
Title Authored on Regions / Country Abstract measures summary Description/integral text (Internal-not for publishing) Topics Tags Status URL
Cuba: Prórroga de 6 meses de las prestaciones de carácter temporal cuba (30.04.2020) Se prorrogan por un plazo de 6 meses, el término de vigencia de las prestaciones familiares con carácter temporal establecidas bajo el artículo 272 del decreto no. 283 del Consejo de Ministros.


Extension of 6 months of temporary family benefits established under article 272 of decree no. 283 of the Council of Ministers.

Family benefits, Social assistance covid19, family Proposition_SS_Monitor_covid19, Published Measures summary mmarquez
Cuba: Subsidio para padres trabajadores por el cuidado de sus hijos cuba (30.04.2020) La madre, padre o tutor que tengan condición de trabajadores y estén encargados del cuidado del menor al que se le haya suspendido la escuela primaria y especial, reciben durante el primer mes una garantía salarila equivalente al 100% de su salario básico;…

The mother, father or guardian who have the status of workers and are in charge of the care of the minor who has been suspended from primary and special school, receive during the first month a salary guarantee equivalent to 100% of their basic salary; subsequently, the compensation will be 60…

Family benefits, Children, Cash transfers covid19, family Proposition_SS_Monitor_covid19, Published Measures summary mmarquez
Cuba: Reubicación de trabajadores y garantía salarial cuba (30.04.2020) Los trabajadores que no pueden continuar desempeñando su trabajo debido a los cambios actuales, deben ser reubicados en otros trabajos teniendo en cuenta las necesidades actuales del territorio, como la producción de alimentos y en el cuidado de personas en situación de…

Workers who cannot continue performing their jobs due to the current changes, should be relocated to other jobs taking into account the current needs of the territory, such as food production and caring for the vulnerable. Those who do not accept a relocation without a good cause, won't receive…

Employment covid19 Proposition_SS_Monitor_covid19, Published Measures summary mmarquez
Cuba: Adultos mayores y personas con condiciones de fragilidad no deben trabajar y reciben salario cuba (30.04.2020) Como medida preventiva, el Ministerio de Trabajo y Seguridad Social declaró que los adultos mayores en condición de fragilidad, y otros trabajadores en situación de salud frágil, no seguirán laborando. En estos casos los trabajadores seguirán devengando el 100% de su…

Elderly workers and other workers with health-preconditions cannot go to work. As a guarantee, they will receive 100% of their minimum salary during the first month, and 60% afterwards until the confinement period ends.

Health, Employment covid19 Proposition_SS_Monitor_covid19, Published Measures summary… mmarquez
Argentina: Gobierno nacional creó fondo especial de 1.700 millones de pesos para fortalecer respuesta ante el COVID-19 argentina (10.03.2020) En el marco del fortalecimiento de la respuesta del país ante el avance del nuevo coronavirus, el Gobierno nacional anunció la creación de un fondo especial de 1.700 millones de pesos destinados a la adquisición de equipamiento de laboratorio y de hospitales, con el…

Creation of a special fund of $1700 million argentinian pesos for the financing of the necessary hospital and laboratory equipment.

En el marco del fortalecimiento de la respuesta del país ante el avance del nuevo coronavirus, el Gobierno nacional anunció la creación de un fondo especial de 1.700 millones de pesos destinados a la adquisición de equipamiento de laboratorio y de hospitales, con el objetivo de reforzar los eleme

Health, Financing covid19 Proposition_SS_Monitor_covid19, Published Measures summary… mmarquez
Argentina: Refuerzos en la política alimentaria argentina (17.03.2020) Se estableció un incremento de las partidas para la asistencia alimentaria en comedores escolares, comedores comunitarios y merenderos. “Es un refuerzo presupuestario adicional sobre la base de que estamos trabajando para ir a un esquema de viandas o de entrega de…

Increase in the budget of food assistance in school meals and community diners. In addition, the program "Tarjeta Alimentar", targeted to parents with children with up to 6 years of age, will be toped up every week (before it was every 3 weeks).

El ministro de Desarrollo Social, Daniel Arroyo, anunció hoy refuerzos en la política alimentaria, en los planes sociales y en la Asignación Universal por Hijo (AUH), con el fin de garantizar el acceso a la alimentación y sostener a los sectores más vulnerables en el marco de la pandemia del Covi

Family benefits, Children, Social assistance, Food and nutrition covid19, family Proposition_SS_Monitor_covid19, Published_SS_Monitor… mmarquez
Argentina: El Gobierno amplía a 12 la red nacional de Hospitales Modulares de Emergencia argentina (03.04.2020) Frente a la Emergencia Sanitaria decretada por el Gobierno Nacional para contener el Coronavirus-COVID 19, el Ministerio de Obras Públicas construirá otros cuatro Hospitales Modulares de Emergencia, ampliando la red nacional de 8 a un total de 12.

Four more Emergency Hospitals are going to be set up in order to support the health system in the context of COVID-19.

Frente a la Emergencia Sanitaria decretada por el Gobierno Nacional para contener el Coronavirus-COVID 19, el Ministerio de Obras Públicas construirá otros cuatro Hospitales Modulares de Emergencia, ampliando la red nacional de 8 a un total de 12.

Al respecto, Katopodis anunció: “Aumentam

Health covid19 Proposition_SS_Monitor_covid19, Published_SS_Monitor… mmarquez
Argentina: Congelamiento temporal de alquileres y suspensión de desalojos argentina (29.03.2020) El Gobierno Nacional resuelve suspender en todo el territorio nacional, hasta el día 30 de septiembre, el desalojo de inmuebles por falta de pago. Del mismo modo establece prorrogar, hasta la misma fecha, la vigencia de los…

Suspension, until September 30, of the eviction of buildings for lack of payment, and extension, until the same date, of the validity of the lease contracts whose expiration has operated since last March 20. In turn, the freezing of the price of rental contracts is provided, and the amount…

Emergencia Sanitaria COVID-19 - Alquileres

Suspensión de desalojos y congelamiento de precios hasta el 30 de septiembre del 2020.

Decreto 320/2020

En esta página

Housing covid19 Proposition_SS_Monitor_covid19, Published Measures summary… mmarquez
Argentina: El gobierno prohibió los despidos y las suspensiones por 60 días argentina (01.04.2020) Ell Poder Ejecutivo decretó este miércoles que se prohíben “los despidos sin justa causa y por las causales de falta o disminución de trabajo y fuerza mayor por el plazo de 60 días". La misma medida rige en el caso de suspensiones “por las causales de fuerza mayor o…

The government prohibited dismissals and suspensions "without fair cause" or due to "force majeure".

El Gobierno prohibió despidos y suspensiones. La decisión fue oficializada por decreto luego de que en las últimas jornadas Alberto Fernández haya cuestionado públicamente a los empresarios que decidieron echar a trabajadores en medio de la pandemia de coronavirus y el parat

Unemployment covid19 Proposition_SS_Monitor_covid19, Published Measures summary… mmarquez
Argentina: Creación del programa de apoyo al sistema productivo en el área de insumos, equipamiento y tecnología sanitaria argentina (31.03.2020) Con el objeto de asistir al sector de la salud pública y a las empresas, emprendedores e instituciones públicas dentro del marco de la emergencia sanitaria, el Ministerio de Desarrollo Productivo crea un programa de apoyo…

The Ministry of Productive Development will provide financial assistance and support to companies, entrepreneurs and public institutions that develop productive and technological solutions in the Argentine territory, mainly in the medical-sanitary sector, whose purpose is to contribute to…


Resolución 132/2020



Ciudad de Buenos Aires, 31/03/2020

VISTO el Expediente N° EX-2020-19029478-APN-DGD#MPYT, la Ley de Ministerios N° 22.520 (texto ordenado por Decreto Nº

Health, Financing covid19 Proposition_SS_Monitor_covid19, Published Measures summary mmarquez
Argentina: Cobertura médica para niñas y niños cuya inscripción no pudo finalizarse argentina (07.04.2020) A través de la resolución 309/2020, el Gobierno Nacional dispone que los hijos de afiliados a Agentes del Seguro de Salud o Entidades de Medicina Prepaga, nacidos a partir del 20 de febrero de 2020 y por los cuales no…

Children of insured workers to the who were born on or after February 20th, and whose inscription to the system could not be finalized, are covered for medical services up until the confinement period ends.


Resolución 309/2020



Ciudad de Buenos Aires, 07/04/2020

VISTO el Expediente N° EX-2020-23811600-APN-GGE#SSS del Registro de la SUPERINTENDENCIA DE SERVICIOS DE SALUD,

Health insurance, Children covid19 Proposition_SS_Monitor_covid19, Published_SS_Monitor mmarquez
Argentina: El COVID-19 se considera como enfermedad profesional argentina (14.04.2020) A través del decreto 367/2020, el Gobierno Nacional dispone que la COVID-19 producida por el coronavirus SARS-CoV-2, será considerada una enfermedad presuntivamente de carácter profesional. De este modo las Aseguradoras de…


The COVID-19 will be considered a presumptively professional disease. In this way, the Occupational Risk Insurers (ARTs) must adapt their coverage so that the affected workers receive, immediately, the corresponding benefits.

Decreto 367/2020

DECNU-2020-367-APN-PTE - Enfermedad de carácter profesional no listada.


Ciudad de Buenos Aires, 13/04/2020

VISTO el Expediente N° EX-2020-25188323- -APN-DGDMT#MPYT, las Leyes Nº 19.587, N° 24.241, N° 24.557, Nº

Occupational accidents and diseases covid19 Proposition_SS_Monitor_covid19, Published Measures summary mmarquez
Argentina: Salario complementario para trabajadores en el sector privado argentina (20.04.2020) El Decreto 376/2020 sobre el Programa de Asistencia de Emergencia al Trabajo y la Producción estableció un salario complementario correspondiente al mes de febrero, que consiste en una asignación abonada por el Estado Nacional (50%) para los trabajadores y las…

Complementary salary: an allowance paid by the National State (50%) for workers in an employment relationship in the private sector.


Decreto 376/2020

DECNU-2020-376-APN-PTE - Ampliación Decreto N° 332/2020.


Ciudad de Buenos Aires, 19/04/2020

VISTO el Expediente N° EX-2020-26600102-APN

Employment, Cash transfers covid19 Proposition_SS_Monitor_covid19, Published_SS_Monitor mmarquez
Argentina: Postergación o reducción de hasta el 95% de contribuciones patronales al SIPA argentina (20.04.2020) El Decreto 376/2020 sobre el Programa de Asistencia de Emergencia al Trabajo y la Producción establece la postergación o reducción de hasta el NOVENTA Y CINCO POR CIENTO (95%) del pago de las contribuciones patronales al Sistema Integrado Previsional Argentino…


Postponement or reduction of up to NINETY FIVE PERCENT (95%) of the payment of employer contributions to the Argentine Integrated Social Security System (SIPA).


Decreto 376/2020

DECNU-2020-376-APN-PTE - Ampliación Decreto N° 332/2020.


Ciudad de Buenos Aires, 19/04/2020

VISTO el Expediente N° EX-2020-26600102-APN

Old-age pensions, Contribution collection and compliance contribution collection, covid19 Proposition_SS_Monitor_covid19, Published Measures summary mmarquez
Argentina: Créditos para el pago de sueldos argentina (19.04.2020) Los bancos que sean agentes de pagos de salarios deberán ofrecer préstamos a PyMEs para el pago de sueldos de marzo a una tasa fija del 24% por un año, con un periodo de gracia de tres meses. Además, se destinaron 30 mil millones de pesos al Fondo de Garantías…

Banks that process employees' payments have to offer SMEs loans for the payment of employees' salaries. The loands are provided at a 24% fixed annual rate, with a grace period of three months.

Créditos para el pago de sueldos a tasa fija del 24%

Los bancos que sean agentes de pagos de salarios deberán ofrecer préstamos a PyMEs para el pago de sueldos de marzo a una tasa fija del 24% por un año, con un periodo de gracia de tres meses. Además, se destinaron 30 mil millon

Employment, Financing covid19 Proposition_SS_Monitor_covid19, Published Measures summary mmarquez
Pakistan: Social Protection and COVID-19 pakistan

Jinnah Institute (05.05.2020) Social Protection and COVID-19

covid19 Proposition_SS_Monitor_covid19, Proposition Measures summary pmassetti
Covid-19 and social protection needs: who are the most vulnerable?

Institute of Development Studies (07.05.2020) Covid-19 has created a multi-layered crisis in societies across the world. Apart from the devastating direct effects of the pandemic on those infected and their families, health systems, economies, education, social life and psychological wellbeing…

Difficult-to-cover groups covid19 Published_SS_Monitor_covid19, Published_SS_Monitor… pmassetti
Half the world's workers face losing their jobs, says ILO

Al Jazeera (29.04.2020) The loss in working hours due to the coronavirus pandemic means 1.6 billion workers may lose their livelihoods.

covid19 Published_SS_Monitor_covid19, Published_SS_Monitor… pmassetti
Guidelines on the COVID-19 Community Isolation Benefit Package (CCIBP) philippines, the

Provided by accredited Community Isolation Units certified by the DOH to benefit all Filipinos who who are suspect, probable and confirmed COVID-19 positive (cannot self-isolate). The case rate is Ph 22,449 or about US$440.18 for those who were able to complete 14 day quarantine.

Cash sickness benefits covid19 Published Measures summary pmassetti
PhilHealth guarantees continuing coverage for Covid-19 patients philippines, the

The Philippine Health Insurance Corporation assured the public it is committed to pay benefits due all Covid-19 patients regardless of their admission date, upholding its earlier announcement that it pays at cost until April 14, and through its new case rate packages starting April 15 onwards.…

The Philippine Health Insurance Corporation assured the public it is committed to pay benefits due all Covid-19 patients regardless of their admission date, upholding its earlier announcement that it pays at cost until April 14, and through its new case rate packages starting April 15 onwards.…

Cash sickness benefits covid19 Published Measures summary pmassetti
Brazil: Distribution of 323 thousand food baskets for vulnerable populations brazil (21.04.2020) The federal government will distribute 323,400 baskets to serve vulnerable populations - Indigenous peoples, quilombolas and settlers - during the new coronavirus pandemic.

The federal government will distribute 323,400 food baskets ("cestas básicas") to serve vulnerable populations - Indigenous peoples, quilombolas and settlers - during the new coronavirus pandemic. The measure will be implemented by the Ministry of Women, Family and Human Rights, and it will have…

Difficult-to-cover groups, Food and nutrition covid19 Published Measures summary… mmarquez
Brazil: School meals will be delivered to the families brazil (07.04.2020) During the period of suspension of classes in public schools of basic education due to an emergency or public calamity, it is authorized, throughout the national territory, on an exceptional basis, the immediate distribution to parents or guardians of students…

Distribution of school meals to the families is approved at the national level, with a budget of R$1.5 billion, and it is expected to cover about 40 million students and 150,000 schools.

Presidency of the Republic Sub -General Secretariat 

Children, Food and nutrition covid19 Published Measures summary mmarquez
Brazil: Government will direct R $4.5 billion of DPVAT to reinforce SUS budget brazil (16.03.2020) The government will direct R$4.5 billion that are in the DPVAT (a compulsory insurance paid by…

Redirection of R$4.5 billion that are in the DPVAT (a compulsory insurance paid by motor vehicles’ owners) fund to reinforce the SUS…

Health insurance, Financing covid19 Published_SS_Monitor… mmarquez
Brazil: Aid for informal and independent workers - "Coronavoucher" brazil (02.04.2020) The benefit of continuous provision (BPC) is going to be granted to workers in the informal sector and to the self-employed. The benefit of R$600 (approx. USD $120) will be provided for the period of three months and to a maximum of two members of the same family…

The benefit of continuous provision (BPC) is going to be granted to workers in the informal sector and to the self-employed. The benefit of R$600 will be provided for the period of three months and to a maximum of two members of the same family unit whose family income is below a certain…

Cash transfers covid19, self-employed Published_SS_Monitor_covid19, Published Measures summary… mmarquez
Brazil: De-centralization of financial resources for states and municipalities brazil (March 2020) The Ministry of Health approved the de-centralization of financial resources (about R$ 5 billion, or USD 1 billion) to States and Municipalities to support local actions.

De-centralization of financial resources (about R$ 5 billion, or USD 1 billion) to States and Municipalities to support local actions

Health, Health insurance, Financing covid19 Published Measures summary mmarquez