Global Challenges search
Title | Abstract | Tags | Topics | Regions / Country | |
UK pensions dashboard platform to launch March 2017 | monitor | Reuters (10.09.2016) A common platform to enable British savers to group all their pension pots in one place and potentially recover 400 million pounds ($530 million) in lost savings should be ready by March 2017, Britain's finance ministry said on Sunday |
Pensions | united kingdom | |
ILO: Universal social protection already a reality in many developing countries | monitor | ILO (06.09.2016) At a high level conference on universal social protection ILO Director-General Guy Ryder has told delegates that: “In 2016, a lack of social protection is completely unacceptable. This has to change, and this can change.” |
Pensions and aageing populations: the problem explained | monitor | Financial Times (28.08.2016) If demographics are destiny, as academics are fond of saying, then large parts of the developed world are facing a challenging fate. |
megatrends | Old-age pensions, Population ageing | |
La Chine enregistre une réduction des accidents du travail | monitor | People Daily (24.08.2016) La situation de la sécurité sur les lieux de travail s'est améliorée pendant les cinq dernières années, avec moins d'accidents et de morts enregistrés, selon des statistiques publiées par le Bureau national de contrôle de la sécurité du travail (BCST) |
Occupational accidents and diseases | china | |
Suisse: Alain Berset veut limiter les coûts de la santé | monitor | TDG (02.09.2016) Le conseiller fédéral souhaite s'attaquer à la marge de distribution des produits remboursés par l'assurance. |
Health, Financing | switzerland | |
[Opinion] Suisse: Le deuxième pilier fond, renforçons les rentes de l’AVS | monitor | Le Temps (06.09.2016) Unia propose de renforcer les rentes AVS avec son initiative AVSplus soumise au peuple le 25 septembre. Tribune de sa présidente Vania Alleva |
managing reforms | Old-age pensions, Pensions | switzerland |
France: Sécurité sociale : le montant des fraudes a doublé depuis 2011 | monitor | (15.09.2016) La fraude a coûté plus d’un milliard d’euros à la protection sociale en 2015. Les ventes de médicaments sont le principale source. |
Error, evasion and fraud, Governance and administration | france | |
[Opinion] Is it time to extend maternity leave across Europe? | monitor | RurActiv (13.09.2016) The rights of pregnant women and new mothers in the workplace need to be protected in a way that ensures the health of the both mother and child, while not damaging the woman’s career prospects or harming business, write Lucy Strang and Miriam Broeks. |
megatrends | Family benefits, Parental leave | european union |
Union européenne : Vers de meilleures statistiques sociales pour une Europe sociale | monitor | (24.08.2016) La Commission européenne a adopté aujourd'hui une proposition de règlement concernant de nouveaux moyens intégrés de collecte et d'utilisation de données provenant d'enquêtes sociales, en vue de mieux étayer le processus d'élaboration des politiques en général et de la politique sociale en particulier. |
Governance and administration | european union | |
Kenya: Govt, WFP launch central registry of aid beneficiaries | monitor | (17.09.2016) The government and the World Food Programme (WFP) on Wednesday launched a central database registry to gather information of beneficiaries of all social protection services in the country. |
extending coverage, poverty | Extension of coverage, Information and communication technology, Governance and administration | kenya |
[Opinion] The European Welfare State Has a Future Again | monitor | Bloomberg View (09.09.2016) In the years since the 2008-09 financial crisis, cracks have appeared in the global hegemony of neoliberalism. The pressure to favor free markets and reject the social-welfare model (whose history I described in Part 1 of this article) has moderated somewhat. |
european union | ||
[Opinion] Harmonising Nigeria's Social Protection Programmes - A case for the IDP's | monitor | YNaija (30.08.2016) Recently the United Nations, through its special Rappouteur on the Human Rights of Internally Displaced Persons (IDP’s), Professor Beyani Chaloka, called on the Government of Nigeria to put in place a comprehensive and coordinated approach in addressing the problems of internally displaced persons in Nigeria. |
Governance and administration | nigeria | |
Malaysia: 44% workers not covered by any scheme, says EPF | monitor | The Star Online (12.08.2016) An alarming number of Malaysian workers – well over six million who are self-employed or in the semi-formal sector – are not covered by any retirement scheme due to a lack of a comprehensive social protection system. |
malaysia | ||
Does social protection also make economic sense? The case of Uganda | monitor | (02.09.2016) A large share of the population in Uganda is still economically vulnerable, despite a remarkable reduction in poverty in recent decades. |
extending coverage, poverty | Extension of coverage | uganda |
Reality check: How are countries taking care of their ageing populations? | monitor | thehansindia (19.09.2016) At the HelpAge Asia-Pacific Regional Conference 2016 on Economic Implications of Ageing, recently held in Hanoi, Viet Nam, good practice examples of how some countries were responding to their rapid population ageing were shared. |
Population ageing | Asia | |
Can developing countries increase pension coverage to prepare for old age? | monitor | (12.09.2016) While many of us work hard to postpone growing old, ageing populations as a whole are inevitable, predictable and something countries can prepare for. As developing countries prosper, their citizens will live longer and, hopefully, healthier lives. By 2050, the number of people in the world 65 and older will have doubled from 10% to 20%. By then 80% of the world’s elderly –nearly 1.3 billion people - will live in low-income countries. |
extending coverage | Extension of coverage | |
New Canada pension plan will increase earning cap, benefit | monitor | Reuters (19.09.2016) The Canadian government's plan to increase workers' retirement benefits will raise the limit on eligible wages by 14 percent, officials said on Monday, as the country looks to bolster its retirement system amid worries people are not saving enough. |
Pensions | canada | |
Guyana hosts regional consultation on social protection | monitor | Antigua Observer (16.09.2016) Guyana will host a one-day regional consultation on the establishment of a regional tripartite social dialogue mechanism and a regional social protection floor. |
Americas | ||
Health care in Rwanda: An African trailblazer | monitor | The Economist (17.09.2016) How a poor country brought health insurance to 91% of the population |
Health | rwanda | |
World Bank, ILO launch global partnership for universal social protection | monitor | (19.09.2016) At this year's UN General Assembly , world leaders will launch an unprecedented effort to roll out universal social protection in countries all around the world. Heads of state, the World Bank Group and International Labour Organization will convene on Wednesday 21 September to inaugurate the Global Partnership for Universal Social Protection , which aims to make pensions, maternity, disability and child benefits, among others, available to all persons, closing the gap for hundreds of millions currently unprotected worldwide. |
extending coverage | Extension of coverage | |
Canada: CPP expansion will lead to slightly fewer jobs created, government says | monitor | The Globe and Mail (19.09.2016) The proposed expansion of the Canada Pension Plan will have a minor impact on employment that will be largely offset over time, according to new federal projections. |
Pensions | canada | |
Paternity Leave Gaining Prevalence In India: Report | monitor | NDTV (21.09.2016) India is among top 10 countries globally with highest percentage of companies providing paternity and adoption leave above the statutory requirement, says a report. |
megatrends | Family benefits | india |
EU-Kommission interessiert sich für bedingungsloses Grundeinkommen | monitor | EurActiv (22.09.2016) EU-Beschäftigungskommissarin Marianne Thyssen will Freigeld-Experimente wie das bedingungslose Grundeinkommen genau im Auge behalten. Dies sei angesichts des „grundlegenden Wandels in der Arbeitswelt“ sinnvoll. EurActiv Brüssel berichtet. |
basic income, megatrends | Social assistance, Social policies & programmes | european union |
Social protection for all: World Bank, ILO announce new push for universal social protection | monitor | (21.09.2016) New partnership will expand social protection measures worldwide as part of efforts to combat poverty and rising income inequality. New data show that many developing countries are already achieving universal schemes. |
extending coverage | Extension of coverage, Social policies & programmes | |
France: Sécurité sociale - La situation financière est «meilleure» mais reste «fragile», estime la Cour des comptes | monitor | 20 Minutes (20.09.2016) Les finances de la Sécurité sociale s’améliorent, mais de nombreux efforts restent à faire, a déclaré ce mardi le premier président de la Cour des comptes, Didier Migaud. Il a appelé le gouvernement à « ne pas relâcher les efforts de maîtrise des dépenses » de l’Assurance maladie tout en lui demandant « d’améliorer » l’accès financier aux soins pour les assurés à faibles revenus. |
Financing | france |