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India: COVID-19 impact: Informal economy workers excluded from most govt measures, be it cash transfers or tax benefits

Submitted by pmassetti on

firstpost.com (11.05.2020) COVID-19 is far more than a health crisis. The economic crisis--a severe fallout of the virus--is grim, and much grimmer for developing countries like India. The pandemic has already exposed the health vulnerabilities facing India, especially its rural poor, and urban slum dwellers.

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Covid-19 and social protection needs: who are the most vulnerable?

Submitted by pmassetti on

Institute of Development Studies (07.05.2020) Covid-19 has created a multi-layered crisis in societies across the world. Apart from the devastating direct effects of the pandemic on those infected and their families, health systems, economies, education, social life and psychological wellbeing have all been compromised. Covid-19 exacerbates pre-existing vulnerabilities (‘Covid-intensified’) and creates new vulnerabilities (‘Covid-specific’).

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Brazil: Distribution of 323 thousand food baskets for vulnerable populations

Submitted by mmarquez on

folha.uol.com.br (21.04.2020) The federal government will distribute 323,400 baskets to serve vulnerable populations - Indigenous peoples, quilombolas and settlers - during the new coronavirus pandemic.

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Global challenges
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Food and nutrition


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Canada: Indigenous Community Support Fund

Submitted by mmarquez on

canada.ca (23.03.2020)

A new Indigenous Community Support Fund

In response to the COVID-19 pandemic, on March 18, 2020, the Government of Canada announced the COVID-19 Economic Response Plan. This plan includes $305 million for a new, distinctions-based Indigenous Community Support Fund to address immediate needs in First Nations, Inuit and Métis communities. This funding will also provide support to regional, urban and off-reserve Indigenous organizations.

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Social assistance


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How the COVID-19 pandemic will affect informal workers. Insights from Kenya

Submitted by gfilhon on

theconversation.com (22.03.2020) COVID-19 is going to have a devastating impact on economies. Africa has a particular vulnerability because so many people work in the informal sector. In an interview with Moina Spooner from The Conversation Africa, Njeri Kinyanjui explains how this could unfold for Kenya’s informal labourers and whether there’s anything that can be done to support them.

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France: Auto-entrepreneurs d’Uber, Deliveroo et autres plateformes - des indépendants devenus très dépendants

Submitted by dfabbri on

France Inter (12.08.2019) Tandis que la grogne ne cesse de monter chez les livreurs de Deliveroo, la plateforme britannique de livraison de repas à domicile, dénonçant la baisse de leur salaire, Le téléphone sonne braque le guidon vers ces travailleurs de la nouvelle économie.

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Digital Economy Topical Cluster
Digital Platforms
Labour market
Digital Economy Observatory : Only Tags

Calidad del empleo se daña en Amèrica Latina: Cepal

Submitted by dfabbri on

eluniversal (12.08.2019) México, Argentina, Brasil, Chile, Costa Rica, Ecuador y Perú están entre los países en donde la calidad del empleo se deteriora, advirtió la Comisión Económica para América Latina y el Caribe (Cepal). De acuerdo con el Estudio Económico de América Latina y el Caribe 2019, en esas naciones se ha incrementado el número de trabajos por cuenta propia, modalidad en la que hay menos prestaciones de protección social, así como remuneraciones y condiciones laborales menos favorables.

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latin america
Global challenges
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Digital Economy Topical Cluster
Labour market
Digital Economy Observatory : Only Tags
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France: L’aide médicale réservée aux sans-papiers dans le viseur du gouvernement

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Le Monde (96.08.2019)  A la demande du gouvernement, une mission de l’inspection générale des affaires sociales et de l’inspection générale des finances étudie des pistes de réforme de ce dispositif réservé aux sans-papiers.

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India: PM may launch farm pension scheme next month, enrolment to start from Aug 1

Submitted by dfabbri on

business-standard (30.07.2019) Enrolment for the much-talked-about pension scheme for farmers, called the Pbusiness-standard (3'.07.2019) radhan Mantri Kisan Mandhan Yojana, will begin from August 1 to enable a soft launch by Prime Minister Narendra Modi later in the same month.

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