Title | Authored on | Regions / Country | Abstract | measures summary | Description/integral text (Internal-not for publishing) | Topics | Tags | Status | URL | |
Cameroun - Digitalisation: Lancement officiel des quittances numériques - Caisse Nationale de Prévoyance Sociale | cameroon | La caisse nationale de prévoyance sociale (CNPS) a procédé le 2 août 2019 au lancement officiel des quittances numériques d'encaissement des cotisations sociales, en présence du directeur des Finances et du Patrimoine, Hortense Asim Abisone, représentante du Directeur Général. |
Information and communication technology, Service quality | Published_SS_Monitor, Published_DIGITAL_Eco_Obs_MONITOR |… | pmondoa | ||||
Sri Lanka has second highest welfare coverage in Asia | sri lanka | conomynext (06.08.2019) Sri Lanka has the second highest welfare coverage in Asia, albeit with low spending per person, while other forms of social protection are below par, the Asian Development Bank said. The Social Protection Indicator for Asia Report said that Sri Lanka has the second… |
Published_SS_Monitor |… | dfabbri | |||||
Japan: Practical debate needed on public pension system | japan | The Japan Times (09.07.2019) The public pension system and people’s concern over their retirement finances emerged as a key campaign issue for the upcoming Upper House election after a Financial Services Agency council report estimated that a model household of retirees dependent on pension… |
Pensions | Published_SS_Monitor |… | pmassetti | ||||
La Sécurité sociale britannique s’allie à Amazon pour conseiller les malades | united kingdom | (12.07.2019) « Alexa, je crois que j’ai la grippe… ». Désormais, les Britanniques peuvent se plaindre à l'assistant vocal d'Amazon de leur état de santé : la Sécurité sociale locale mise sur cette technologie pour dispenser des conseils médicaux. |
Information and communication technology | Published_SS_Monitor, Published_DIGITAL_Eco_Obs_MONITOR |… | pmassetti | ||||
France: L’aide médicale réservée aux sans-papiers dans le viseur du gouvernement | france | Le Monde (96.08.2019) A la demande du gouvernement, une mission de l’inspection générale des affaires sociales et de l’inspection générale des finances étudie des pistes de réforme de ce dispositif réservé aux sans-papiers. |
« Nous ne remettrons pas en cause l’aide médicale d’Etat [AME]. » Quelques semaines avant d’être élu président de la République, Emmanuel Macron défendait, dans une interview au magazine mutualiste Viva, un « système fondé sur la solidarité |
Difficult-to-cover groups | Published_SS_Monitor |… | dfabbri | |||
Ireland: Ageing population will put strain on system - report | ireland | RTE (05.08.2019) The latest Government report on the risks and challenges facing Ireland in the coming years has pointed to the State's ageing population as a major issue which will put stress on public finances, social welfare and health systems and economic competitiveness. |
The latest Government report on the risks and challenges facing Ireland in the coming years has pointed to the State's ageing population as a major issue which will put stress on public finances, social welfare and health systems and economic competitiveness. The National Risk Assessment |
Old-age pensions, Financing | Published_SS_Monitor | | dfabbri | |||
Pakistan: Ehsas — a revolutionary initiative | pakistan | (02.08.2019) Social safety and poverty alleviation programme launched by the PTI government in the name of ‘ Ehsas’ |
Social assistance | Published_SS_Monitor | | pmassetti | ||||
China: Work-related illnesses higher than reported | china | ECNS (01.08.2019) Low health screening rates, flaws in employment system cause faulty data China has charted more than 970,000 cases of occupational diseases since records began, but the actual number of employees affected by work-related illnesses is much higher, a senior health official said… |
Low health screening rates, flaws in employment system cause faulty data China has charted more than 970,000 cases of occupational diseases since records began, but the actual number of employees affected by work-related illnesses is much higher, a senior health official |
Occupational accidents and diseases | brics | Published_SS_Monitor | | dfabbri | ||
Social protection programs help in decreasing poverty in Upper Egypt | egypt | Egypt Today (04.08.2019) Poverty rates in Upper Egypt have decreased compared to previous years because of the focus on social protection programs in the governorates of Upper Egypt, Deputy Minister of Planning, Follow-up and Administrative Reform of Planning Ahmed Kamali said Sunday. |
: Poverty rates in Upper Egypt have decreased compared to previous years because of the focus on social protection programs in the governorates of Upper Egypt, Deputy Minister of Planning, Follow-up and Administrative Reform of Planning Ahmed Kamali said Sunday. |
Social assistance | Published_SS_Monitor |… | dfabbri | |||
Tackling precarity in the platform economy—and beyond | Europe | socialeurope (01.08.2019) To focus on online platforms in isolation would miss the point that they are part of a wider phenomenon of spreading and intensifying precarity at work. |
In our increasingly digitalised world, a crucial role is played by online platforms. These platforms—dynamic websites which constitute digital public squares or marketplaces—affect the economy and our societ |
digital platforms | Published_SS_Monitor, Published_DIGITAL_Eco_Obs_MONITOR |… | dfabbri | |||
Social pensions and accountability in Uganda | uganda | HelpAge International (25.07.2019) Across Africa, millions of older people live in poverty. Without access to pensions and eroding traditions of family support, many have no choice but to continue working into older age doing small-scale, low-paid farming or petty trade. For those who have… |
In 2011, the Uganda Government, in partnership with the UK Department for International Development, Irish Aid and the United Nations Children’s Fund, launched the Senior Citizens Grant as part of the wider Social Assistance Grants for Empowerment (SAGE). It is a non-contributory social pension o |
Old-age pensions | Published_SS_Monitor |… | dfabbri | |||
[Report] Two new reports and a set of videos aim to help policymakers address long-term unemployment | european union | Europa (10.07.2019) Two reports and a series of videos on long-term unemployment are being published today, marking the end of a 2-year mutual learning project on the subject. |
Two reports and a series of videos on long-term unemployment are being published today, marking the end of a 2-year mutual learning project on the subject. |
Unemployment | Published_SS_Monitor |… | dfabbri | |||
Canada: Feds take digital step to reshape benefits system for expat seniors | canada | CTV News (26.07.2019) The federal government is moving to trade, in bulk, information on expatriate seniors with other countries to save time and money when one of them dies. |
Health insurance, Pensions, Interoperability, Data management | death abroad data exchange | Published_SS_Monitor, Published_DIGITAL_Eco_Obs_MONITOR |… | pmassetti | |||
India: PM may launch farm pension scheme next month, enrolment to start from Aug 1 | india | business-standard (30.07.2019) Enrolment for the much-talked-about pension scheme for farmers, called the Pbusiness-standard (3'.07.2019) radhan Mantri Kisan Mandhan Yojana, will begin from August 1 to enable a soft launch by Prime Minister Narendra Modi later in the same month. |
Difficult-to-cover groups | brics | Published_SS_Monitor |… | dfabbri | |||
World Bank: Build, Employ and Protect - Using Social Protection to Invest in People in a Changing World | worldbank (29.07.2019) Social protection has been key to this effort and many countries have embraced social protection instruments such as safety net programs as a means of harnessing human capital. |
In a small community off the coast of Sierra Leone, Salamatou Bangura often struggled to feed her children. Though she worked long hours buying and selling seafood from the local fisherman in her village, until recently, it wasn’t enough. “I co |
Difficult-to-cover groups, Social assistance | poverty | Published_SS_Monitor |… | dfabbri | |||
Colombia: Jeeperos serían incluidos en el piso de protección social | colombia | La Crónica del Quindío (30.07.2019) El viceministro del Trabajo indicó que visitará al departamento en agosto para avanzar en esta iniciativa; conductores de Willys hablaron sobre la realidad del sector. |
Carlos Alberto Baena, viceministro del Trabajo, en entrevista con LA CRÓNICA manifestó que de cara al sector de los Jeep Willys realizarán un proceso para incluirlo en el proyecto del piso de protección social. Conductores del departamento hablar |
Difficult-to-cover groups | Published_SS_Monitor |… | dfabbri | |||
Hungary: Unemployment at record low | hungary | ING (29.07.2019) Hungary's unemployment rate has room to improve further but the pace is likely to slow The unemployment rate of the 15–64 age group came in at 3.4% at the end of 1H19, showing a 0.2 percentage point decline in 12 months. While this marks a new record low level,… |
he unemployment rate of the 15–64 age group came in at 3.4% at the end of 1H19, showing a 0.2 percentage point decline in 12 months. While this marks a new record low level, the improvement is marginal. The better-than-expected reading is due to falling unemployment among |
Unemployment | Published_SS_Monitor | | dfabbri | |||
France: Assurance chômage - voici le détail des nouvelles règles d'indemnisation à partir du 1er novembre | france | Capital (29.07.2019) Le décret concernant cette réforme controversée a été publié au Journal officiel. Elle devrait concerner entre 600.000 et 1,2 million de personnes. On connaît précisément les nouvelles règles de l'assurance chômage. Le ministère du Travail a publié ce dimanche au Journal… |
Le décret concernant cette réforme controversée a été publié au Journal officiel. Elle devrait concerner entre 600.000 et 1,2 million de personnes.On connaît précisément les nouvelles règles de l'assurance chômage. Le ministère du Travail a publié ce dimanche au Journal officiel le déc |
Unemployment | managing reforms | Published_SS_Monitor |… | dfabbri | ||
Unicef endorses 5-month maternity leave in poor countries | uganda | (22.07.2019) The United Nations Children’s Fund (Unicef) is advocating for a one-month increase in maternity leave for mothers in low and-middle-income countries, to enable parents to give their children the best start in life. The UN agency is equally calling for a… |
Maternity | Published_SS_Monitor |… | pmassetti | ||||
[Opinion] Malaysia: Role of employers in Vision Zero campaign | malaysia | The Star Online (26.07.2019) THE call by Human Resources Minister M. Kulasegaran for zero accidents in the workplace and occupational safety and health (OSH) measures to be strictly practised in all sectors of industry should be lauded. After all, zero accidents in the workplace would ensure… |
THE call by Human Resources Minister M. Kulasegaran for zero accidents in the workplace and occupational safety and health (OSH) measures to be strictly practised in all sectors of industry should be lauded. After all, zero accidents in the workplace would ensure higher productivity of workers an |
Prevention of occupational risks | OSH | Published_SS_Monitor |… | dfabbri | ||
Abdelmoula Abdelmoumni Le Maroc peut servir de locomotive à l'échelle africaine Le modèle de gouvernance de la MGPAP présenté à Cotonou | morocco | Les particularités et attributs du modèle de gouvernance adopté par la Mutuelle générale du personnel des administrations publiques (MGPAP) ont été mis en exergue, mardi à Cotonou, par son président Abdelmoula Abdelmoumni. |
Les particularités et attributs du modèle de gouvernance adopté par la Mutuelle générale du personnel des administrations publiques (MGPAP) ont été mis en exergue, mardi à Cotonou, par son président Abdelmoula Abdelmoumni. A l'ouverture d'un atelier de l’Académie de l’Association internat |
Governance and administration | Published_SS_Monitor |… | dfabbri | |||
Report: Digital labour platforms and the future of work: Towards decent work in the online world | ILO report (Sept 2018) The report offers one of the first comparative studies of working conditions at five of the major, global, online micro-task platforms |
digital platforms | Published_DIGITAL_Eco_Obs_DOCUMENTS | | pmassetti | |||||
France: Réforme des retraites : les sujets chauds de la rentrée | france | Les Echos (25.07.2019) Après les préconisations de Jean-Paul Delevoye pour la réforme du système de retraite, le Premier ministre, Edouard Philippe, doit préciser le calendrier de la réforme. Un nouveau cycle de concertation est prévu. Les syndicats ont une longue liste de sujets à aborder. |
Réforme des retraites : la « boutique » ferme pour quelques semaines, période estivale oblige. Mais avant cela, Jean-Paul Delevoye s'est rendu à l'Assemblée nationale, ce mercredi. Six jours après la remise de |
Pensions | managing reforms | Published_SS_Monitor |… | dfabbri | ||
Le Pass Mousso, un petit bijou de santé numérique | côte d'ivoire | (24.07.2019) L’Ivoirienne Corinne Maurice a créé un bracelet connecté qui contient toutes les données utiles à une prise en charge rapide et sûre des malades. |
identity management | Proposition_DIGITAL_Eco_Obs_MONITOR |… | pmassetti | ||||
Malaysia: New concept to prevent workplace accidents, diseases | malaysia | New Straits Times (11.07.2019) Occupational Safety and Health (OSH) implementation efforts can be re-focused on a stronger platform with the adoption of the Vision Zero concept. Human Resources Minister M. Kula Segaran said this would help the country achieve its aim of… |
Occupational Safety and Health (OSH) implementation efforts can be re-focused on a stronger platform with the adoption of the Vision Zero concept. Human Resources Minister M. Kula Segaran said this would help the country achieve its aim of reducing accidents and disease rate as |
Prevention of occupational risks | OSH |… | dfabbri |