech (22.05.2017) Getting women into employment, integrating migrants, sustainable global supply chains and the future of work were the main topics at the meeting of G20 labour ministers. A joint declaration on key employment issues was adopted at the end of the meeting. |
Employment of young workers | digital economy, youth employment |… | monitor | |||||
Transforming livelihoods through cash transfers to more than 1.5 million families in Egypt | egypt | (30.03.2017) Thanks to "Takaful and Karama" program, many of Egypt’s poorest families can now afford to keep their children in school and in better health. The monthly income they receive from the government is helping them buy their children food, school uniforms, and… |
Conditional cash transfers, Inequalities | cct |… | monitor | ||||
Vietnam: Social insurance contribution rate cut for employers | VietNamNet (09.05.2017) The rate of compulsory social insurance contribution by the employer to the fund for occupational accidents and diseases will be reduced by half a percentage point from June 1, 2017 |… | monitor | |||||||
France: Les handicapés ont trois fois moins de chances d'avoir un emploi | france | Le Figaro (11.05.2017) Bénéficier d'une reconnaissance administrative de leur situation ne protège pas davantage les personnes en situation de handicap sur le marché du travail, d'après la dernière enquête de la Dares. |
Disability |… | monitor | |||||
America's rising retirement age | United States | The week (16.05.2017) Everybody has his or her own view of retirement. Does yours involve working beyond a typical retirement age, or even failing to retire at all? A recent survey from CareerBuilder shows that a substantial number of Americans are expecting something other than a traditional… | | monitor | ||||||
Finland's universal basic income trial for unemployed reduces stress levels, says official | finland | The Independent (08.05.2017) The pilot scheme is 'indirectly benefiting people's mental health' says Marjukka Turunen of Finland's social insurance agency |
Extension of coverage | universal-basic-income |… | monitor | ||||
Afrique de l'Ouest: le BIT montre la voie pour atteindre les objectifs de 2030 | Africa | (23.05.2017) Le bureau international du travail (Bit) a initié un atelier tripartite des mandats de l’OIT et des partenaires au développement en Afrique de l’Ouest et du centre sur la mise en place des socles de protection sociale. C’est dans le but d’aider ces pays de l’Afrique avec… |
Extension of coverage | extending coverage, universal health coverage |… | monitor | ||||
EC recommends higher retirement age for Poles | poland | Radio Poland (23.05.2017) The European Commission has said that Poland should take steps to increase the effective retirement age and encourage women and elderly people to participate in the workforce. |,EC-recommends-higher-retirement-age-f… | monitor | ||||||
China: Shanghai Revises Minimum Wage, Social Insurance Contribution Rates | china | China Briefing News (12.05.2017) The Shanghai Municipal Bureau of Human Resources & Social Security recently released its annual minimum wage adjustments for 2017, as well as the associated changes to employeeenefits. |
Governance and administration, Social policies & programmes | managing reforms |… | monitor |