Kenya: Covid19 Cash-Transfer Giving Life-Line to Needy SGBV Survivors (07.10.2020) (07.10.2020)
UN News (25.02.2021) Job losses or reduced working hours due to the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic cost the world the equivalent of 255 million jobs in 2020, the UN International Labour Organization (ILO) said on Monday, noting that the “massive impact” was nearly four times the number lost during the 2009 global financial crisis.
Oxfam (Feb 2021) The report shows that COVID-19 has the potential to increase economic inequality in almost every country at once, the first time this has happened since records began over a century ago. Rising inequality means it could take at least 14 times longer for the number of people living in poverty to return to pre-pandemic levels than it took for the fortunes of the top 1,000, mostly White male, billionaires to bounce back.
Prishtina Insight (27.12.2020) A 30 million euro fund was launched to provide financial support for workers finding themselves unemployed due to the pandemic. Three monthly payments of up to 300 euros were made available for workers who can document that they lost their jobs between February 29 and December 30.
Social Security Admninistation (31.01.2021) As part of its efforts to provide relief to individuals and businesses affected by the COVID-19 pandemic, Kosovo enacted a law on December 7 that allows participants of the country's mandatory individual account pension program to withdraw up to 10 percent of their account balances. According to the law outlining the package, withdrawals from all individuals with savings under 9,999 euros will be reimbursed by the Government from 2023 onwards.
Social Security Admnistration (31.01.2020) On December 21, Denmark's parliament approved a law that will allow citizens and certain other individuals with at least 42 years of employment by age 61 to receive a new means-tested early pension (tidlig pension) up to 3 years before the normal retirement age of 67. (28.01.2021) (05.01.2021) (05.01.2021) (05.01.2021)
Employers will be able to benefit from the supported employment measures and receive wage subsidies if they employ the most vulnerable residents and help them return to the labour market. Subsidies may be paid to employers who employ additional jobseekers referred by the Employment Authority, such as the persons with disabilities, elderly or young people, long-term or unskilled unemployed, etc.