
User friendly Website of the Social Security Agency in the US

Submitted by lfrota on

The Social Security Administration (SSA) in the United States of America launched its redesigned website, The new site leveraged human-centered design concepts to build out self-service capabilities and improve accessibility. SSA analyzed customer data and conducted user research to inform where the gaps were, test designs and implement iterative changes on the site.

Regions / Country
United States
Old-age pensions
Innovation capacity
Digital inclusion
Document Type

Chile: ProVida | Second Withdrawal Request of 10%

Submitted by siha on

ProVida (10.12.2020) All members of an AFP (contributors, non-contributors and pensioners) can request their Second Retirement withdrawal up to 10% of the total saving in their Mandatory Account, with a maximum amount of 150UF (around $ 4,300,000). Survival Pension beneficiaries can also make a Retirement request for those balances.

Regions / Country
Old-age pensions
Document Type

India: Approval of Social Security Code

Submitted by mmarquez on

US Social Security Administration (November 30th) On September 28, India's president approved a law (the Code on Social Security, 2020) that consolidates and amends nine existing social security laws. Among the law's changes are an extension of benefit eligibility to fixed-term workers under the employer-liability gratuity scheme, a broadening of the definition of wages for contribution calculation purposes, and new protections for informal-sector workers.

Regions / Country
Global challenges
Old-age pensions
Occupational accidents and diseases
Document Type

Mexico: Solidarity coverage to support the health sector

Submitted by siha on

Secretariat of Finance and Public Credit (14.05.2020) The Solidarity Coverage to Support the Health Sector consists of life insurance from insurance companies to provide financial protection to the families of public sector health personnel free of charge. The beneficiaries of this support will be the relatives of 1.6 million public sector health workers who have died from the COVID-19, when treating patients with this disease. In the event of death due to the direct cause of said disease, the insurers undertake to grant 50 thousand pesos to relatives of the aforementioned staff (

Regions / Country
Human resource management
Document Type

France: Retraites - que deviendront les pensions de réversion et les droits familiaux?

Submitted by dfabbri on

Libération (08.04.2019) Sans cacher son agacement après les déclarations contradictoires des membres du gouvernement, Jean-Paul Delevoye, grand architecte de la réforme, poursuit ses travaux. Objectif affiché : rendre le système plus équitable, y compris entre les hommes et les femmes.

Regions / Country
Old-age pensions
Document Type

Italy top in OECD for survivor pensions

Submitted by dfabbri on

ANSA (03.12.2018) Italy is the OECD country that spends the most on survivor pensions in relation to its gross domestic product, according to a new report released by the Paris-based organization on Monday. It said that spending on pensions that pass on to a partner after a person's death amounted to 2.5% of GDP in 2017, compared to an OECD average of 1%.

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