Global Challenges search
Title | Abstract | Tags | Topics | Regions / Country | |
Guinée: Le PM reçoit le premier document sur la protection sociale du pays | monitor | Guinéenews (08.12.2016) Le tout premier document de politique nationale sur la protection sociale a été officiellement remis au chef du gouvernement guinéen, Mamady Youla ce mercredi 7 décembre 2016, dans un réceptif hôtelier de la place, a-t-on constaté |
Governance and administration | guinea | |
[Interview] Health minister: Drugs pricing will top Malta’s EU presidency | monitor | EurActiv (08.12.2016) The Maltese EU presidency will seek more transparency in the way pharmaceutical companies negotiate with member states on medicines’ pricing, Health Minister Chris Fearne said in an interview with EurActiv. |
Health, Financing | european union | |
Quatre fonds de pension danois réintègrent les PRI | monitor | (14.12.2016) Quatre fonds de pension danois (ATP, PFA, PKA et Sampension) ont annoncé dans un communiqué commun leur décision de revenir au sein de l'organisation mondiale des PRI (Principles for responsable investment) chargée de promouvoir l'investissement responsable. |
Pensions, Financing | ||
US: WHO urges Trump to expand Obamacare, ensure healthcare for all | monitor | Reuters (11.12.2016) The World Health Organization (WHO) on Friday urged U.S. President-elect Donald Trump to expand Obamacare and ensure all Americans have access to healthcare. |
extending coverage | Extension of coverage | United States |
France: Budget de la Sécu 2017 - les principales mesures | monitor | France TV Info (06.12.2016) En 2017, le déficit du régime général (maladie, vieillesse, famille, accident du travail) et du Fonds de solidarité vieillesse (FSV, qui verse les cotisations retraites des chômeurs et le minimum vieillesse) doit s'établir à -4,2 milliards d'euros (contre -7,1 en 2016), son plus bas niveau depuis 2001. Le déficit du fond de solidarité vieillesse se maintient à -3,8 milliards d'euros. Le budget global de la Sécu représente près de 500 milliards d'euros. |
managing reforms | Governance and administration, Social policies & programmes | france |
Kenya: KCB disburses Sh23.5 billion social welfare funds | monitor | Business Today News (13.12.2016) KCB Bank Kenya has disbursed at least Ksh23.5 billion under the government’s social welfare programme Inua Jamii over the past one year, putting money in the pockets of thousands of beneficiaries. |
Governance and administration | kenya | |
China social security fund picks 21 firms to manage assets reportedly topping $50 billion | monitor | Pensions & Investments (12.12.2016) China’s National Council for Social Security Fund last week announced the selection of 21 local managers to oversee a first tranche of provincial pension fund assets being consolidated under the 1.91 trillion renminbi ($276 billion) National Social Security Fund’s umbrella to take advantage of the fund’s relatively sophisticated investment management capabilities. |
china | ||
UK: Pension deficits at £414bn as UK firms hope shift in bond markets can save the day | monitor | (05.12.2016) Britain’s businesses have won a small reprieve from crushing pensions deficits as interest rates have started rising in the bond markets, reducing the strain a little on their finances. |
Pensions, Financing | united kingdom | |
España: Un tercio de parados pasa un año antes de recibir atención del servicio público | monitor | El País (15.12.2016) Un estudio de Fedea advierte de que el tiempo medio para recibir un primer servicio de política activa es de 9,5 meses |
megatrends | Unemployment, Service quality | spain |
[Interview] EU: Andriukaiti -: E-health can empower patients to manage diabetes | monitor | EurActiv (13.12.2016) The right eHealth tools will help healthcare systems adjust to the alarming rise of diabetes and patients to effectively monitor the development of their disease, European Commissioner for Health and Food Safety Vytenis Andriukaitis said in an interview with |
Health | european union | |
Emploi: L'UE veut faire payer la Suisse pour les frontaliers au chômage | monitor | TDG (19.12.2016) Emploi - Selon la presse, Bruxelles veut revoir le système d’indemnisation. Cela pourrait coûter cher à la Suisse |
migration | Unemployment, Migration | european union, switzerland |
Japan to step up drug price reviews in bid to curb healthcare costs | monitor | Reuters (20.12.2016) Japan said on Tuesday it will step up the pace and expand the scope of drug price reviews, one of the most aggressive measures it is taking to rein in ballooning healthcare costs for a rapidly ageing nation. |
Health | japan | |
India: Govt considering proposal to hike EPFO wage ceiling from Rs 15,000 to Rs 25,000 | monitor | The Economic Times (05.12.2016) The government is considering a proposal to hike wage ceiling for coverage under social security schemes run by the retirement fund body EPFO to Rs 25,000 per month from the existing Rs 15,000, Parliament was informed today. |
Financing | india | |
France: Le congé parental fait de moins en moins recette dans les familles | monitor | L'Opinion (06.12.2016) Depuis une dizaine d’années, de moins en moins de familles prennent un congé parental pour garder leur enfant en bas âge, et l’évolution semble connaître une accélération |
Family benefits | france | |
Sénégal : l’aide sociale prend ses marques | monitor | (19.12.2016) Avec la Couverture maladie universelle (CMU), qui donne aux plus démunis un accès gratuit aux soins de santé, le Programme national de bourses de sécurité familiale (PNBSF) est l’un des piliers de la politique sociale engagée par Macky Sall. |
poverty, extending coverage | Extension of coverage, Social assistance, Inequalities | senegal |
España: El permiso por paternidad sube de dos a cuatro semanas desde enero | monitor | El País (15.12.2016) El portavoz del Gobierno, Íñigo Méndez de Vigo, ha confirmado este viernes, en la rueda de prensa tras el Consejo de Ministros, que la ampliación a un mes del permiso de paternidad prevista en la Ley de Igualdad entrará en vigor en enero de 2017. "Puedo anunciarles que el permiso se ampliará a partir del próximo 1 de enero de 2 a 4 semanas, una medida que va en esa necesaria conciliación entre la vida profesional y la vida familiar", ha declarado el también ministro de Educación. |
Family benefits | spain | |
Bangladesh: Social protection to cover every person with disability: PM | monitor | Business News 24 BD (03.12.2016) The government is making a plan to bring all persons with disabilities from children to old-age citizens under a social protection programme |
Disability | bangladesh | |
Dépenses publiques de protection sociale: la France et le Danemark en tête en Europe | monitor | (22.12.2016) Les dépenses de protection sociale représentent 34,3% du PIB en France et 33,5% au Danemark. Mais les comparaisons européennes doivent tenir compte des différents systèmes nationaux de protection sociale ainsi que des structures démographiques. |
european union | ||
Brazil's Temer unveils pension reform, sets retirement age at 65 | monitor | Reuters (05.12.2016) Brazil President Michel Temer appealed to political leaders on Monday to back his unpopular proposal to reform the country's costly pension system that would force Brazilians to work more years before being eligible for full retirement benefits |
brazil | ||
ILO: Too hot to work? | monitor | ILO (14.12.2016) Currently, 4 billion people live in the tropical and sub-tropical belt regions that will suffer most from extreme heat. In particular, workers in sectors such as agriculture, construction, mining and oil refining are most vulnerable. Indeed, workers most affected are those who need to work continuously at high physical intensity, in manufacturing factories without cooling system facilities and migrants exposed to poor and informal working conditions. Besides, the effects of rising heat will be more severe in urban areas compared to rural areas due to the “urban heat island effect”. |
climate change | Occupational accidents and diseases, Shocks & extreme events | |
Malaysia: Health Ministry mulls introducing government healthcare insurance scheme | monitor | (23.07.2016) The Health Ministry is seriously considering to introduce a healthcare insurance scheme which is run and supported by the government to address the weaknesses in the private healthcare system. |
managing reforms | Health, Health insurance | malaysia |
Deutschland: Lohnuntergrenze - Ohne Mindestlohn gäbe es heute 60.000 Jobs mehr | monitor | Die Welt (19.12.2016) Seit zwei Jahren müssen Firmen ihren Beschäftigten Mindestlohn zahlen, 2017 steigt dieser nochmals an. Wirtschaftsforscher ziehen eine verheerende Bilanz - zum Unmut von Arbeitsministerin Nahles. |
poverty, megatrends | Unemployment | germany |
[Opinion] France: La protection sociale au cœur de la présidentielle | monitor | Liberation (02.01.2017) Dans les années 70, à l’époque de l’Union de la gauche, la question posée pendant les campagnes électorales était de savoir si les Français souhaitaient s’engager dans une transition vers le socialisme ou s’ils préféraient la «société libérale avancée» de Giscard d’Estaing. |
france | ||
[Opinion] Making growth more inclusive by enhancing social protection: the case of Malaysia | monitor | OECD Ecoscope ((08.12.2016) Growth can be more inclusive by pursuing policies that enable improvements in a country’s living standards while sharing gains more equitably across the population. Inclusive growth incorporates a focus on relative – not just absolute – income and wealth inequality, and on well-being, which depends on both monetary and non-monetary conditions, such as access to quality education, employment, housing and healthcare. |
extending coverage | Extension of coverage, Social policies & programmes, Inequalities | malaysia |
La Finlande commence à expérimenter le revenu universel | monitor | (01.01.2017) Deux mille demandeurs d’emploi âgés de 25 à 58 ans ont été tirés au sort pour percevoir 560 euros par mois, en lieu et place de leur allocation chômage, pendant deux ans à partir du 1er janvier. |
extending coverage, megatrends | Extension of coverage, Social assistance, Social policies & programmes | finland |