
Morocco: The Ministry of Health is launching the mobile application "Wiqaytna" for notification of exposure to this virus

Submitted by siha on

The Ministry of Health (01.06.2020) The Ministry of Health is launching the mobile application for notification of exposure to this virus, called "Wiqaytna" available from June 1, 2020 for download on Google Play, App store, and on .

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Information and communication technology
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Morocco: The Ministry of Health is launching its digital community platform for health professionals

Submitted by siha on

The Ministry of Health (30.03.2020) The Ministry of Health is launching its digital community platform for health professionals from both the public and private sectors "Sante connect": This new application, available on Android and IOS, aims to create a new dynamic of strictly channeled communication with health professionals, with a view to allowing them real-time access to news and medical training.

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Information and communication technology
Service quality
Document Type

Switzerland: SwissCovid tracing app launched

Submitted by siha on

swissinfo (25.06.2020) A contact tracing app is now available in Switzerland for newer smartphones to help tackle Covid-19.

If a person tests positive for coronavirus, everyone with whom that person was in contact in previous days – within two metres and for more than 15 minutes – is alerted via the app to isolate themselves and get tested.

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Information and communication technology
Technological transition
Document Type

Iceland: An internet chat with nurses will be available every day from 9 a.m. - 10 p.m.

Submitted by siha on

Ministry of Health (28.05.2020) The health authority aims to ensure that citizens have access to counseling and guidance on the health system through an online chat on every day of the week from 9 a.m. to 10 p.m. The Minister of Health has accepted the Agency's proposal in this regard and has decided to grant ISK 30 million on an annual basis for the project for two years.

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Global challenges
Information and communication technology
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Cuba: Teams of doctors and nurses are sent to the hardest hit regions in Europe

Submitted by mmarquez on (06.05.2020) Now, as the world grapples with another era-shaping catastrophe, Cuban doctors and nurses are on the ground once again, only this time in a less common location: Europe.

Today, an estimated 28,000 Cuban medical professionals ply their trade overseas, primarily in the developing world.

“Yes, of course there are big human rights problems in Cuba – there have been since the start [of the revolution] and there are still problems.

Regions / Country
Global challenges
Human resource management
Document Type

Colombia: Desempleados continúan con acceso a salud

Submitted by mmarquez on (05.06.2020) La expedición del Decreto 800 de 2020 tiene por objetivo garantizar el flujo de recursos a las EPS y otros aseguradores, así como a hospitales e IPS privadas pero, también garantiza el aseguramiento para aquellas personas que en el marco de la Emergencia Sanitaria por Covid-19 perdieron su trabajo y en consecuencia la capacidad de pago al Sistema de Salud.

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Global challenges
Cash sickness benefits
Document Type

S. Korea: NPS operated community treatment centers and temporary housing

Submitted by cambrosio on (12.03.2020)

At the outset of the virus infection, Daegu saw the largest increase in the number of confirmed cases of COVID-19. Therefore, NPS offered its facilities to be used as community treatment centers and was entrusted by Central Disaster Management Headquarters with the management of Gyeonggi International 2 Community Treatment Center that hosted patients from abroad that have relatively mild symptoms.

Regions / Country
korea, Republic of
Global challenges


Document Type

Moldova: More Moldovan employees infected with COVID-19 to benefit from one-off allowances

Submitted by mmarquez on (13.05.2020) The government will allocate over 6.5 million lei from the intervention fund to the Interior Ministry for providing one-off allowances to employees infected with COVID-19 during the fulfillment of the job duties, as well as to the Health, Labour and Social Protection Ministry and local public administration authorities for the providing of one-off allowances to the medical system employees infected with COVID-19.    

Regions / Country
moldova, Republic of
Global challenges
Cash sickness benefits


Document Type