
Vietnam's workers cash out pensions early ahead of new law

Submitted by pmassetti on

Vietnam is amending its pension laws in an attempt to deter people from abandoning the fund before retirement. Yet in some quarters, the pending change is having the opposite effect. Many workers critical to the world’s electronics and clothing supply chains were already taking early payouts to deal with hardships, such as those brought on by the pandemic. Now, more of them are getting jittery after hearing the upcoming law could cut payouts in half, and the communist country is weighing ways to keep workers in the system, from TikTok campaigns to legal incentives.

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Multi-tiered Social Security for Universal Coverage – A focus on Families in Viet Nam

Submitted by pmassetti on (20.05,2021) This policy brief introduces the multi-tiered social security systems to enable universal coverage with a focus on families. A coherent and well-designed family support system within the emerging social security system is truly rights-based, fair and equitable proposal; it has a high potential to attract workers to the social insurance system; and it is the most likely to be politically — and therefore financially- sustainable over time.

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Family benefits
Document Type

Vietnam: International health insurance required for experts entering Vietnam from August 5, 2020

Submitted by siha on

Viet Nam Social Security (28.07.2020) The National Steering Committee for COVID-19 prevention and control has just issued Official Letter 3949/CV-BCD on strengthening the assurance of COVID-19 epidemic prevention for experts entering Vietnam. Accordingly, the units that invite experts for business ensure that they participate in international health insurance or agencies or organizations must make a commitment to pay their treatment expenses in case of the experts being infected with COVID-19.

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Health insurance
Document Type

Viet Nam: Campaign to maintain social insurance levels amidst loss of jobs

Submitted by mmarquez on (15.06.2020) In the context of a drop in the number of persons insured to the complusory social insurance system, Viet Nam Social Security took steps to address this. This resulted in an increase of the number of people buying voluntary social insurance increased as the VSS cooperated with the Vietnam Post Office for the first time to launch the “Universal Social Insurance” Month across the nation May 23, 2020. Two days later (May 23 and 24), 30,017 people bought voluntary social insurance and 4,734 more people bought household health insurance.

Regions / Country
Global challenges
Extension of coverage


Document Type

Viet Nam: Patients with chronic diseases will receive medicine in advance for 2 months in Hanoi

Submitted by mmarquez on 26.03.2020) In order to strengthen prevention and control of the COVID-19 epidemic and limit the spread of the disease especially to those who are at high risk or suffering from underlying diseases, chronic diseases, Hanoi Social Security has just sent an official dispatch to facilities of medical examination and treatment with health insurance in the area, proposing coordination in the implementation of a number of regulations in outpatient examination and dispensing of medicines.

Regions / Country
Global challenges
Health insurance


Document Type

Viet Nam: Financing of job training and retraining to avoid job losses

Submitted by mmarquez on (29.03.2020) Due to the epidemic, if the employers were subject to change its production or business structure or technology, they will be assisted in funding for training and retraining to improve occupational skills and qualifications to maintain employment for workers when fully satisfying the regulated conditions with a maximum support level of 01 million dong  for one person per month. The specific support level is calculated by the month and the actual training time of each job or each course, which cannot exceed 6 months.

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Global challenges
Employment policies


Document Type

Viet Nam: Persons under mandatory quarantine at healthcare centers not charged

Submitted by mmarquez on (13.03.2020) People (both Vietnamese and foreigners) are not charged all related fees when they undergo mandatory quarantine at healthcare centers, border gates and other isolation facilities. They will also be transported to isolation wards for free and receive free drinking water, towels, face masks, hand sanitizers, mouthwash and other daily necessities, according to the Finance Ministry’s Circular 32/2012.

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Global challenges


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Viet Nam: Free treatment to persons infected with COVID-19

Submitted by mmarquez on (07.04.2020) Earlier, on February 6, 2020, Ministry of Health issued Document No 505/BYT-BH on the payment of medical expenses for treatmentof pneumonia caused by the new strain of coronavirus. According to Circular No 32/2012/TT-BTC of December 29, 2012 issued by Ministry of Finance, people infected, suspected of being infected with the virus and high-risk people will have medical expenses fully covered.

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Global challenges


Document Type

Viet Nam: Online payment service in social insurance and health insurance

Submitted by mmarquez on (09.04.2020) Starting from April 8, 2020, individuals and organizations with accounts registered at the Bank for Investment and Development of Vietnam (BIDV) may contribute to health insurance and social insurance on the e-Banking application platform. The result of the coordination between Vietnam Social Security and BIDV aims to facilitate people, employees and employers in transactions with social security authorities, especially when the COVID-19 epidemic is maintaining complicated and social distancing is being implemented.

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Global challenges
Contribution collection and compliance
Document Type

The Viet Nam Social Security has implemented policies to support enterprises that are affected by the COVID-19 pandemic

Submitted by pmassetti on

The Viet Nam Social Security has implemented policies to support enterprises that are affected by the COVID-19 pandemic,

Regions / Country
Contribution collection and compliance


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