Social assistance

Québec : Guaranteed Minimum Income

Submitted by massetti on

Québec Portal - Economic, social and demographic changes all influence the labour market. In response to these changes and in keeping with the goal of fostering labour market access to the greatest number of persons, the Gouvernement du Québec has decided to begin an assessment of the mechanisms associated with the principles of guaranteed minimum income, which 21st-century Québec society may then draw from.

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Social assistance
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Argentina: El Gobierno invertirá casi 70% del Presupuesto total en gasto social

Submitted by fabbri on

El Economista (01.11.2017) El gasto social es una de las piedras angulares del plan económico de Cambiemos, tal como había sido con el kirchnerismo y como ocurre, en rigor, en gran parte del mundo (incluso en países desarrollados). Aquello que el mercado no otorga, es el Estado el que pone la diferencia para garantizar la paz social y un piso de ingresos.

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Social assistance
Document Type

One foot on the ground, one foot in the air: Ethiopia’s delivery on an ambitious development agenda | Overseas Development Institute (ODI)

Submitted by ruggia on

Overseas Development Institute (ODI) (sept 2015) Despite starting out with one of the lowest levels of human development in the world in the 1990s, Ethiopia is one of the few African countries on track to meet most of the Millennium Development Goals.

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Social assistance
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Ethiopia’s Investments in Health, Education and Social Protection Yield Positive Results

Submitted by ruggia on (06.07.2016) Ethiopia’s investments in health, education, social protection, and infrastructure have had a positive impact on economic development and promoting shared prosperity in the country, says 2015 Ethiopia Public Expenditure Review, a new World Bank Group report released today.

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Social assistance
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How can social protection build resilience? Insights from Ethiopia, Kenya and Uganda | Overseas Development Institute (ODI)

Submitted by ruggia on

Overseas Development Institute (ODI) (nov 2016) In this BRACED working paper we present a synthesis of findings from Ethiopia, Kenya and Uganda on the role of social protection programmes in contributing to people’s capacity to absorb, anticipate and adapt to climate-related shocks and stresses.

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Extension of coverage
Social assistance
Old_Global Challenges
Document Type

Ethiopia Social Protection: Access of the Poor and Vulnerable to Basic Social Services |

Submitted by ruggia on

(United Nations Children's Fund, UNICEF).  Ethiopia launched its National Social Protection Policy (NSPP) in 2014. The policy introduces the concept of a ‘sustainable social protection system’. Various strategies and programmes are underway to support the implementation of the NSPP, but often these are still implemented in a fragmented manner. This review has been developed in order to inform NSSP stakeholders about how other countries have moved towards a systematic approach to increase access to basic services by the poorest and promote child protection measures.

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Social assistance
Old_Global Challenges
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Silicon Valley Pushes the Wrong Kind of Basic Income

Submitted by lasalle on (10.08.2017) ' People and nations don't have to accept a future in which a small group of companies -- and, let's face it, successful tech firms are a small, oligopolistic group -- controls the fruits of what they call progress. It's up to them to tax and regulate the monopolies and oligopolies. The opaque digital advertising business, for example, is under-regulated and possibly based on false claims about audience sizes. Killing U.S.

Social assistance


Old_Global Challenges
Digital Economy Topical Cluster
Economic impact
Societal Impact
Digital Economy Observatory : Only Tags
Document Type

Sénégal: Couverture maladie universelle et bourses de sécurité familiale - quand l'inclusion sociale devient une réalité

Submitted by monitor on (14.08.2017) La politique de développement des mutuelles de santé a permis de porter le taux de couverture maladie de 6,8 % en 2013, à près de 20%, en 2016. En matière de bourses de sécurité familiale, aujourd’hui plus de 300 000 familles au Sénégal bénéficient d’une allocation annuelle de 100.000 FCFA et d’une couverture médicale.

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Health insurance
Extension of coverage
Social assistance

Politique nationale de protection sociale au Burkina Faso : Des acteurs s’outillent pour améliorer la qualité des informations et documents produits

Submitted by monitor on (26.07.2017) La mise en œuvre réussie de la Politique nationale de protection sociale requiert le renforcement des capacités des différents acteurs impliqués. Conscient de cela, le secrétariat permanent du Conseil national pour la protection sociale organise un séminaire de formation au profit d’une quarantaine de participants issus des Organisations non gouvernementales et Associations de développement du domaine.

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burkina faso
Social assistance

Argentina: What have we learned about helping women with conditional cash transfers?

Submitted by monitor on

ILOblog (30.06.2017) During an economic crisis, Conditional Cash Transfers (CCTs) are one way that governments can use to protect vulnerable people from falling into poverty. Between 2001 and 2002, Argentina suffered one of the worst economic crises in its history. Unemployment rose, the share of people living below the poverty line increased and political instability and social unrest ensued.

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Social assistance