
Does Australia have one of the least generous paid parental leave schemes in the OECD?

Submitted by dfabbri on

ABC (17.07.2019) The average length of paid parental leave among OECD countries is around 55 weeks, while Australia's system offers 18 weeks, according to OECD data. Unlike the majority of the 36 members of the OECD, Australia provides a flat rate rather than a replacement wage. This makes the Australian system generous to low-income earners and part-time workers but not to those who earn more than the full-time minimum wage.

Regions / Country
Parental leave


Document Type

Does tech threaten to rerun the worst of the Industrial Revolution? | Financial Times

Submitted by gcartoceti on

The central concern that runs through The Technology Trap is that, unless we are very careful, our latest technological revolution may well turn out to be a tumultuous rerun of the Industrial Revolution, with dire social and political consequences.

Regions / Country
United States
Global challenges
Technological transition
Digital Economy Topical Cluster
Digital Platforms
Digital Economy Observatory : Only Tags
Document Type

UK braves US ire by pressing ahead with tax on tech companies | Financial Times

Submitted by gcartoceti on

The UK vowed to press ahead with its plans for a special tax on large technology companies on Thursday, hours after the US threatened to impose trade sanctions on France for similar action.

Regions / Country
united kingdom
Digital Economy Topical Cluster
Digital Platforms
Document Type

France: Santé au travail - les employeurs tentent de défendre leur pré carré

Submitted by dfabbri on

Les Echos (12.07.2019) Organisations syndicales et patronales se réunissent ce vendredi pour décider ensemble des sujets à négocier dans le cadre de la réforme de la santé au travail. Le patronat ne veut pas céder le pouvoir au sein de l'organisation actuelle, alors que les syndicats voudraient ouvrir le jeu pour renforcer la prévention.

Regions / Country
Prevention of occupational risks


Document Type

América Latina: Cepal alerta del lado perverso de programas

Submitted by dfabbri on

Eje Central (15.07.2019) En los últimos 20 años, en la región de América Latina y el Caribe aumentó el número de programas de protección social no contributiva, mejor conocida como asistencia social. Entre estos proyectos destacan los de inclusión laboral y productiva como Jóvenes Construyendo el Futuro y el de pensiones sociales, aplicado por el gobierno federal para adultos mayores y personas con discapacidad.

Regions / Country
latin america
Difficult-to-cover groups


Document Type

Singaporean experts suggest establishment of ministry of aging

Submitted by pmassetti on (12.07.2019) A new Ministry of Ageing, coordinating closely with the Manpower and Education Ministries, could help the authorities resolve emerging challenges such as the displacement of mature professionals, managers, executives and technicians (PMETs) due to automation

Regions / Country
Global challenges
Document Type

The Real Story of Brazil’s Pension Reform

Submitted by dfabbri on

The Americas Quarterly (11.07.2019)9  the constitutional amendment to the second and final vote at the Lower House has left many analysts scratching their heads. How is it that a controversial and usually unpopular reform everywhere in the world wound up with significant support both in the Brazilian Congress and among the population at large, including by stirring street demonstrations in its favor? There are a few competing theories out there, but I posit that the Brazilian outcome was mainly the result of political dysfunction and extreme polarization within society.

Document Type

[Opinion] Malaysia: Employers play vital role in achieving zero accidents

Submitted by dfabbri on

The Star Online (15.07.2019) The Building and Wood Workers’ International-Malaysia Liaison Council is fully in support of the Vision Zero Malaysia campaign, that emulates the global initiative introduced by the International Social Security Association.

Regions / Country
Prevention of occupational risks


Document Type