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Belarus: Temporary disability benefits in the case of caring for a sick child rmensing

Commentary to Presidential Decree No 143 of 24 April 2020 "On Supporting the Economy" regarding the payment of temporary disability allowance
Under article 15 of Presidential Decree No. 143 of 24 April 2020 on economic support, temporary disability benefits are paid to persons actually caring for a child under 10 years of age or attending a preschool or general secondary school if the child is a first- or second-level contact in the presence of one or more respiratory symptoms.

This benefit will be awarded according to the procedure established by the Council of Ministers for the award of a temporary disability benefit in the case of care of a sick child under 14 years of age (or a disabled child under 18 years of age).

Thus, persons who are covered by the State social insurance and for them, as well as themselves, in cases provided for by the State social insurance legislation, pay compulsory insurance contributions to the budget of the State non-budgetary social security fund for social insurance, who care for a child under 10 years of age, or who attend a preschool or general secondary education institution if the child is a first or second level contact if there is one or more contacts.

The period of stay on the incapacity for work certificate in the given case is up to 14 calendar days, the amount of payment is 100 per cent of average daily earnings from the first day of stay on the incapacity for work certificate.

Previously, a person caring for a child under the age of 10 who is attending a pre-school or general secondary education institution and belongs to the category of persons specified in paragraphs 2 and 3 of subparagraph 3.2 of paragraph 3 of the Resolution of the Council of Ministers of 8 April 2020 No. 208 "On the introduction of a restrictive measure", established a temporary disability in connection with the care of this child, for the period of the child's stay in self-isolation, established by law, and issued a certificate of temporary disability, which served as a document for the period of the child's stay on the list of temporary inability to work.

The Decree came into force on April 26, 2020. The validity of paragraph 15 of the Decree is determined until a special decision of the President of the Republic of Belarus is taken.



Cash sickness benefits, Disability, Children belarus
Belarus: Territorial centers completed nearly 10.6 thousand applications for the delivery of food and medicine | News | Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of the Republic of Belarus. Official site rmensing

Update 30.04:

For the period from March 20 to April 29, almost 10.6 thousand applications were received and executed in the territorial centers of social services for the population . The largest number of applications came to the territorial centers of the Gomel region (2.7 thousand applications) and Minsk (2.1 thousand applications).

covid19 Medical care, Social assistance belarus
Belarus: The social service is ready to assist lonely senior citizens and people with disabilities in the delivery of food and medicine rmensing

As of April 1, nearly 870 thousand elderly and disabled people living alone live in the republic , of which 167 thousand do not have close relatives.


Social services are provided by 146 territorial centers of social services for the population , in which 20 thousand people work, of which 12 thousand are social workers.


On a systemic basis , more than 95 thousand disabled citizens receive comprehensive social services at home . These are mainly people over 75 years old . Social workers visit senior citizens 2-4 times a week, depending on need.


Social services include cleaning the premises, cooking, assistance in sanitary and hygienic procedures, delivery of food, essentials and medicines, payment of utilities, etc. Additionally, in the countryside - kindling the stove, water delivery, cleaning of the house area.


Promotion of food delivery,

essentials and medicines


Every day from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. (seven days a week), territorial centers accept applications for the delivery of foodstuffs, basic necessities, and medications via separate telephone lines .


During the period from March 20 to April 9, 5.8 thousand applications were received and executed in the territorial centers . The largest number of applications came to the territorial centers of the Gomel region and the city of Minsk.


The number of applications this week has increased . If on March 20-26 (for 7 days) 1,171 applications were completed, March 27-April 3 (for 8 days) - 2,086, then from April 4 to 9 (for 6 days) - 2,543 applications.


For the organization of prompt delivery to help social workers , volunteers of the Belarusian Republican Youth Union and the Red Cross joined .


At the same time as the territorial centers, trade union organizations, village councils, the post office, public and other organizations actively expanded their work .





covid19 Medical care, Social assistance belarus
India starts Aadhaar updating facility through common service centres pmassetti (29.04.2020) 20,000 common service centres will offer an Aadhaar updating service, catering to a large number of citizens in rural parts of the country.

The IMF show support for Universal Transfers as a temporary tool during COVID-19 crisis  pmassetti

Development Pathways (24.04.2020) The International Monetary Fund (IMF) has released the first part of a Special Series on Fiscal Policies to Respond to COVID-19 titled “Managing Fiscal Risks under Fiscal stress” that looks at “the Impact on Households: Assessing Universal Transfers (UT)”. 

covid19 Cash transfers
Bangladesh: Online Course on COVID-19 for Doctors siha

Department of Health (29.04.2020) Online Course on COVID-19 for Doctors: The course is mandatory for physicians who volunteer to provide medical advice and services on the Department of Health's Covid-19 hotline systemAfter successfully completing the coursea certificate is issued

covid19, human resources, universal health care bangladesh
Bangladesh: PM unveils massive stimulus package to counter adverse effects of coronavirus - The Hindu BusinessLine siha

BusinessLine (05.04.2020) Bangladesh Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina on Sunday announced stimulus packages to the tune of Taka 72,750 crore (USD 8,573 million) to counter the adverse effects of coronavirus on the country’s economy.

The first packages involves Taka 30,000 crore to be provided to affected industries and service sector organisations as working capital through banks as low-interest loans. The commercial banks would provide the amount as loans from their own funds to concerned industries and enterprises on the basis of bank-client relations. The government would pay half of the interest amounts (4.50 per cent) to banks as subsidies to the affected enterprises, which would pay the rest of the interest (4.50 per cent). 

The second package small and medium enterprises (SMEs), including cottage industries, would get Taka 20,000 crore as working capital. A mechanism would be devised to send the amount to the SMEs as low-interest loans through banks which identically disburse amounts to the SMEs on the basis of bank-client relations while the government in this case would bear the greater share of the interest amount. The interest rate of this lending facility will be 9 per cent and the concerned industries and business organisations will pay 4 per cent interest of that loan, while the government will provide the remaining 5 per cent as subsidy.

covid19, Emergency grants, labour markets Employment, Financial crisis bangladesh
Economic measures in Norway in response to COVID-19 sbjorstad

The Norwegian government has introduced significant measures to support jobs, help businesses and people, and strengthen health services. Still, more may be needed in the coming weeks. The measures must be targeted, effective and reversible.

covid19, self-employed Family benefits, Employment, Unemployment, Shocks & extreme events norway
Hungary: Economic Protection Action Plan: Job Protection Wage subsidy siha

Ministry of Innovation and Technology (16.04.2020) From April 16, 2020, the Employment Protection Wage Subsidy will be available to support reduced working hours employment. An employee may receive support on the basis of an application submitted jointly with the employer to the county government office. In the program, the employer undertakes not to terminate the employee’s employment and pays wages for the employee’s working hours and individual development time. The employee agrees to perform work and is available to the employer during the individual development time.

covid19, human resources, labour markets, youth employment Employment, Shocks & extreme events hungary
Azerbaijan : Supporting enterprises, jobs and incomes pmassetti covid19 Unemployment, Social assistance azerbaijan
Hungary: Economic Protection Action Plan: Research, Development and Innovation Subsidies siha

Ministry of Innovation and Technology (15.04.2020) Highly skilled workers in the research, development and innovation (RDI) sector receive wage subsidies to protect their jobs. An important element of the government's economic action plan for the coronavirus epidemic is the retention of highly qualified professionals in the RDI sector, as this is essential for relaunching the economy: the support available from 15 April businesses. The government undertakes a wage subsidy of 40% for employees in the RDI sector for a period of three months, at the maximum amount of which is the average gross earnings measured in the sector.  The amount so awarded is paid to the employer, who must guarantee, in return for the grant, that the company will maintain its headcount. 

covid19, Emergency grants, human resources, labour markets, youth employment Employment, Human resource management, Shocks & extreme events hungary
ILO: World Day for Safety and Health at Work 2020 - Stop the pandemic: Safety and health at work can save lives btreichel

Recognizing the great challenge that governments, employers, workers and whole societies are facing worldwide to combat the COVID-19 pandemic, the World Day for Safety and Health at Work will focus on addressing the outbreak of infectious diseases at work, focusing on the COVID-19 pandemic. 

Concern is growing over the continuing rise in COVID-19 infections in some parts of the world and the ability to sustain declining rates in others. Governments, employers, workers and their organizations face enormous challenges as they try to combat the COVID-19 pandemic and protect safety and health at work. Beyond the immediate crisis, there are also concerns about resuming activity in a manner that sustains progress made in suppressing transmission.

The World Day for Safety and Health at Work will focus on addressing the outbreak of infectious diseases at work, focussing on the COVID-19 pandemic. The aim is to stimulate national tripartite dialogue on safety and health at work. The ILO is using this day to raise awareness on the adoption of safe practices in workplaces and the role that occupational safety and health (OSH) services play. It will also focus on the medium to long-term, including recovery and future preparedness, in particular, integrating measures into OSH management systems and policies at the national and enterprise levels.

The SafeDay report - In the face of a pandemic: Ensuring Safety and Health at Work  highlights the occupational safety and health (OSH) risks arising from the spread of COVID-19. It also explores measures to prevent and control the risk of contagion, psychosocial risks, ergonomic and other work-related safety and health risks associated with the pandemic. The ILO Centenary Declaration adopted in June 2019 declared that "safe and healthy working conditions are fundamental to decent work”. This is even more significant today, as ensuring safety and health at work is indispensable in the management of the pandemic and the ability to resume work.

covid19, prevention Occupational accidents and diseases, Prevention of occupational risks
Stimulating the economy and employment pmassetti covid19 Employment azerbaijan
Sao Tome and Principe: Covid-19: Governo antecipa pagamento as mães do “Programa Família” para amenizar os impactos cambrosio (09.04.2020)

The São Tomé government through the Ministry of Labour and Solidarity, has decided to anticipate the payment of two bi-monthly payments [ 2,400 Dobras ] to mothers who are beneficiaries of the "Family Program" as a way to "alleviate" the negative impacts of the Coronavirus pandemic. The program involves 2,570 families (mainly mothers) in situations of extreme poverty.

covid19, family, poverty Social assistance, Cash transfers Sao Tome and Principe
India: Government to launch online portal for stranded migrant workers pmassetti

Business Standard News (26.04.2020) The Union government is going to launch an online portal for the migrant workers in the unorganised sector impacted due to a national lockdown imposed to check the spread of Covid-19 in India. The portal, which has been tentatively named by the labour and employment ministry as the National Portal for Covid-19 Affected Unorganised Migrant Workers, will gather the details of all the unorganised sector workers who are stranded in relief camps, residential or industrial clusters. “The portal will allow the government to pass on relief benefits to the migrant workers — be it in the form of cash transfers or through other means,” a top labour ministry official said, requesting anonymity.

customer_services Service delivery, Migration, Cash transfers india
Taiwan: The Ministry of Labor helps enterprises and workers "charge and re-start". siha

The Ministry of Labor (21.04.2020) In order to assist enterprises and workers affected by the COVID-19, the Ministry of Labor has expanded the "Charge Restart Training Program" since February 21st, subsidizing companies with training costs of up to 3.5 million yuan. The Ministry encourages enterprises to use this period to provide training with their employees . Workers participating in training courses can also receive a training allowance of RMB 158 per hour, with a maximum of 120 hours per month, and a maximum of RMB 18,960 per month.


covid19, Emergency grants, labour markets Employment, Human resource management, Financial crisis Taiwan, China
Taiwan: The Ministry of Labor's "Relaxed Real-Time Work Plan" siha

The Ministry of Labor (27.04.2020) The Ministry of Labor relaxes eligibility of "Relaxed Real-Time Work Plan", and those with insurance records within one year can apply for the job opportunities provided by local governments and central authorities. The job includes document sorting, environmental cleaning, and epidemic prevention-related work, such as measuring temperature and disinfecting the environment. The maximum allowance is 12,640 yuan per month and maximum duration per person is 6 months.

covid19, economic crisis, labour markets, youth employment Employment Taiwan, China
Taiwan: Taiwan’s digital fence technologies dra... | Taiwan News siha

Taiwan News (08.04.2020)Taiwan's phone-based tracking system to monitor quarantined people sought by multiple countries. 

The apparatus identifies a person’s whereabouts based on the location of his/her mobile phone relative to nearby cell towers, which reveals the distance of the phone from a specific cell reception tower and its direction in relation to the tower.

The electronic tracking system logs data including the number of people under quarantine, names of quarantine evaders, and those who have their phones turned off. Quarantined individuals venturing out will trigger alerts to health, police, and civil authorities, who will then respond.

customer_services Health, Information and communication technology, Technological transition Taiwan, China
St. Lucia: National Insurance Corporation Announces COVID-19 Relief Programme cambrosio (09.04.2020)

To help workers navigate the economic hardship arising from COVID-19, the NIC has moved quickly to put measures in place to provide income support to contributors directly affected by the virus. The program is expected to cost anywhere from $40.1 million to $80.2 million over a three-month period covering the months of April, May and June. The NIC will pay 50% of insurable earnings (salary amount on which contributions is levied) subject to a minimum payout of $500 and a maximum of $1,500 monthly to persons unemployed as a result of the Covid-19 crisis. Eligible beneficiaries are all individuals who contribute to the NIC who were in employment in February 2020 and are currently out of work as a result of the COVID-19 crisis. Payments are done to Employees only, not Employers. Claimant must have contributed to the Fund for at least one month prior to February 2020 and the claimant is unemployed as a result of COVID-19. 

covid19 Unemployment, Cash transfers Saint Lucia
COVID-19: Safety and health at work can save lives | International Social Security Association (ISSA) btreichel

24 April 2020 On the occasion of the World Day on Safety and Health at Work on 28 April, the International Social Security Association (ISSA) wants to pay tribute to all the courageous health workers who risk their lives to save others during the global COVID-19 pandemic.

covid19, prevention Occupational accidents and diseases, Prevention of occupational risks
EU leaders back budget reboot for coronavirus recovery sbjorstad (24.04.2020) EU national leaders directed European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen to draw up plans for a new long-term financial blueprint for the bloc that would also drive an economic recovery from the coronavirus crisis with a combination of loans and grants. 

covid19 Employment, Unemployment european union
EU leaders endorse COVID-19 safety nets sbjorstad

European Council (23.04.2020) On 23 April 2020 EU leaders discussed progress on the various dimensions of the European response to the COVID-19 outbreak. It was the fourth video meeting of this kind. The heads of state or government endorsed the agreement of the Eurogroup on three safety nets for workers, businesses and sovereigns, amounting to a package worth 540 billion euro. They called for the package to be operational by 1 June 2020.

covid19 Employment, Unemployment european union
Germany: Hygienekonzept für den Betrieb btreichel

Am 16. April 2020 hat das Bundesarbeitsministerium den Sars-CoV2-Arbeitsschutzstandard veröffentlicht. Eine Frage, die viele Unternehmen beschäftigt: Welche Anforderungen sind mit Blick auf die nach Arbeitsschutzgesetz vorgeschriebene Gefährdungsbeurteilung zu erfüllen? So haben Bund und Länder am 15. April beschlossen, dass "jedes Unternehmen in Deutschland auch auf Grundlage einer angepassten Gefährdungsbeurteilung sowie betrieblichen Pandemieplanung ein Hygienekonzept" umsetzen muss.

Was bedeutet das für den einzelnen Betrieb? Ist das Hygienekonzept eine zusätzliche Anforderung, die neben der Gefährdungsbeurteilung besteht? Müssen Unternehmen eine separate Dokumentation erstellen?

Die Deutsche Gesetzliche Unfallversicherung (DGUV) stellt dazu klar: Um die rechtlichen Anforderungen zu erfüllen, reicht es aus, die Hygienemaßnahmen einzuhalten, wie sie im SARS-CoV-2-Arbeitsschutzstandard beschrieben sind. Ergänzt und konkretisiert wird der Standard von branchenspezifischen Hilfestellungen der Berufsgenossenschaften und Unfallkassen. Ein darüber hinaus gehendes "Hygienekonzept" als eigenständiges Dokument ist für die Betriebe nicht erforderlich.

covid19, prevention Occupational accidents and diseases, Prevention of occupational risks germany
Myanmar: Free psychosocial services | COVID-19 Myanmar siha

Ministry of Social Welfare Relief and Resettlement (10.04.2020)  In order to promote mental health for people under stress due to Covid-19 quarantine isolation, the Ministry of Social Welfare Relief and Resettlement provides psychosocial consultation services. Contact numbers are listed by state and region and available from 9:30 to 16:30.

covid19, universal health care Health promotion myanmar
Saint Vincent and the Grenadines: Advanced pension payment mmarquez (03.04.2020) Advanced Pension Payment covering 8 weeks of payments. Implementation is on April 3rd, 2020 for the 4-week period March 30th, 2020 to April 25th, 2020. This will be followed by a payment on April 30th, 2020, which will cover the 4-week period from April 27th, 2020 to May 23rd, 2020. Regular fortnightly payment will resume on June 5th, 2020.

covid19 Old-age pensions Saint Vincent and the Grenadines